EANS-Adhoc: Kapsch TrafficCom AG significantly exceeds its goal in the fiscal
year 2015/16
Geschrieben am 22-06-2016 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
annual result/annual report
* Revenues increased by 15.3 % to EUR 526 million thanks to new
projects * Program 2020 helped raise profits disproportionately to a
record level; EBIT margin rises to 11.9 % * Highest dividend
proposal since the IPO at EUR 1.50 per share * The future will see
further development of the strategy and potential new projects
|Revenues (in | 456.4| +15 %| 526.1|
|EBIT (in million | 32.7| +90 %| 62.3|
|Profit for the | 11.4| +220 %| 36.5|
|period (in million| | | |
|Earnings per share| 0.28| >+500 %| 2.39|
|Dividend per share| 0.50| +200 %| 1.50|
(1) Earnings per share relate to 13.0 million shares; calculated from
the profit for the period attributable to the equity holders of the
company (2) Proposal of the executive board subject to approval of
the annual general meeting on 7 September 2016
Vienna, June 22, 2016 - Kapsch TrafficCom AG (ISIN AT000KAPSCH9),
listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange in the prime market segment,
reports a very successful fiscal year 2015/16 in which the defined
goal was significantly exceeded. This was due in large part to the
Program 2020, which is showing effects at many levels. On the market
side, the Kapsch TrafficCom Group also achieved some important
successes, some of which can already be seen reflected in the
Subtitle: Program 2020
Under the heading of "Program 2020", Kapsch TrafficCom implemented
comprehensive measures for cost reduction and improved earnings with
the project "Top Fit" in the past fiscal year 2014/15 and also
adapted the strategy with respect to future developments and growth
potential up to the year 2020.
Already in the third quarter of the reporting year, it was apparent
that the cost savings and organizational restructuring targeted with
"Top Fit" could be implemented more quickly and effectively than
originally expected. As a result, not only were savings of roughly
EUR 30 million achieved, but the EBIT margin of 11.9 % is also
significantly above the target mark of 10 % despite investments in
the future.
Strategy 2020, which was presented in April 2015, includes an
adaptation and extension of the business model in the direction of
intelligent mobility solutions. Kapsch TrafficCom has accordingly
established three strategic priorities, and made significant progress
already in the fiscal year 2015/16: The "Top Fit" project has
established an outstanding basis for operational excellence. The
newly obtained projects strengthen and secure the core business. In
addition, the rising demand for city solutions has confirmed the
expansion of the offering from the highway into the city - a key
aspect for the establishment of the intelligent mobility solutions
(IMS) business.
Subtitle: Asset, financial and earnings situation
The newly won projects and project expansions made possible a revenue
increase during the fiscal year 2015/16 period of 15.3 % to EUR 526.1
million. The EBIT increased disproportionately by 90.4 % from EUR
32.7 million to EUR 62.3 million, thereby achieving the highest value
in the history of Kapsch TrafficCom. This growth is especially
impressive since the comparison value of the previous year was
significantly elevated due to one-time effects in the segment
Electronic Toll Collection (ETC). The investment in the smart parking
provider Streetline is also included in the current result. The
enormous improvement can primarily be attributed to the successes of
the project "Top Fit". The newly launched projects and the increase
in on-board unit sales also had positive effects. The EBIT margin
increased as a result from 7.2 % to 11.9 %.
The profit for the period of the Kapsch TrafficCom Group increased
from EUR 11.4 million in the previous year to EUR 36.5 million in the
reporting year due to the improvement in the financial result. This
put the earnings per share at EUR 2.39 after EUR 0.28 in the previous
year. Both are absolute record values.
Continuous improvement can also be seen in the balance sheet figures.
The equity ratio increased from 42.5 % to 44.9 %. Cash and cash
equivalents increased to EUR 140.8 million as at the end of the
fiscal year, helping to ensure that the Kapsch TrafficCom Group has
no net debt but rather a net asset of EUR 33.8 million. The capital
employed and the net working capital were below the levels of the
previous year. The free cash flow increased from EUR 68.2 million in
the previous year to EUR 90.7 million in the reporting year and
demonstrates the financing potential of Kapsch TrafficCom.
Subtitle: Dividend
In connection with the improved profit as well as the solid asset and
financial situation, the executive board will propose to the annual
general meeting the disbursement of a dividend in the amount of EUR
1.50 per share for the fiscal year 2015/16 after EUR 0.50 in the
previous year. This is the highest dividend yet since flotation of
the shares.
Subtitle: Outlook
In fiscal year 2016/17, the contribution by the acquisition of the
transportation business of Schneider Electric, which will be
operating under Kapsch TrafficCom Transportation, to the revenue and
profit of the Kapsch TrafficCom Group will be clearly visible - even
after the integration costs. The implementation of the newly obtained
projects will also make increasing contributions. This applies in
particular to the cross-border program "CHARM" and the ETC projects
in Chile and Australia. Kapsch TrafficCom also expects several
decisions concerning additional projects.
One key focal area for the coming years will be the further
development of the Strategy 2020. Kapsch TrafficCom will expand the
portfolio with regard to intelligent mobility solutions. Systems and
data will be increasingly intermeshed, and vehicles will be networked
with their environment. The acquisition of the Schneider Electric
transportation business also represents a large step toward the city.
Kapsch TrafficCom plans to carefully integrate this area in order to
contribute to the design of the smart cities of the future.
Subtitle: Announcement
The annual financial statements for the fiscal year 2015/16 can be
downloaded at www.kapsch.net/ktc/ir/financial/KTC_Annual_Financial_St
atements_FY15-16 and the annual report for the fiscal year 2015/16 at
Kapsch TrafficCom is a provider of intelligent transportation systems
(ITS) in the segments of toll collection, traffic management, safety
and security, smart urban mobility and connected cars. The end-to-end
solutions of Kapsch TrafficCom cover the entire value creation chain
of its customers as a one-stop shop, from components and design to
the installation and operation of systems. The core business
comprises the development, installation and operation of electronic
toll collection and traffic management systems. References in 44
countries on all continents have made Kapsch TrafficCom a globally
recognized ITS provider. As part of the Kapsch Group, an Austrian
family-owned technology group founded in 1892, Kapsch TrafficCom is
headquartered in Vienna, Austria, and has subsidiaries and branches
in 30 countries. It has been listed since 2007 on the Vienna Stock
Exchange (KTCG) and generated revenues of EUR 526 million in the
fiscal year 2015/16 with over 3,700 employees.
For more information: www.kapsch.net and www.kapschtraffic.com.
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/kapschnet
Further inquiry note:
Press contact:
Dr. Ingrid Lawicka
Kapsch AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 50 811 1705
E-mail: ingrid.lawicka@kapsch.net
Investor contact:
Marcus Handl
Investor Relations Officer
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 50 811 1120
E-mail: ir.kapschtraffic@kapsch.net
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2
A-1121 Wien
phone: +43 1 50811 1122
FAX: +43 1 50811 99 1122
mail: ir.kapschtraffic@kapsch.net
WWW: www.kapschtraffic.com
sector: Technology
indexes: Prime Market
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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