
Atradius Collections Strengthens Its Presence in India

Geschrieben am 14-03-2016

Amsterdam (ots/PRNewswire) -

Atradius Collections announces the opening of a new office in
Mumbai, India. The company continues to expand into new markets,
strengthening its global market position.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150421/740164-a )

India's economy is the 7th largest in the world by Nominal GDP and
the third largest by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). In Q4 of 2014,
India became the leading growth engine in emerging Asia, expanding
faster than China. India is classified as a newly industrialised
country and is one of the G-20 major economies.

Managing Director Raymond van der Loos acknowledges opportunities
in India. "Due to India's new government and the increasing number of
new investors and businesses, India's average growth rate has
accelerated to 7%. This suggests a growing range of opportunities for
local and foreign businesses to participate in India's economy."

With the opening in Mumbai, Atradius Collections is now able to
provide full services locally. In Asia Pacific, the company also has
offices in Australia, China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Global reach and knowledge, local service

Doing business in India can sometimes be challenging as you need
to fully understand the business environment and the legal
differences. Therefore, a physical presence and local knowledge are
crucial to understanding the rules of collecting debts in India.
"India is a large country. We have a strong team of experts in Mumbai
with the right background and knowledge. With the help of our
extensive network, we can visit debtors across the country," says
Raymond van der Loos.

Building relationships and understanding the local culture and
language are important in doing successful business. Being close to
the customers enables Atradius Collections to maintain positive
interpersonal relationships with the debtors. "Our local presence
enables us to more easily contact, negotiate with and convince Indian
debtors to pay both for overseas and domestic companies," states
Vikas Malik, the Head of Operations at the Mumbai office.

Payments in India are being delayed to keep money in the company
and to avoid borrowing from banks due to the high interest rate,
which might lead to an increase in non-payments and insolvencies.
Consequently the added value of helping international customers
locally is prominent.

For more information about the new office in India please visit

About Atradius Collections

Through a presence in 25 countries, Atradius Collections provides
trade invoice collection services in 96% of the countries across the
world. Its wide breadth of services, ranging from first party to
legal collections, helps companies around the globe recover unpaid
invoices. Atradius forms part of Grupo Catalana Occidente (GCO.MC),
one of the leading insurers in Spain and worldwide in credit




ots Originaltext: Atradius N.V.
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