
KfW capital market activities 2018 / Focus on liquidity and sustainability

Geschrieben am 11-12-2017

Frankfurt am Main (ots) -

- Liquidity is key: KfW benchmark bonds enjoy huge success -
Potential increase to outstanding euro benchmarks
- Commitment to responsibility on the capital market comes to
- KfW plans to raise EUR 70 to 75 billion in capital markets in

KfW has taken advantage of the excellent funding conditions that
have presented themselves this year, particularly with regard to the
issuance of EUR bonds. As of 6 December 2017, it had issued bonds in
the amount of EUR 77.3 billion for the refinancing of its promotional
business on the international capital markets. The share of the EUR
market has exhibited a multi-year high of 54% (2016: 36%), while
contrastingly the share of the US dollar market has dropped to 35%
(2016: 47%).

The significantly increased demand for euro bonds is not
exclusively a result of the Eurosystem's PSPP programme; buyers
included numerous European and Asian investors, the latter having
been generally more hesitant last year. Therefore, the overall
funding costs in this market segment have significantly improved as
compared to the previous year. "Demand was stimulated by the return
of investors' optimism following the presidential election in France.
The sentiment in Europe has been much more positive throughout the
course of this year, and is currently strengthened by good economic
data. This general picture may set in as a result of the anticipated
gratifying developments in the economy in the euro zone. For this
reason, we are expecting continued demand for euro bonds", explained
Dr Frank Czichowski, Treasurer of KfW Group at the promotional
institution's capital market press briefing in Frankfurt.

Furthermore, the trend reveals that investors have a clear
preference for large-volume, liquid bonds in the core currencies of
EUR and USD. This explains why 72% (equivalent to EUR 55.2 billion)
of KfW funding this year is comprised of twelve KfW benchmark bonds
in EUR and USD as well as four taps of EUR benchmarks - the highest
share since introducing the KfW benchmark programmes 16 years ago.

An essential strength of the KfW funding strategy is its high
product diversification, which is also seen in its variety of
currencies. As of 6 December 2017, 141 bonds were issued in a total
of ten currencies. Despite the Brexit-induced uncertainties KfW was
able to achieve very good results in the sterling market and is, with
an equivalent of EUR 5.2 billion, even the biggest issuer in the
segment. With an equivalent of EUR 1.9 billion, KfW is also the
biggest issuer in the Kangaroo bond market (foreign-issued public
bonds denominated in Australian dollars). In the JPY market, KfW
issued bonds equivalent to EUR 1.4 billion in 2017. KfW profits from
its long-standing business relationships with Japanese investors, who
have acted far beyond the Japanese market to again play an essential
role in KfW funding.

KfW is planning a funding volume of EUR 70 to 75 billion for 2018.
In the process, its diversification of products (benchmarks, other
public bonds and private placements) and currencies ensures not only
continuity, but also flexible adaptation to the requirements of
investors worldwide, in order to achieve the best possible
refinancing results for its promotional business. KfW will respond to
investors' need for highly liquid bonds by considering increasing its
outstanding euro benchmark bonds up to a volume of EUR 6 billion in
accordance with demand.

Responsibility on the capital market

Naturally, the promotional bank will also offer "Green Bonds -
Made by KfW" in 2018. This market segment is distinguished by
sustained dynamism: the current volume of new issues for 2017 is over
EUR 90 billion (2016: EUR 68 billion, 2015: EUR 32 billion), to which
many new issuers and products worldwide have contributed. Germany
holds the third largest share overall, after the People's Republic of
China and France. The outstanding volume of "Green Bonds - Made by
KfW" now amounts to EUR 12.9 billion and corresponds to a worldwide
market share of close to 6%. KfW's market share in Germany amounts to
over 65%. In the current year, KfW has issued seven transactions in
four currencies - among them two private placements in USD for the
first time - in a total volume of EUR 3.7 billion. KfW will continue
its programme in 2018, issuing at least one large-scale green bond in
both EUR and USD.

Within the framework of its promotional activities via the capital
market, KfW this year invested around EUR 1.1 billion in SME
securitisation in Europe and around EUR 300 million in green bonds
(also focused in Europe). With this, KfW's green bond portfolio has
now grown to around EUR 900 million. In order to be able to continue
to effectively support the green bond market segment, the target
volume of the portfolio on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)
was anticipatorily increased to EUR 2 billion in May 2017. For 2018,
the promotional bank is planning investments in SME securitisation in
Germany and Europe in the amount of EUR 1 billion. It is planning new
investments of about EUR 300 million in its green bond portfolio, in
the process of which it will particularly highlight its high
qualitative minimum requirements to issuers, in order to especially
promote the market segment's "green quality".

Following two years of successful collaboration, KfW was once
again voted in as an investor to the Executive Committee of the Green
Bond Principles, which have been gaining considerable international
acceptance as a framework. In this context, KfW will continue to
encourage the further development of market standards, particularly
focusing on the topic of impact reporting.

"From the very beginning, our involvement in the green bond market
has been in pursuit of long-term contribution to the creation of an
infrastructure for financing climate and environmental protection
projects on the capital market. This is now coming to fruition, as
green finance has arrived on the capital markets", the KfW Treasurer
declared. Considering that capital markets are an important component
of economic systems, the intensification of dialogue on sustainable
finance amongst market participants, politicians and stake-holders
from science and civil society worldwide is a key aspect on KfW's


For detailed figures and more information:

- Press Briefing Handout: http://ots.de/diVbp

- https://www.kfw.de/KfW-Group/Investor-Relations/index.html

- http://ots.de/8s9ju

KfW, Palmengartenstr. 5 - 9, 60325 Frankfurt
Kommunikation (KOM), Nathalie Cahn,
Tel. +49 (0)69 7431 2098, Fax: +49 (0)69 7431 3266,
E-Mail: Nathalie.Cahn@kfw.de, Internet: www.kfw.de

Original-Content von: KfW, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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