Teva Achieves Positive Conclusion for the European Decentralised Procedure (DCP) for BRALTUS® (tiotropium bromide)
Geschrieben am 30-05-2016 |
Amsterdam (ots/PRNewswire) -
Positive conclusion of a European DCP for approval of a tiotropium
bromide-based maintenance treatment for those people living with COPD
in a new inhaler (Zonda®)
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., announced today that it has
received a positive conclusion of a DCP for BRALTUS® (tiotropium
bromide) as once-daily tiotropium bromide maintenance bronchodilator
treatment for adult patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD). Tiotropium bromide is the most widely prescribed
maintenance treatment for people with COPD. BRALTUS® contains a new
dry-powder formulation of tiotropium bromide, delivered through a new
capsule based inhaler, the Zonda® inhaler.
"We are all excited at the news of the positive conclusion for the
DCP in Europe, and our local companies are looking forward to the
opportunity of bringing BRALTUS® to their local COPD communities,"
said Luca Frangoni, Head of Respiratory Europe. "It is an important
goal of our growing respiratory franchise to bring new treatment
options to healthcare professionals who support people living with
long-term chronic conditions including COPD. We want to give patients
an effective role in their own treatment while at the same time
aiming to reduce costs for healthcare systems."
COPD is a progressive disease that affects up to 10% of adults in
Europe; it is currently ranked sixth on the World Health
Organization's mortality list, and is projected to be the third
leading cause of death by 2020.[1] There are high numbers of people
with poorly controlled COPD who consequently require treatment
escalation or acute care, resulting in up to 1.1 million hospital
admissions each year.[2] Almost half of the total annual financial
burden of lung disease in Europe is due to COPD, and it accounts for
more time off work than any other illness.[1]
BRALTUS® is indicated as a once-daily bronchodilator treatment to
relieve chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in adults. The
BRALTUS® European DCP has been positively concluded. National
Marketing Authorisations and launches will take place in selected
markets over the coming months as assessed by national Teva
About Teva Respiratory
Teva Respiratory develops and delivers high-quality treatment
options for respiratory conditions, including asthma, COPD and
allergic rhinitis. The Teva Respiratory portfolio is centered on
optimizing respiratory treatment for patients and healthcare
providers through the development of novel delivery systems and
therapies that help address unmet needs. Teva's respiratory pipeline
and clinical trial program are based on drug molecules delivered in
proprietary dry powder formulations and breath-actuated device
technologies, as well as a targeted biologic treatment for severe
asthma. Through research and clinical development, Teva Respiratory
continually works to expand, strengthen and build upon its treatment
portfolio to positively impact the lives of the millions of patients
living with respiratory disease.
About Teva
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE and TASE: TEVA) is a
leading global pharmaceutical company that delivers high-quality,
patient-centric healthcare solutions used by millions of patients
every day. Headquartered in Israel, Teva is the world's largest
generic medicines producer, leveraging its portfolio of more than
1,000 molecules to produce a wide range of generic products in nearly
every therapeutic area. In specialty medicines, Teva has a
world-leading position in innovative treatments for disorders of the
central nervous system, including pain, as well as a strong portfolio
of respiratory products. Teva integrates its generics and specialty
capabilities in its global research and development division to
create new ways of addressing unmet patient needs by combining drug
development capabilities with devices, services and technologies.
Teva's net revenues in 2015 amounted to $19.7 billion. For more
information, visit
1. European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients'
Association, COPD Explained
[accessed April 2016].
2. European Respiratory Society, European Lung White Book
[accessed May 2016].
ots Originaltext: Teva
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