
EANS-Information of Significance: Binder+Co Aktiengesellschaft / Binder+Co Group Q1–3/2015: improved sales revenues and results; order intake demonstrates a new result quality

Geschrieben am 11-11-2015

Information Of Significance transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a
Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content
of this announcement.

Financial Figures/Balance Sheet/9-month report


Press release / Main company information

Gleisdorf, 11 November 2015

Binder+Co Group Q1–3/2015: improved sales revenues and results; order
intake demonstrates a new result quality

In the first three quarters of 2015, Binder+Co, the Gleisdorf-based,
international specialist for processing, environmental and packaging
technology was able to further raise both its sales revenues and
EBIT. In addition there was marked improvement in the result quality
of new business. Therefore, for 2015 as a whole, the Binder+Co
management is seeking higher sales revenue and result figures than
those of 2013 and 2014.

At EUR 65.25 million sales revenues in the first three quarters of 2015 exceeded
the figure for the same period of last year by around 11%. In addition, EBIT was
roughly quadrupled and amounted to EUR 1.92 million. Order intake declined by
around 26% to EUR 64.95 million, but as opposed to the previous year was
comprised largely of smaller, but more lucrative single machine projects. This
also applied to order backlog, which on 30 September 2015 was down on the figure
for last year, but remained solid at EUR 53.92 million.

Karl Grabner from the Binder+Co. Management Board: “We are satisfied with the
current Binder+Co financial year, as in the first three quarters of 2015, we
were not only able to raise sales revenues and EBIT, but also increase the share
of profitable single machine projects in new business. On this platform, it
continues to be our aim to attain sales revenues and results that are above the
levels of 2013 and 2014.”

The strengths of the Binder+Co Group: three different segments
Sales revenues in the Processing Technology Segment, which is the strongest
segment and covers the screening, wet processing, drying and comminution areas,
amounted to EUR 29.76 million, which was 8% lower than the 2014 figure. The main
reason for this fall was the fact that no large-volume plant projects were
cleared in the first three quarters of 2015. However, following negative results
in both the previous year and the first half of this year, at EUR 0.11 million
EBIT was once again positive. Nonetheless, this figure again mirrors the weak
results of the Comec-Binder S.r.l., Bublon GmbH and Binder+Co Machinery
(Tianjin) Ltd. subsidiaries, which are allotted to this segment. Owing to the
intense competition surrounding the allocation of plant projects, order intake
was well down on the EUR 47.26 million of the previous year at EUR 29.63

Sales revenues in the Environmental Technology Segment, which focuses on sorting
machines for glass, paper and plastics recycling, were some 25% up on those of
the previous year at EUR 17.34 million. However, notwithstanding this rise, in
the first three quarters segment EBIT remained negative at minus EUR 0.34
million owing to the completion of plant projects offering weaker result margins
(Q1–3/2014: EUR 0.38 million). Order intake rose by around 30% to stand at EUR
19.91 million.

Following a consolidation phase in 2014, the Packaging Technology Segment, which
is managed by the independent subsidiary Statec Binder GmbH, was able to raise
its sales revenues by roughly 37% to EUR 20.16 million and EBIT by around 60% to
EUR 2.15 million. By contrast, at EUR 15.41 million, order intake in the first
three quarters of 2015 was some 38% down on the highly positive level of last

Workforce numbers steady, investment programme concluded

As at 30 September 2015, the Binder+Co workforce, which numbered 373
at the end of 2014, had increased marginally to 376 employees.

The long-term investment programme at group headquarters in Gleisdorf
was largely completed in 2014. Consequently, in the first three
quarters of 2015, at EUR 1.83 million investment spending was
considerably lower than that in the comparable period of last year
(EUR 6.01 million).

The Binder+Co Group Binder+Co is a specialist in the field of
processing, environmental and packaging technology and the world
market leader in the screening and glass recycling segments. The
company was listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange at the end of 2006
and is now part of the Third Market in the mid market segment. The
Binder+Co Group consists of Binder+Co AG, the three fully owned
subsidiaries Comec-Binder S.r.l., Bublon GmbH and Binder+Co Machinery
(Tianjin) Ltd., as well as the Statec Binder GmbH joint venture

Further inquiry note:
Karl Grabner, Member of the Board
Tel.: +43/3112/800-363

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Binder+Co Aktiengesellschaft
Grazerstraße 19-25
A-8200 Gleisdorf
phone: +43 3112 800-363
FAX: +43 3112 800-320
mail: karl.grabner@binder-co.at
WWW: www.binder-co.com
sector: Machine Manufacturing
indexes: mid market
stockmarkets: Third Market: Wien
language: English


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