Denis Manturov Met with German Vice Chancellor and Minister of Agriculture
Geschrieben am 11-11-2015 |
Moscow (ots/PRNewswire) -
Today, on his official visit to Berlin, the Russian Minister of
Trade and Industry, Denis Manturov, held working meetings with
Germany's Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy and Vice
Chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, and Federal Minister of Food and
Agriculture, Christian Schmidt. The top officials discussed the state
of bilateral relations and prospects for cooperation in industrial
and agricultural engineering sectors.
During his meeting with Sigmar Gabriel, Germany's Vice Chancellor
and Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Denis Manturov noted:
"Despite the current Western sanctions and their negative impact on
the economies of both countries, Germany remains Russia's largest
trading partner in Europe, with the mutual trade volume of USD 30.5
bn as at 1 September 2015."
We successfully run the most significant partner projects across a
number of industries such as power and transport engineering,
electrical engineering and automotive industries, machine-tool and
agricultural engineering.
According to the Russian Minister, the parties are very much
interested in joint technology transfer and industrial localisation
projects in Russia which would pave the way to establishing fully
functional production facilities.
In his discussions with the Federal Minister of Food and
Agriculture, Christian Schmidt, Denis Manturov highlighted that by
the end of Q3 2015 Russian agricultural machinery exports hit c. RUB
4.5 bn, the highest level ever. These volumes were primarily driven
by the increasing demand for the new promising Russian machinery
successfully competing with foreign peers on price and quality.
German companies continue to pay a lot of attention both to
Russian agricultural machinery and to opportunities of expanding
bilateral cooperation in agricultural engineering. Meanwhile, the
efforts to bring foreign investment into local production processes,
including the introduction of new support measures in the form of
special-purpose investment contracts, have already been paying off.
"Tomorrow at the fair we are opening a Russian national display to
showcase the existing potential and achievements of Russian
companies, as well as the high technology and innovation standards of
the Russian-made agricultural machinery and its competitive edge in
the global market. This year, agricultural engineering is in high
demand and successfully competes both internally and
internationally," Denis Manturov said.
In Russian:!denis_ma
ots Originaltext: Apostol
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