EANS-Adhoc: Kapsch TrafficCom AG reports clear improvement in profits in fiscal
year 2014/15
Geschrieben am 16-06-2015 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
annual result/annual report
* Revenue fell by 6 % due to the lack of new large toll projects
* EBIT improved by 62 %, profit for the period more than tripled
* Dividend of EUR 0.50 per share proposed
* Strategy 2020 defines the future business
_________ |1_April-31_March__|______2013/14______|_______+/-_%_______
|______2014/15______| |Revenues (in | 487.0|
-6 %| 456.4| |million_EUR)______|___________________|___
________________|___________________| |EBIT (in million |
20.3| +62 %| 32.7| |EUR)______________|___
________________|___________________|___________________| |Profit for
the | 2.9| +299 %| |
|period (in million| | |
11.4| |EUR)______________|___________________|___________________|___
________________| |Earnings per share| -0.33|
-| 0.28| |(in_EUR)(1)_______|___________________|______
_____________|___________________| |Dividend per share|
0.00| -| 0.50(2)| |(in_EUR)(2)_______|___
(1) Earnings per share relate to 13.0 million shares; calculated from
the profit for the period attributable to the equity holders of the
company (2) Proposal of the executive board subject to approval of
the shareholders' meeting on 9 September 2015
Vienna, June 16, 2015 - Kapsch TrafficCom AG (ISIN AT000KAPSCH9),
listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange in the prime market segment,
reports on an intense 2014/15 fiscal year. Through implementation of
the Program 2020 in particular, the company also achieved significant
strategic progress. This comprehensive set of measures includes cost
savings and structural adaptations with short-term effect and will
also contribute with the associated Strategy 2020 to strengthening
the market position for the future. From an operational perspective,
the Kapsch TrafficCom Group made continued progress on existing
installation projects during the fiscal year 2014/15. In addition,
new projects were obtained in the U.S.A. as well as several projects
in Australia. However, new major orders remained elusive due to a
lack of invitations to tender. Four years after entering the market,
Kapsch TrafficCom has achieved the goal of being recognized in North
America as an end-to-end solution provider. While the installation of
Kapsch TrafficCom's first toll system here is nearly complete, the
company also received its first system order from a toll authority of
the E-ZPass Group during the reporting period, in which further
potential for the future can be seen. In March 2015, Kapsch
TrafficCom won the invitation to tender for its first U.S. order for
an end-to-end solution: the installation, back office and operation
of the toll system on the Ohio River Bridge. The operation projects
continued to supply stable earnings contributions. The projects in
Gauteng, South Africa, and in Belarus were in operation for their
first entire fiscal year, with a positive impact on the results. The
system in Belarus was also expanded, as was the toll system in
Poland. The continued expansion of both projects is in planning or
has already been ordered.
Zwtl.: Revenue and earnings
The revenue of the Kapsch TrafficCom Group during the fiscal year
2014/15 amounted to EUR 456.4 million, which corresponds to a decline
of 6.3 % compared with the previous year's sales of EUR 487.0
million, reflecting the lack of new, large installation projects.
However, the operating result (EBIT) increased by 61.5 % and amounted
to EUR 32.7 million following EUR 20.3 million in the previous year.
In addition to positive one-time effects at mid-year, the initial
impact of the initiated cost reductions can be seen here. The EBIT
margin increased as a result to 7.2 % following 4.2 % in the previous
year and 3,4% in the year before that. Kapsch TrafficCom sees this as
a major step in the right direction. By the end of the current fiscal
year 2015/16, all implemented measures will take full effect, from
which a total cost reduction of roughly EUR 30 million is expected.
The headcount of the Kapsch TrafficCom Group increased by 237 people
to 3,545 as of 31 March 2015 compared to 3,308 as of 31 March 2014.
