First stage of the Tour de France 2017 starts with the individual time trials on 1 July at the Düsseldorf trade fair / 198 racing cyclists introduced at the team presentation in Düsseldorf (FOTO)
Geschrieben am 30-06-2017 |
Düsseldorf (ots) -
Successful start of the Tour de France 2017 at Burgplatz in
Düsseldorf: on the stage of the tour organiser A.S.O., on Thursday,
29 June, the 22 teams presented themselves with their 198 cyclists -
within the framework of a three-hour, entertaining programme. The
team presentation was presented by the former German cyclists Marcel
Wüst and Jens Voigt.The team presentation traditionally marks the
start of the Grand Depart, which is being held this time from 29 June
to 2 July in Düsseldorf.
Several thousand spectators (15.000) came to Burgplatz to see the
cycling stars close up. After their presentation, the pros also rode
a 1.4-kilometre route through the oldtown and got right up close to
their fans on the riders parade. "The state capital of Düsseldorf is
well prepared and offers a great stage for the Tour de France. After
the intensive preparation time, we are glad that it's now getting
underway - and the focus is now on the world's best cyclists. The
Grand Depart Düsseldorf 2017 is to be a festival of cycling, in which
the state capital presents itself as it is: warm-hearted, globally
minded and friendly", explained Lord Mayor Thomas Geisel.
The sporting highlight of the Grand Depart will be the 1st and 2nd
stages of the Tour de France on Saturday, 1 July, and Sunday, 2 July.
The official reception is to be held beforehand on 30 June in Schloss
The team presentation is the first highlight of the Grand Depart
Düsseldorf 2017. The 198 cycling pros were welcomed to the state
capital and accompanied onto the stage at Burgplatz by some of
Düsseldorf's great personalities such as "Heinrich Heine", "Clara"
and " Robert Schumann" and "Joseph Beuys". While the Düsseldorf
celebrities were portrayed by so-called "living sculptures", i.e.
actors, the nine cyclists of the 22 teams appeared in person and
stood on the stage at the Rhine. Through interviews with the team
captains and other cyclists, the spectators learned details about the
teams and got an insight into their chances in the legendary French
Tour 2017.
The programme included a mixture of sport and culture. Primary
school children from SingPause of the Düsseldorf Matthias-Claudius
school sang the European anthem with two sopranos. There were also
performances by cycling artists, dance groups from tanzhaus nrw, the
band Fresh Music Live and musicians from the Clara¬Schumann Music
School. After appearing on the stage, the teams rode from Burgplatz
over Marktplatz, through Rheinstraße and then along Rheinufer to
Johannes-Rau-Platz and got right up close to the fans in Düsseldorf.
At Marktplatz, Grabbeplatz, Johannes-Rau-Platz and Kö-Bogen, those
interested were also able to follow the team presentation live on LED
screens.Alongside representatives of Düsseldorf's urban society, the
following celebrities are also expected at the team presentation: the
photographic artist Andreas Gursky, the Olympic track cyclist Udo
Hempel, Vincent Muller, Consul General of the French Republic, Gisela
Wasken, Chief Administrator in Cologne, Düsseldorf's citizen of
honour Albrecht Woeste and former racing cyclist Marcel Wüst, wearer
of the green jersey, among others.
All media information from the state capital of Düsseldorf to
Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017 can be found on our media portal at
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