EANS-News: ANDRITZ HYDRO to modernize Dnipro 1 hydropower station, Ukraine
Geschrieben am 24-03-2017 |
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Company Information
Graz/Vienna, March 24, 2017. ANDRITZ HYDRO, part of international
technology Group ANDRITZ, was awarded a contract by state-owned
utility Ukrhydroenergo for modernization of the Dnipro 1 hydropower
station on the Dnieper River, Ukraine. The project is part of a
rehabilitation program financed by the European Bank of
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The contract value for ANDRITZ
HYDRO amounts to approx. 60 million euros. Completion of the project
is scheduled for the end of 2021.
ANDRITZ HYDRO's scope of supply includes the complete rehabilitation
of three 75 MW Francis turbines and generators, including
dismantling, supply of new equipment, installation, and testing.
Except for the embedded parts, all major components will be replaced
by new equipment. The modernization will increase the output from 64
to 75 MW and substantially enhance reliability and safety. A
hydraulic model test will allow optimum performance of the new
turbines to be defined and demonstrated within the geometric
conditions of the existing powerhouse.
Ukrhydroenergo owns and operates nine hydropower stations with a
total of 102 turbine generator sets and a capacity of 5,744 MW on the
rivers Dnieper and Dniester. After completion of this rehabilitation
program, the company's contribution to the country's electricity
supply will be more than 15%. Dnipro 1 was the first hydropower plant
on the Dnieper River and was built between 1927 and 1932.
ANDRITZ HYDRO has been present in the Ukraine for a long time; the
present project further strengthens ANDRITZ HYDRO's position in this
growing hydropower market.
- End -
The ANDRITZ GROUP ANDRITZ is a globally leading supplier of plants,
equipment, and services for hydropower stations, the pulp and paper
industry, the metalworking and steel industries, and for solid/liquid
separation in the municipal and industrial sectors as well as for
animal feed and biomass pelleting. Other important business segments
include automation and service business. In addition, the
international Group is also active in the power generating sector
(steam boiler plants, biomass boilers, recovery boilers, and
gasification plants) and in environmental technology (flue gas
cleaning plants) and offers equipment for the production of
nonwovens, dissolving pulp, and panelboard as well as recycling
plants. The publicly listed technology Group is headquartered in
Graz, Austria, and has a staff of approximately 25,200 employees.
ANDRITZ operates more than 250 sites in over 40 countries.
ANDRITZ HYDRO ANDRITZ HYDRO is one of the leading global suppliers of
electromechanical equipment for hydropower plants. With over 175
years of accumulated experience and more than 31,000 turbines
installed, totaling approximately 430,000 megawatts output, the
business area provides the complete range of products, including
turbines, generators, and additional equipment of all types and sizes
- "from water to wire" for small hydro applications to large
hydropower plants with out-puts of more than 800 megawatts per
turbine unit. ANDRITZ HYDRO is well positioned in the growing
modernization, refurbishment, and upgrade market for existing
hydropower plants. Pumps (for water transport, irrigation of
agricultural land, and applications in various industries) and
turbogenerators for thermal power plants are also allocated to the
business area.
Further inquiry note:
Dr. Michael Buchbauer
Head of Group Finance, Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 316 6902 2979
Fax: +43 316 6902 465
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Andritz AG
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FAX: +43 (0)316 6902-415
mail: welcome@andritz.com
WWW: www.andritz.com
sector: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000730007
indexes: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX, ATX five
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
Original-Content von: Andritz AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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