
EANS-General Meeting: FACC AG / Invitation to the General Meeting

Geschrieben am 18-05-2015

General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.

having its registered office in Ried im Innkreis
FN [Business Register Number] 336290w
to the 1st ordinary shareholders' meeting

This is to invite our shareholders (ISIN AT00000FACC2) to the first
ordinary shareholders' meeting of FACC AG which will be held on
Monday, 15 June 2015, at 10:30 a.m. at MESSE RIED, Halle 17/1.Stock -
Brucknerstrasse 39 in 4910 Ried i. Innkreis.


1. Presentation of the adopted annual financial statements including the
management report, the consolidated financial statements including the group
management report and the corporate governance report and the report made by the
Supervisory Board for the business year 2014/15.
2. Resolution on approval of the actions of the Executive Board members for
the business year 2014/15.
3. Resolution on approval of the actions of the Supervisory Board members
for the business year 2014/15.
4. Resolution on remuneration of the Supervisory Board members for the
business year 2014/15.
5. Election of the auditor and group auditor for the business year 2015/16.
6. Amendment to Article 21.2 of the Articles of Association.


The following documents will be made available for inspection on the
internet at www.facc.com from 25 May 2015 in accordance with Section
108(3) and (4) AktG and will be available for inspection at the
shareholders' meeting: - Annual financial statements including the
management report, - Consolidated financial statements including the
group management report, - Corporate governance report, - Report of
the Supervisory Board, each for the business year 2014/15

- Proposals for resolutions on items 2 to 6 on the agenda
- Text of this invitation to the shareholders' meeting
- Forms for granting or revocation of proxy

109, 110 AND 118 AKTG

Shareholders whose shares in the aggregate amount to five per cent of
the share capital and who have held those shares for at least three
months prior to the motion may request in writing that additional
items be included in the agenda of the shareholders' meeting and that
they be announced. Such requests must be received by the Company in
writing exclusively at the address 4910 Ried i. Innkreis,
Fischerstrasse 9, Investor Relations Department, Attn: Manuel Taverne
by 25 May 2015. Every item so requested to be included in the agenda
must be accompanied by a proposal for resolution including a
statement of the reasons. To evidence the shareholder status for
bearer shares kept in custody it is sufficient to present a deposit
receipt as defined in Section 10a AktG which certifies that the
requesting shareholders have held their shares for at least three
months prior to the motion and such evidence must not be older than
seven days at the time of presentation to the Company. Several
deposit receipts for shares which only amount to 5% of the share
capital in the aggregate must refer to the same date. As regards the
other deposit receipt requirements reference is made to the
information about the right to attend shareholders' meetings.

Shareholders whose shares in the aggregate amount to one per cent of
the share capital may submit proposals for resolutions regarding any
item on the agenda in text format including a statement of the
reasons and request that such proposals be made accessible on the
Company's website, including the names of the shareholders concerned,
the reasons for the same, which have to be included, and comments of
the Executive Board or the Supervisory Board, if any. Such request
must be received by the Company in text format by letter to 4910 Ried
i. Innkreis, Fischerstrasse 9, Investor Relations Department, Attn:
Manuel Taverne or by e-mail to investor.relations@facc.com by 3 June
2015 and the request must be attached to the email message in text
format, e.g. as a pdf-file. A proposal for resolution which was
announced in accordance with Section 110(1) AktG shall only be voted
on if the said proposal is made again as a motion at the
shareholders' meeting. To evidence the shareholder status to be able
to exercise this shareholder right it shall be sufficient for bearer
shares kept in custody to provide a deposit receipt in accordance
with Section 10a AktG which must not be older than seven days at the
time of presentation to the Company. Several deposit receipts for
shares which only amount to 1% of the share capital in the aggregate
must refer to the same date. As regards the other deposit receipt
requirements reference is made to the information about the right to
attend shareholders' meetings. At the shareholders' meeting every
shareholder is entitled to file motions with respect to any item on
the agenda that require no prior announcement. This requires evidence
of the right to attend the meeting, i.e. an invitation to the
shareholders' meeting. This does not apply to elections to the
Supervisory Board.

At the shareholders' meeting every shareholder shall, upon request,
be informed about company affairs to the extent that such information
is required for proper assessment of an item on the agenda. The duty
to provide information also includes the legal and business
relationships of the Company to an affiliate. The duty to provide
information also includes information on the situation of the group
and the entities included in the consolidated financial statements.
Such information may be denied if, according to the reasonable
judgement of an entrepreneur, disclosure of the same might cause a
material disadvantage to the Company or an affiliated enterprise or
might be punishable. For reasons of procedural economy please submit
any questions the answering of which requires an extended period of
preparation timely before the shareholders' meeting via email to
investor.relations@facc.com or by letter to the Company in 4910 Ried
im Innkreis, Fischerstrasse 9, Investor Relations Department, Attn:
Manuel Taverne.

