EANS-News: UNIQA Insurance Group AG / UNIQA remains on track in the third
quarter 2015
Geschrieben am 27-11-2015 |
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9-month report
UNIQA remains on track in the third quarter 2015
· Premiums written (including savings portion) increased by 8.3 per
cent to EUR 4,866.1 million · Combined ratio improved from 99.0 per
cent to 98.0 per cent · Group cost ratio reduced from 22.7 per cent
to 21.4 per cent · EBT of EUR 301.9 million (+9.7 per cent) ·
Consolidated net profit rose by 29.6 per cent to EUR 245.0 million
In the first nine months of 2015, UNIQA Insurance Group AG (UNIQA
Group) generated an operating profit of EUR 340.4 million (+10.6 per
cent; 1-9/2014: EUR 307.9 million). Profit from ordinary activities
(EBT) amounted to EUR 301.9 million (+9.7 per cent; 1-9/2014: EUR
275.2 million). Consolidated net profit (after taxes and minority
interests) amounted to EUR 245.0 million (+29.6 per cent; 1-9/2014:
EUR 189.1 million).
Andreas Brandstetter, CEO of UNIQA Insurance Group AG: "Our strong
earnings performance was due particularly to positive performance in
health insurance and a significant rise in profitability in
international business. In addition to this we were able to reduce
the cost ratio and have also improved the combined ratio despite the
negative impact of the hailstorms in the third quarter. In view of
the challenges posed by the continuing low interest rate environment,
which will particularly affect net investment income in life
insurance, as well as the weak economic situation in parts of Europe,
we are continuing to focus on our core business and in the process
are concentrating on continuously improving our insurance operating
business. We are keeping to our ambitious earnings outlook for 2015."
Key Group figures 1-9/2015
Premiums written by UNIQA Group, including the savings portion of
unit- and index-linked life insurance, increased by 8.3 per cent to
EUR 4,866.1 million in the first nine months of 2015 (1-9/2014: EUR
4,492.6 million). This increase is primarily attributable to very
strong growth in single premium business in life insurance in the
first three months of the year - particularly in bank-based sales in
Italy - and good development in the area of health insurance. While
recurring premiums rose by 0.2 per cent across all business areas,
single premiums in life insurance climbed by 58.5 per cent. Premiums
in property and casualty insurance rose only slightly to EUR 2,029.6
million (+0.3 per cent; 1-9/ 2014: EUR 2,024.2 million) as a result
of restraint in the highly competitive vehicle business in CEE.
Premiums written in life insurance were up 19.6 per cent at EUR
2,087.5 million (1-9/2014: EUR 1,744.8 million), while premium income
in health insurance increased by 3.5 per cent to EUR 749.1 million
(1-9/2014: EUR 723.6 million).
Retained premiums earned (in accordance with IFRS, not including the
savings portion of unit- and index-linked life insurance) increased
by 10.4 per cent to EUR 4,307.6 million (1-9/2014: EUR 3,900.7
The UNIQA Group's net insurance benefits increased by 10.6 per cent
to EUR 3,512.5 million in the first nine months of 2015 (1-9/2014:
EUR 3,175.5 million) primarily as a result of the substantial
increase in premiums in life insurance. This figure includes costs of
EUR 28.6 million resulting from the hailstorms in the third quarter.
Total operating expenses less reinsurance commissions increased by
3.0 per cent to EUR 998.5 million compared with the same period of
the previous year (1-9/ 2014: EUR 969.1 million). Despite the strong
premium growth, operating expenses for acquisition only rose by 4.3
per cent to EUR 708.5 million (1-9/2014: EUR 679.2 million). From
January to September 2015, other operating expenses (administrative
expenses) remained exactly the same as in the previous year at EUR
289.9 million.
The Group cost ratio (after reinsurance) improved by 1.3 percentage
points from 22.7 per cent to 21.4 per cent. However, the cost ratio
will increase again somewhat by the end of the year when premium
growth levels off as planned and expected.
The combined ratio (after reinsurance) improved by 1.0 percentage
points to 98.0 per cent despite the negative impact of the hailstorms
(1-9/2014: 99.0 per cent).
Net investment income climbed by 2.8 per cent to EUR 618.0 million in
the first nine months of 2015 (1-9/2014: EUR 601.5 million). This is
chiefly due to lower losses from the disposal of investments and
continued reorganisation of the strategic investment policy.
The investment portfolio of UNIQA Group (including unit- and
index-linked life insurance investments) increased by 1.8 per cent as
against the end of the previous year to EUR 29,740.6 million as at 30
September 2015 (31 December 2014: EU R29,212.7 million).
UNIQA Group's profit from ordinary activities amounted to EUR 301.9
million, up 9.7 per cent compared to the same period of the previous
year (1-9/2014: EUR 275.2 million).
Consolidated net profit (after taxes and minority interests)
increased by 29.6 per cent to EUR 245.0 million (1-9/2014: EUR 189.1
million). Earnings per share amounted to EUR 0.79 (1-9/2014: EUR
0.61). The return on equity after taxes and minority interests rose
to 10.6 per cent in the first three quarters of 2015 (1- 9/2014: 8.7
per cent).
UNIQA Group's equity increased by 0.6 per cent to EUR 3,081.9 million
(31 December 2014: EUR 3,063.5 million). The solvency ratio (Solvency
I) remained stable at 295.1 per cent (31 December 2014: 295.4 per
The number of employees at the UNIQA Group fell to 14,038 (1-9/2014:
Outlook For 2015, the UNIQA Group has set itself the target of
increasing its profit on ordinary activities to between EUR 425
million and EUR 450 million. This assumes that the capital market
environment will be stable, that economic development will improve
moderately and that losses caused by natural disasters will remain
within a normal range.
Forward-looking statements This press release contains statements
referring to the future development of the UNIQA Group. These
statements present estimates which were reached on the basis of all
of the information available to us at the present time. If the
assumptions on which they are based do not occur, the actual results
may deviate from the results currently expected. As a result, no
liability is accepted for this information.
UNIQA The UNIQA Group is one of the leading insurance groups in its
core markets of Austria and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). 22,000
employees and exclusive sales partners serve more than 10 million
customers in 19 countries. UNIQA is the second-largest insurance
group in Austria with a market share of around 22%. UNIQA operates in
15 markets in the CEE growth region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia,
Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine.
The UNIQA Group also includes insurance companies in Italy,
Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
Further inquiry note:
UNIQA Insurance Group AG
Norbert Heller
Tel.: +43 (01) 211 75-3414
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: UNIQA Insurance Group AG
Untere Donaustraße 21
A-1029 Wien
phone: 01/211 75-0
mail: investor.relations@uniqa.at
WWW: http://www.uniqagroup.com
sector: Insurance
ISIN: AT0000821103
indexes: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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