EANS-News: Rosenbauer International AG / Supervisory Board and Executive Board
thank Gottfried Brunbauer for his successes on the Executive Board (with photo)
Geschrieben am 15-05-2017 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Board of Directors (Appointments and Changes)
As part of the reorganization of the company, the Supervisory Board
of Rosenbauer International AG and Chief Technology Officer Gottfried
Brunbauer have mutually agreed that he will step down from the
Executive Board on May 14, 2017. In addition to the press release of
3 May 2017 the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board thank
Gottfried Brunbauer for his extraordinary business performance and
successes on the Executive Board.
Gottfried Brunbauer has played a key role in molding the Rosenbauer
Group's development into the world's leading manufacturer of
firefighting technology. Under his technical leadership, the company
has risen to become the technology and innovation leader - and a
trendsetter - in the firefighting industry over the past 17 years.
Held in high regard by all who had the privilege of working with him,
Gottfried Brunbauer is ending his career at Rosenbauer after 22
Gottfried Brunbauer first came to Rosenbauer in 1995 as an operating
manager and was responsible for its ISO 14001 certification. In 1997
he was made the technical division manager for Firefighting Systems,
and in 1998 he took over as the technical manager of Metz Aerials. In
the year 2000 Gottfried Brunbauer was appointed to the Executive
Board of Rosenbauer International AG in the role of Chief Technology
The Rosenbauer Group enjoyed an outstanding performance with
Gottfried Brunbauer on its Executive Board. The company doubled in
size, its production facilities are today the most advanced in the
firefighting sector, and its production procedures lead the way for
the entire industry. Under Gottfried Brunbauer, all plants were
expanded and fitted with state-of-the-art technology. In Plant II in
Leonding and the standardized AT and PANTHER vehicle lines, the
company today already has a factory at the level of Industry 4.0.
Gottfried Brunbauer as also largely responsible for product
development in the field of firefighting systems and vehicles.
Rosenbauer has been dazzling the industry here for years with the
pioneering design of its technologically sophisticated innovations,
from the portable fire pump to the aircraft rescue firefighting
vehicle. An area of particular interest to Gottfried Brunbauer was
the introduction and advancement of systematic innovation management,
which has already sent a clear signal for the future direction of
fire service vehicles with the Concept Fire Truck (CFT).
Gottfried Brunbauer has actively shaped the development of the
company with his winning personality and vast business experience.
The Supervisory Board and the Executive Board wish him all the best
for the future.
Pictures with Announcement:
Further inquiry note:
Rosenbauer International AG
Mag. Gerda Königstorfer
Tel.: 0732/6794-568
end of announcement euro adhoc
Pictures with Announcement:
company: Rosenbauer International AG
Paschingerstrasse 90
A-4060 Leonding
phone: +43(0)732 6794 568
FAX: +43(0)732 6794 89
mail: ir@rosenbauer.com
WWW: www.rosenbauer.com
sector: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000922554
indexes: WBI, ATX Prime
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, Stuttgart, official market: Wien
language: English
Original-Content von: Rosenbauer International AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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