Litarion and Electrovaya provide high quality solutions from lithium-ion cells, modules to battery systems with German cell components for maximum safety and lifetime
Geschrieben am 18-04-2017 |
Kamenz (ots) - LITARION - German Li-Ion know-how
Litarion produces lithium-ion battery cells for high performance
applications, such as mobile and stationary electrical energy
storage, industrial applications like forklifts and other conveyor
vehicles, or mobility applications like e-busses, and many more.
Together with its mother company, Electrovaya, its portfolio also
covers battery modules as versatile building blocks for residential
storage or for larger systems as well as plug-in solutions for
industrial applications such as fork lifts and large scale energy
storage solutions from battery racks to turnkey containers.
Litarion has many years of experience in serial production
according to automotive quality standards (ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949).
Products and services
Litarion, together with its mother company, Electrovaya, offers
high quality lithium ion batteries (pouch type, approx. 40-55 Ah,
comprising the fully ceramic SEPARION(R) separator) as well as higher
integrated products from 1 or 2 kWh modules as versatile building
blocks to high voltage storage racks, and solutions such as complete
batteries for fork lifts, MWh-scale energy storage systems and many
Thomas Kagemann
Director Marketing & Sales
fon: +49 3578 3735 9503
web: /
Original-Content von: Litarion GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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