More information on these shareholder rights as defined in Sections
109, 110 and 118 AktG are now available on the Company's website at


The right to attend a shareholders' meeting and to exercise voting
rights and other shareholder rights which are to be claimed in
connection with shareholders' meetings depends on the shares held at
5 June 2015, midnight (Record Date). Only persons who are
shareholders at the Record Date and provide evidence thereof to the
Company are entitled to attend the shareholders' meeting. A deposit
receipt as defined in Section 10a AktG which is received by the
Company's registration office by 10 June 2015 shall suffice as
evidence of the shareholding at the Evidence Date.

Registration office: Fax no.: +43(0)1 8900 500 99 Email address:
anmeldung.facc@hauptversammlung.at (as a scanned attachment; PDF,
TIF, etc.) Via SWIFT: GIBAATWGGMS (Message Type MT598, ISIN
must be stated in the text field)"

Deposit receipt pursuant to Section 10a AktG

The deposit receipt must be issued by the bank keeping the securities
account, whose registered office shall be in a member state of the
European Economic Area or in a Full Member State of the OECD, and
shall contain the following information:

- information on the issuer: name and address or a standard code used for
transactions between banks (SWIFT code),
- information on the shareholder: name, address, date of birth in the case
of individuals, register and register number in the case of legal entities,
- information on the shares: number of shares held by the shareholder
- securities account number or any other identification,
- express statement that the confirmation refers to the status of the
securities account on 5 June 2015, midnight (CET).

Deposit receipts will be accepted in German or in English. The shareholders will
not be blocked by their registration for the shareholders' meeting and/or their
submission of a deposit receipt; thus, shareholders may continue to freely
dispose of their shares even after registration and/or transmission of a deposit


Every shareholder who is entitled to attend the shareholders' meeting
has the right to appoint a proxy, who shall attend the shareholders'
meeting on behalf of the shareholder and who shall have the same
rights as the shareholder s/he represents. A proxy must be granted to
a specific person (a natural or a legal person) in text format, and
also several persons may be granted proxy. The proxy must be received
by the Company exclusively at one of the addresses stated below:

by fax: +43(0)1 8900 500 99

via SWIFT: GIBAATWGGMS (Message Type MT598, ISIN must
be stated in the text field)

by post:
Investor Relations
Fischer Strasse 9
4910 Ried i. Innkreis

Email: anmeldung.facc@hauptversammlung.at (as a scanned attachment;
PDF, TIF, etc.)

Personally when registering for the shareholders' meeting at the
location of the shareholders' meeting.

A proxy form and a form for revocation of proxy will be sent to you
upon request and are available on the Company's website at
www.facc.com. If the proxy is not handed in personally upon
registration on the day of the shareholders' meeting, the proxy must
be received by the Company by 12 June 2015, 3 p.m. The foregoing
regulations on granting proxy shall apply mutatis mutandis to
revocation of proxy. If a shareholder has granted proxy to the bank
that keeps his/her securities account(s), in addition to the deposit
receipt a confirmation by one of the permitted means (see above) of
the bank to the effect that it was granted proxy shall suffice.


At the time the shareholders' meeting is convened the Company's share
capital is divided into 45,790,000 no-par-value shares. Every share
entitles the holder to one vote. At the time the shareholders'
meeting is convened the Company holds no treasury shares. Therefore,
the total number of shares granting a right to attend and vote
amounts to 45,790,000 shares at the time the shareholders' meeting is

To ensure smooth admission the shareholders are requested to arrive
in due time before the meeting. The shareholders and/or their proxies
are requested to present an official identification document
including a photo (driver's licence, passport, identity card) for
identification at the entrance to the shareholders' meeting.
Admission for collection of voting cards will start at 10:00 a.m.

Ried i. Innkreis, May 2015

The Executive Board

Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations:
Manual Taverne
Director Investor Relations
Mobil: 0664/801192819
E-Mail: m.taverne@facc.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: FACC AG
Fischerstraße 9
A-4910 Ried im Innkreis
phone: +43/59/616-0
FAX: +43/59/616-81000
mail: office@facc.com
WWW: www.facc.com
sector: Industrial Components
stockmarkets: Regulated free trade: Wien
language: English


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