
BE A GLOBAL CITIZEN - act with passion and compassion

Geschrieben am 03-01-2018

Ban Ki-moon and Heinz Fischer launch a new Centre for Global
Citizens to empower young people.

Wien (ots) -

Today Ban Ki-moon, (UN Secretary-General from 2007-2016) and Dr.
Heinz Fischer, (Federal President of Austria from 2004-2016)
offcially inaugurated the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens in
Vienna at a ceremony at the Federal Chancellery of Austria, at the
invitation of the Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Mr.
Sebastian Kurz.

After an encouraging message sent by current UN Secretary General
António Guterres, former UNSG Ban Ki-moon said "We are 7,6 billion
people globally. Half of the world is women - half of the world is
under 25 years of age. There are billions of people underprivileged,
marginalized, jobless and hopeless. To peacefully empower them,
particularly women and the youth has to be our top priority to
advance humanity".

Mr. Ban Ki-moon highlighted in the presence of members of the
Austrian government, including Austrian Foreign Minister Karin
Kneissl and more than 100 members of the diplomatic corps, high-level
representatives of the Vienna based International Organizations, and
representatives from NGOs, academia and young aspiring leaders that
"We can only empower those in need, if each and every one of us acts
with passion and compassion as a global citizen."

Building on the legacy of their previous roles, the Centre was
founded by the former UN Secretary-General and the former President
of Austria and will focus on providing women and young people with a
greater say in their own destiny and a greater stake in their own
dignity. The Centre will work within the framework of the UN
Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs") and the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights. It will have affiliated offices in the Republic of
Korea at Yonsei University and is planning to have an affiliated
office in the Middle East.

"The Ban Ki-moon Centre?s focus on the future of young people,
especially women, is extremely important. We need to make sure that
the young generation all over the world has a real perspective for a
decent life. I am sure that the Ban Ki-moon Centre will be a strong
partner for international efforts in this regard", said Sebastian
Kurz, Federal Chancellor of Austria.

"Young people and especially young women are vital to resolve
current local and global challenges", said Dr. Heinz Fischer drawing
attention to the global need for the eradication of poverty and
illiteracy, the fight against gender inequality, radicalization and
youth unemployment.

"A global citizen is someone who self-identifies first and
foremost not as a member of a State, a tribe or a nation, but instead
as a member of the human race, looking beyond the narrow scope of
national or personal interests. It is global citizens who support
solutions to today ?s global challenges", said Monika Froehler,
Interim Chief Executive Officer of the Ban Ki-moon Centre.

By assisting in efforts to reduce the numbers of young people
dying prematurely every year, by examining and presenting solutions
to de-escalate conflicts and maintain peace, by supporting
educational programs ranging from youth mentoring projects to sports,
and by providing special support to young women and encouraging
academic institutions to integrate global citizenship issues into
their curricula, the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens wants to
do its share in building a brighter future for all and contribute to
the implementation of the SDGs.

The Centre will not duplicate but complement ongoing efforts,
based on a high-level strategy to be adopted in February at the next
Board meeting in Korea at the margins of the Winter Olympic Games in
February. The Centre is located in Vienna and will incrementally
build capacity as funds become available.

Currently the Ban Ki-moon Centre is supported by the governments
of Austria, Korea and Kuwait and by a high-level Board of individuals
and organizations such as the International Olympic Committee,
UNESCO, the UN Foundation, the Alexander Bodini Foundation, the
Junior Chamber International, FIA, the NGO Global Citizen, RELX
Group, Rotary International and many more.

Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon concluded his speech by
saying "Today marks the beginning of a journey and I call on the
members of the largest generation of youth in history to confront
challenges and consider what we can do to resolve them. We all have
to work together to set our world on course for a better future. To
leave no one behind."

Notes to Editors

The Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens is an independent
non-profit organization and registered as an Association under
Austrian law. It was founded in 2017 by Ban Ki-moon, former
Secretary-General of the United Nations and Dr. Heinz Fischer, former
Federal President of Austria. It filed an application for
Quasi-International-Organization status (QIO) in Austria.

Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens
public relations
e-mail: pr.bkmcentre@outlook.com
phone: +43 676 676 5300

Digitale Pressemappe: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/30754/aom


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