Bryan, Garnier & Co Announces the Successful $275m IPO for Galapagos NV, the Largest Nasdaq IPO of European Biotech
Geschrieben am 14-05-2015 |
London (ots/PRNewswire) -
Bryan, Garnier & Co, the pan-European investment bank for growth
companies, announces the successful $275 million Nasdaq IPO for
Galapagos NV, a major European clinical-stage biotechnology company.
Bryan, Garnier & Co is the only European investment bank in the IPO
syndicate. The Galapagos IPO on Nasdaq confirms the strong momentum
of the European healthcare sector.
(Logo: )
Galapagos NV announced today the pricing of its global offering
totaling $275 million gross proceeds, initially filed for $150
million. The new shares were placed in a concurrent public offering
in the US through ADSs at a price of $42.05 and private placement in
Europe at a price of EUR37 per share. It is the largest Nasdaq IPO of
a European biotech and one of three largest biotech IPO ever in
Europe or in the US.
Bryan, Garnier & Co acted as co-manager and sole European
investment bank, alongside Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Cowen and
Company and Nomura.
Bryan Garnier & Co keeps on leading the financing of the European
healthcare companies, in Europe and in the US:
- Bryan, Garnier & Co was the only European investment bank involved in the
top 5 IPOs of European healthcare companies on Nasdaq i.e. Galapagos (Belgium), DBV
Technology (France), Forward Pharma (Denmark), Cellectis (France), Adaptimune (UK), as
well as in the IPO of LDR Holding (US/France).
- Bryan, Garnier & Co confirms its leading position in the financing of the
European emerging biopharma industry, through private equity placements, PIPEs, and
public offerings, on both the European and the American equity capital markets (LSE,
AIM, Euronext, Alternext, and Nasdaq OMX).
- Cumulated placements managed by Bryan, Garnier & Co in healthcare exceeded
1bEUR over the past 24 months including 3 Nasdaq IPOs (Galapagos, DBV Technologies and
LDR Holding).
For more information, please contact Anna Emelianenko ( | +33-1-56-68-75-00) or Daiana Hirte ( | +33-1-56-26-72-00).
About Galapagos:
About Bryan, Garnier & Co:
ots Originaltext: Bryan, Garnier & Co
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