Hannover welcomes visitors to the International Firework Competition Herrenhausen (VIDEO)
Geschrieben am 31-07-2015 |
Hannover (ots) -
Hannover welcomes international visitors - whether it's to the
Herrenhausen International Firework Competition or as a trade fair
In 2015, the International Firework Competition held in Hannover's
Herrenhausen district celebrates its 25th anniversary. At the oldest
such event in Germany, the most highly acclaimed pyrotechnics teams
compete for this highly coveted prize every summer against the
magnificent backdrop of the baroque Herrenhausen Gardens. Before
these artistically choreographed displays start, a supporting
programme transports visitors away to each of the participating
countries. Further information is available at
The world-famous competition celebrates its 25th anniversary in
2015 with top teams from all over the globe. Pyrotechnic experts
demonstrate their skills and create amazing sights and sounds against
the beautiful backdrop of Herrenhausen Gardens in Hannover, Germany.
And, as an international trade fair venue, Lower Saxony's capital
also welcomes visitors from throughout the world on many other
occasions, too - including CeBIT, HANNOVER MESSE, Domotex and many
other major global exhibitions. In 2016, the USA will be the partner
country for the HANNOVER MESSE for the first time.
Once upon a time - well, in 1991 - the International Firework
Competition in Hannover celebrated its premiere. The competition,
which has been running for 25 years, is the first and one of the most
popular competitions of its kind in Germany. On five summer evenings,
the world's best pyrotechnicians compete against each other in the
Great Garden to win the title. And, before the countdown to ignition,
visitors can experience a fantastic spectacle; live music, walking
acts, cabaret and theatre, all themed to each participating country.
This year's participants
In addition to the four-time winners of the International Firework
Competition from Sweden, HVG has selected top teams from Italy,
Spain, Finland and the Philippines to compete this year: the 25th
International Firework Competition kicked off on 16 May with a
display by PyroEmotions, the Italian team. The team specialises in
innovative fireworks, presented in dynamic and colourful
choreographies of a high artistic standard. On 6 June, the
International Firework Competition hosted high-calibre guests from
Spain: the pyrotechnic company Ricardo Caballer SA delivers fireworks
to five continents and countless theme parks, making it one of the
country's largest fireworks export firms. The combination of
tradition and new technologies has earned the pyrotechnicians
numerous prizes and a distinguished international reputation.
After a summer break, the International Firework Competition will
enter the next round with a genuine first: on 22 August, Finnish team
Suomen Ilotulitus Oy will be taking part, the pioneering entry for
their country. The company is based in Lohja but also has a branch in
Liuyang Hunan, the capital city of the fireworks industry. With more
than 60 years' experience, it has already set off 10,000 fireworks.
On 5 September, the International Firework Competition will have an
exotic touch, when the Philippine team Dragon Fireworks shows what it
can do. Dragon Fireworks was the first state-approved producer of
pyrotechnic products in the Philippines and is now one of the largest
fireworks manufacturers in South-East Asia. Dragon Fireworks perform
ground-breaking work with enormous skill, creativity and technical
expertise, producing magnificent and highly distinctive displays. The
25th International Firework Competition will end on 19 September with
a show by Göteborgs FyrverkeriFabrik. Martin Hildeberg, his team and
the way in which he presents his fireworks are already familiar and
much loved in Hannover: the Swedish artists have already won the
International Firework Competition on four occasions (2002, 2003,
2004, and 2010).
The organiser of the competition is Hannover Veranstaltungs GmbH
(HVG). In 2014, a total of more than 51,000 visitors attended the
five rounds of the Firework Competition in Herrenhausen. Further
information about the competition is available at:
A gorgeous backdrop to the competition: Herrenhausen Gardens - a
baroque garden masterpiece
The Great Garden in Hannover is synonymous with garden culture and
garden architecture at its finest. The famous polymath Gottfried
Wilhelm Leibniz and Electress Sophie once walked through the garden
discussing new and revolutionary ideas. Designed in the 17th century
and with its palace now splendidly reconstructed, it is among the
most beautiful and significant baroque gardens in Europe. With its
magnificent water fountains, impressive sculptures and summertime
floral diversity, the garden offers a perfect setting for events -
and attracts many visitors from all over the world.
Hannover - with two n's and many other benefits!
For over 65 years now, Hannover - located in the heart of Germany
and the centre of Europe - has also enjoyed a strong international
reputation as a leading venue for trade fairs and conferences.
Throughout the year, major global exhibitions such as CeBIT, EMO,
Agritechnica and HANNOVER MESSE attract millions of visitors from all
over the world. In 2016, the United States of America will be the
partner country for the HANNOVER MESSE trade show. It will be the
first time that the USA has been in the role of partner to the
world's largest and most important industrial fair, which has been
held in Lower Saxony's state capital since 1947. The city is now
eager to find out whether US President Obama will be travelling to
Hannover for the opening of the HANNOVER MESSE. In 2016, the event
will be held from April 25 to 29.
However, Hannover's assets include even much more than the world's
largest exhibition centre. Recently awarded the title UNESCO City of
Music, it offers culture at the highest level, numerous shopping and
nightlife options, as well as local and international culinary
delights. Visitors can follow the 'Red Thread' for a self-guided
walking tour exploring top sights including the magnificent Town
Hall, the picturesque Old Town and the world-renowned 'Nanas',
sculptures by Niki de Saint Phalle. Historic buildings that bear
witness to the time of the personal union between Hannover and Great
Britain can be discovered on the route described in our Architectural
City Guide. The two states were linked by a shared king for 123 years
between 1714 and 1837. Germany's greenest metropolis also offers
superb recreational opportunities with its city forest twice as large
as New York's Central Park, its Adventure Zoo, Maschsee Lake and the
famous baroque gardens of Herrenhausen. And the city's surrounding
area provides visitors to the Hannover region with an abundance of
beautiful countryside and many ways to spend memorable days:
north-western Germany's largest lake, Steinhuder Meer, is perfect for
sailing and cycling; the Deister, Hannover's backyard range of hills,
gives walkers the itch to hike. And the history of the Guelphs can be
experienced up close at Marienburg Castle.
To find out more, visit www.visit-hannover.com/en. Press
materials and photos for editorial use are available at
www.visit-hannover.com/en/press presse@hannover-marketing.de
Julia Sellner
Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH
Tel.: +49 511 123490-13
e-mail presse@hannover-marketing.de
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