LGC Acquires BRC Global Standards
Geschrieben am 24-11-2016 |
London (ots/PRNewswire) -
- LGC expands its supply chain assurance offering, creating a new
business unit within its Standards division to focus on this
growing market
- BRC Global Standards' activities are highly complementary to LGC's
existing capabilities in reference standards, proficiency testing
and sports supplements supply chain assurance
- BRC Global Standards benefits from LGC's global network to develop
further in new territories and accelerate its transition into a
consumer and brand protection solutions leader
Today, LGC announced that it has completed the acquisition of BRC
Global Standards, the world's largest provider of safety and quality
Standards programmes for food and non-food manufacture, packaging,
storage, distribution and retail based in London. The acquisition
marks the next stage in BRC Global Standards' strategic transition
from being a Standards owner to a brand and consumer protection
organisation, with a range of products and services to help its
customers deal with the challenges of producing safe, high quality
products for the end consumer on a global basis.
(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160701/385677LOGO )
BRC Global Standards' written Standards across food safety,
packaging, storage & distribution, agents & brokers, consumer
products and retail underpin the achievement of consistent quality,
safety and operational standards throughout the supply chain,
providing protection for the end consumer. Compliance with BRC Global
Standards is now often a fundamental requirement of leading
retailers, manufacturers and quick service restaurants.
Euan O'Sullivan, Managing Director of LGC's Standards Division,
said: "We are delighted to be adding BRC Global Standards to our
Standards division. BRC Global Standards is a globally recognised and
respected brand and its capabilities are highly complementary to
LGC's existing strengths across reference standards, proficiency
testing and sports supplements supply chain assurance. We look
forward to working with BRC Global Standards' Management to continue
internationalising the business while developing new and innovative
solutions to meet our customers' needs."
Commenting on the acquisition Mark Proctor, CEO of BRC Global
Standards said: "We are delighted to have LGC as the new owner of our
business since it has an international presence to support our growth
plans and a customer base who will benefit from our services. This
investment will also enable us to save more lives by expanding our
product offering and cementing our position as a recognised global
leader in consumer and brand protection solutions"
The investment will fuel international growth planned by BRC
Global Standards over the next five years to add to its existing
presence in the UK, India and US; enable investigation of wider
consumer and brand protection solutions including health and safety,
predictive analytics and ethical trading; and underpin planned
investment in IT development to enable real time business
intelligence for supply chains. The same successful management team
who have grown the company into the thriving international business
it is today will lead this transition.
BRC Global Standards has historically been developed as a division
of the British Retail Consortium (BRC), which remains a minority
shareholder in the business going forwards. Their programme is used
by over 24,000 certificated suppliers in 130 countries, with
certification issued through a worldwide network of accredited
certification bodies. BRC will have a seat on BRC Global Standards'
Board to ensure continuity and stability for customers and
LGC's Standards division is a leading manufacturer and distributor
of reference materials, clinical calibration and verification
materials and proficiency testing schemes, supporting customers
worldwide with their quality assurance requirements.
Notes to Editors
LGC is an international life sciences measurement and testing
company with leading positions in growing markets. LGC provides a
range of measurement products and services which underpin the safety,
health and security of the public, including reference materials and
proficiency testing, genomics reagents and instrumentation, and
expert sample analysis and interpretation. LGC serves customers
across a number of end markets including Pharmaceuticals,
Agricultural Biotechnology, Diagnostics, Food, Environment,
Government and Academia.
LGC's headquarters are in London and the company employs over
2,500 people, operating out of 22 countries worldwide. Its operations
are extensively accredited to international quality standards such as
ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 13485, ISO 9001, GMP, GLP and ISO Guide 34.
With a history dating back to 1842, LGC has been home to the UK
Government Chemist for more than 100 years and is the designated UK
National Measurement Institute for chemical and bio measurement. LGC
was privatised in 1996. http://www.lgcgroup.com
BRC Global Standards is the world's largest provider of safety and
quality standards programmes for food manufacture, packaging,
storage, and distribution. The global standards are used by over
24,000 certificated suppliers in over 130 countries with
certification issued through a worldwide network of accredited
certification bodies. BRC Global Standards guarantee the
standardisation of quality, safety and operational criteria and
ensure that manufacturers fulfil their legal obligations and provide
protection for the end consumer. http://www.brcglobalstandards.com/
The British Retail Consortium (BRC) is the UK's leading retail
trade association working with members to tell the story of retail,
shape debates and influence issues and opportunities which will help
make a positive difference. It represents the full range of
retailers, large and small, multiples and independents, food and
non-food, online and store based. The BRC has over 90 retail members
representing 70 per cent of the UK retail industry.
(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20161124/442804-INFO )
ots Originaltext: BRC Global Standards
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