EANS-Adhoc: Ad-hoc information from Flughafen Wien AG on an offer to increase
its holding in Malta Airport
Geschrieben am 24-08-2015 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Mergers - Acquisitions - Takeovers
Ad-hoc information from Flughafen Wien AG on an offer to increase its
holding in Malta Airport
Flughafen Wien AG hereby announces that it makes an offer conditional
to the approval of the Supervisory Board of FWAG to acquire SNC
Lavalin Inc's stake in Malta International Airport plc ("Malta
Since the privatisation of Malta Airport in 2002, 40% of it has been
held by the consortium company Malta Mediterranean Link Consortium
Limited, in which Flughafen Wien AG has a 57.1% holding via its
subsidiary VIE (Malta) Limited. Flughafen Wien AG also provides
operating management for Malta Airport and directly holds a further
10.1% of the shares in Malta Airport through VIE (Malta) Limited. At
present, Flughafen Wien AG's total holding in Malta Airport equals
The Canadian company SNC Lavalin Inc. also has a holding in Malta
Mediterranean Link Consortium Limited. The objective of Flughafen
Wien AG in making this offer to acquire SNC Lavalin Inc's stake in
this joint consortium company is to increase its total holding in
Malta Airport by a further 15.5%. If this offer were accepted,
Flughafen Wien AG's total holding in Malta Airport would reach more
than 48%. The precise structure of the transaction has yet to be
decided. The purchase price offered is EUR 3.00 per share. Upon
successful completion of the transaction its total value would amount
to approximately EUR 63 million. In case of a positive conclusion of
the final negotiations, the closing can be expected within the next
six months.
Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations:
Mag. Judit Helenyi (+43-1)7007-23126; j.helenyi@viennaairport.com
Mario Santi (+43-1)7007-22826; m.santi@viennaairport.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Flughafen Wien AG
Postfach 1
A-1300 Wien-Flughafen
phone: +43 1 7007 - 22826
FAX: +43 1 7007 - 23806
mail: investor-relations@viennaairport.com
WWW: http://viennaairport.com/unternehmen/investor_relations
sector: Transport
ISIN: AT0000911805
indexes: ATX Prime, ATX
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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