This increase is the result from the acquisition of KTC USA Inc., the
take-over of external staff in the South African subsidiary ETC (Pty)
Ltd. and from the expansion of the operation companies in Poland and
Belarus. The profit for the period increased from EUR 2.9 million in
the previous year to EUR 11.4 million despite a goodwill impairment
for the share in Q-Free ASA. The profit per share, which only
represents the profit share of the equity holders, is once again
positive at EUR 0.28 on this basis. The executive board will propose
to the annual shareholders' meeting a dividend payout of EUR 0.50 per
share for the fiscal year 2014/15. No dividend was paid in the
previous year as a one-time exception.
Zwtl.: Financial position and cash flows
The balance sheet paints an extremely solid picture. The equity ratio
increased by 5 percentage points to 42.5 %, the net debt was
significantly reduced and cash and cash equivalents rose to EUR 96.8
million at the end of March 2015. Capital employed and net working
capital were below the levels of the previous year. The free cash
flow, which was negative in the previous year at EUR -24.7 million,
reached EUR 68.2 million in the reporting period. In order to further
optimize the capital structure, the Kapsch TrafficCom Group made its
bond investors an offer for an early buyback of the bonds in April
2015. The outstanding volume of the corporate bond due in 2017 was
reduced as a result from EUR 75.0 million to EUR 70.8 million at the
end of May.
Zwtl.: Strategy 2020
Strategy 2020 will lead to a transformation of the business. In
addition to strengthening and securing the existing core business -
toll collection and traffic management systems - Kapsch TrafficCom
will develop new, forward-looking intelligent mobility solutions
(IMS) and develop new business models and integrated
multi-application solutions. With solutions for smart parking,
commercial vehicle enforcement and public transport, Kapsch
TrafficCom will in future target end users in addition to public
agencies and expand its range of offerings from the highway into the
city. The vision: We enable exceptional user experiences with
intelligent mobility solutions.
Zwtl.: Outlook
As part of the Program 2020, Kapsch TrafficCom defined three
strategic priorities: operational excellence, grow and secure the
core business as well as inaugurate an intelligent mobility solutions
(IMS) business. The next years will therefore be challenging for the
Kapsch TrafficCom Group but will also bring many new opportunities.
The initiated cost savings will fully take effect over the course of
the fiscal year 2015/16. The profitability of the core business
should then lie at roughly 10 %, as expected, once again leaving
sufficient freedom for future investments. A first step toward this
future was taken with the purchase of a majority interest in the
Californian smart parking provider Streetline in April 2015. Due to
the additional investments required, the reported EBIT margin of the
Kapsch TrafficCom Group is expected to remain below 10 % in the
fiscal year 2015/16. Kapsch TrafficCom will concertedly continue
existing projects and work to further strengthen its market position
with new developments and projects. In the years to come, some
existing contracts for operation projects will be put out to tender
again. This will be the case in 2016 for the nationwide electronic
truck toll system in the Czech Republic and the contract for the
technical operation and maintenance of the nationwide electronic
truck toll system in Austria, although the latter is confirmed to be
continued until June 2017. Kapsch TrafficCom will strive to win these
tenders again with the best service offer.
Zwtl.: Notification
An overview of the fiscal year 2014/15 (key aspects and figures) can
be found at http://www.kapsch.net/ktc/investor_relations/presentation
s_information/download/ Overview/KTC_IR_Overview_FY14-15?lang=en-US.
The entire annual financial statements and the annual report for
2014/15 will be published on 22 June 2015.
Further inquiry note:
Press Contact:
Ingrid Lawicka
Kapsch AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 50 811 1705
E-mail: ingid.lawicka@kapsch.net
Investor Contact:
Marcus Handl
Investor Relations Officer
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 50 811 1120
E-mail: ir.kapschtraffic@kapsch.net
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2
A-1121 Wien
phone: +43 1 50811 1122
FAX: +43 1 50811 99 1122
mail: ir.kapschtraffic@kapsch.net
WWW: www.kapschtraffic.com
sector: Technology
indexes: Prime Market
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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