
EANS-News: UNIQA Insurance Group AG / Reorganisation of the Management Board of UNIQA Österreich Versicherungen AG

Geschrieben am 18-12-2017

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Vienna / Austria - Reorganisation of the Management Board of UNIQA Österreich
Versicherungen AG

* Chief Financial and Risk Officer Kurt Svoboda becomes CEO of the UNIQA Group's
largest subsidiary
* Peter Humer takes responsibility for Sales

Since the previous Chairman of the Management Board of UNIQA Österreich
Versicherungen AG (UNIQA Austria), Hartwig Löger, left to join the Austrian
government the Management Board of the UNIQA Group's largest subsidiary is being
restructured and prepared for the future, subject to approval of the Austrian
Financial Market Supervision.

Effective immediately, the former Chief Financial and Risk Officer, Kurt
Svoboda, will take on the CEO role at UNIQA Austria. In UNIQA Austria's
Management Board, Svoboda will remain in charge of Finance & Risk, for which he
is also responsible as CFO/CRO at the Group's parent company UNIQA Insurance
Group AG and at UNIQA International AG, and thus Group-wide.

A new addition to the Management Board of UNIQA Austria is Peter Humer, who is
now assuming the sales-related tasks and is therefore responsible for UNIQA
Austria's field sales employees, general agencies and broker sales. In addition
to his new role, Humer will continue to act as UNIQA Regional Director for
Salzburg. Klaus Pekarek will remain responsible for bancassurance.

Andreas Brandstetter, CEO of the Group parent company UNIQA Insurance Group:
"With the new Management Board structure of UNIQA Austria, by far the largest
operating company in our Group, we are combining continuity and a forward-
looking approach. As Chairman of the Management Board, Kurt Svoboda will
continue to concentrate on finance and risk management. Peter Humer, who has
excellent experience of the challenges of the Sales division thanks to the years
he has spent as a successful Regional Director, will focus his energy on sales
in the nine regions of Austria and thus the expansion of UNIQA's strong market

From now on, the Management Board of UNIQA Austria will be comprised as follows:

Kurt Svoboda, CEO, Finance and Risk
Alexander Bockelmann, Digitalisation
Peter Eichler, Life & Health
Peter Humer, Sales (except Bancassurance)
Andreas Kößl, Non-Life
Erik Leyers, Operations & IT
Klaus Pekarek, Bancassurance
Sabine Usaty-Seewald, Customers and Markets

Kurt Svoboda, UNIQA CFO/CRO and Chairman of the Management Board of UNIQA
Austria: "UNIQA Austria, with 3.5 million customers, is not only the largest
insurance company in the country, but is also a leader with respect to name
recognition, customer trust, product and service quality and innovation. To make
sure this remains the case, we want to improve even further in our core areas of
expertise while also actively taking on the new challenges and the increasing
demands and expectations of customers, partners and supervisory authorities. One
thing is certain, and that is that tomorrow's insurance industry will not look
the same as it did yesterday or even today. With the new Management Board
structure, UNIQA Austria has taken another important step in its evolution from
a provider of insurance products into an integrated service provider."

Peter Humer, Chief Sales Officer of UNIQA Austria and UNIQA Regional Director
for Salzburg: "The dedicated Sales division is a clear affirmation that,
together, we want to build on the strength and the trust that we already enjoy
among customers on the ground. With the new Management Board structure, we have
laid an excellent foundation for further growth in Austria - and we do want to

Peter Humer
Peter Humer, born in Linz in 1971, studied Business Administration and Economics
at Kepler University. In 1996, he began his professional career at UNIQA as a
sales trainer at the Upper Austria Regional Headquarters. After several posts in
sales management, Humer has led the UNIQA Regional Headquarters in Salzburg
since 2009. From 2008 until the merger with UNIQA Austria in 2016, he was also a
member of the Management Board of Salzburger Landes-Versicherung.

Further inquiry note:
UNIQA Insurance Group AG
Norbert Heller
Tel.: +43 (01) 211 75-3414

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: UNIQA Insurance Group AG
Untere Donaustraße 21
A-1029 Wien
phone: 01/211 75-0
mail: investor.relations@uniqa.at
WWW: http://www.uniqagroup.com
ISIN: AT0000821103
indexes: ATX, WBI
stockmarkets: Wien
language: English

Original-Content von: UNIQA Insurance Group AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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