Canadian Company Gives Hope to Alzheimer's Sufferers With Wearable Low-level Light Therapy
Geschrieben am 08-07-2016 |
Toronto (ots/PRNewswire) -
Last year, a randomized placebo-controlled pilot study using
patented Vielight 810 Infrared
( and patent-pending
Vielight Neuro
( wearable
devices was conducted involving 19 patients affected by Alzheimer's
disease or dementia. The findings showed surprisingly promising
outcomes. The devices were developed by Vielight Inc. of Toronto,
This could be the first randomized controlled human study that has
presented the arrest or reversal in the decline of Alzheimer's
Disease. The patients used the "Neuro" for 20 minutes once or twice a
week and the "Vielight 810" every day for 25 minutes. The results of
this pilot study are significant and strongly suggest that the
treatment for people with moderate-severe cognitive impairment can
result in significant clinical improvements. People with this level
of cognitive impairment are excluded as candidates for pharmaceutical
drugs under development or in clinical trials.
The details of this study (co-authors include Dr. Margaret Naeser,
a research professor of neurology at the Boston University School of
Medicine, Dr. Michael Hamblin, and associate professor at Harvard
Medical School) are now being written into a peer-reviewed paper for
TECHNOLOGY: The technology involved the science of low level light
therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT). PBMT is a
process in which exposure to low-level light or light emitting diodes
stimulate cellular function leading to beneficial clinical effects.
Prior to this study, research has already presented its potential
with dementia and Alzheimer's disease (AD) in its successful effect
on animals with AD. Vielight has translated the research into
non-invasive wearable devices which were used in this study.
KEY EVENT: An abstract was submitted to the Alzheimer's
Association and has been accepted for poster presentation at the
Alzheimer's Association International Conference.
Location and date
Pre-conferences: July 22-23
Exhibit dates: July
Annual conference: July 24-28
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
222 Bremner Blvd.
Toronto, ON M5V 3L9
Innovation Technology Evaluation (EXCITE
program has selected Vielight Inc., as its newest participant. The
EXCITE program will support Vielight on its path to achieve adoption
by health systems in Canada, The United States and the United Kingdom
to treat memory and cognitive decline in patients suffering from
dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
QUOTES: "As an EXCITE board member, the chair of the Council of
Academic Hospitals of Ontario, the CEO of the Centre for Addiction
and Mental Health and a neurologist, I deeply understand the tragedy
of neurodegenerative conditions that cause dementia and their impact
on individuals and their loved ones. I'm very enthusiastic about the
opportunity to evaluate Vielight's photobiomodulation technology with
EXCITE's support. If this clinical trial validates early findings it
will create hope for a major breakthrough in dementia care," said Dr.
Catherine Zahn.
"Our goal with the feasibility study (aside from examining the
effects) was to look at the practical challenges faced by patients
and caregivers coming to a clinic for treatment that would help with
a formal clinical trial design. The outcomes exceeded our
expectations," said principal investigator Anita Saltmarche.
"The promise shown in this pilot study is owed to decades of work
by numerous researchers in the field of photobiomodulation. We are
privileged to be able to translate the research into wearable devices
that have shown such encouraging results. This has provided a good
basis for us to progress to a more rigorous clinical trial; and we
aim to start the process in the next few months with the support of
MaRS EXCITE," said Lew Lim, inventor and CEO of Vielight Inc.
INTERVIEWS AVAILABLE - all requests contact
About Vielight
Vielight Inc. is a Toronto based Canadian company devoted to
developing and manufacturing affordable, wearable photobiomodulation
therapy (PBMT) devices to improve well-being. Vielight devices are
used in research projects in institutions globally, including Harvard
Medical School and Boston University. After 10 years production,
Vielight has more than 15,000 devices in the field, used by consumers
around the world with no reported major side effects. Vielight
strives to develop wearable PBMT devices that allow home treatment
for a variety of health conditions.
( is
made possible through the Ontario province-wide collaboration and
leadership. Key stakeholders of the EXCITE Management Board include
research hospitals (the Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario),
the provincial government (the Ontario Ministry of Health and
Long-Term Care, Ministry of Research and Innovation and Ministry of
Economic Development and Growth), industry (MEDEC and HTX), the
health system (the Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee) and
Peter Adams, Email:, mb: +1-416-710-7140,
ots Originaltext: VieLights
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