
Success in Sochi for the Stars Group's Pokerstars European Poker Tour

Geschrieben am 09-04-2018

Toronto (ots/PRNewswire) -

The Stars Group Inc. today announced that the Sochi stop on the
European Poker Tour (EPT), one of several major live poker tournament
series sponsored by The Stars Group Inc.'s flagship PokerStars brand,
came to an end on Thursday, March 29 with a total prize pool of more
than $5 million, almost double its original $2.6 million guarantee.
The event attracted 1,342 unique players from 61 different countries
and generated a total of 5,297 entries across 17 tournaments.

Four total Platinum Passes to the PokerStars Players No Limit
Hold'em Championship (PSPC), which takes place in January 2019, were
awarded to the winners of EPT Sochi's main and headline events. Each
Platinum Pass is worth $30,000 and includes a $25,000 PSPC buy-in,
accommodation at the Atlantis Paradise Island Resort and
approximately $2,000 for travel and expenses.

EPT Sochi was the third PokerStars-sponsored event to take place
on the Black Sea coast since 2017 and marked the first ever EPT event
in Sochi. This EPT stop supports The Stars Group's commitment to the
Russian market and contributes to its overall strategy of promoting
the game of poker and the PokerStars brand globally, including by
building relationships with private operators and working with
regulators and government officials.

Past PokerStars-sponsored live poker events in Russia included the
inaugural PokerStars Championship Sochi held in May 2017 and the
PokerStars Festival Sochi held in October 2017. The EPT, which is
regarded in the industry as one of the world's most iconic live poker
tours, has this year already stopped in the Bahamas for the
PokerStars Caribbean Adventure and will stop in Monte Carlo,
Barcelona and Prague later in 2018.

About The Stars Group

The Stars Group is a leading provider of technology-based products
and services in the global gaming and interactive entertainment
industries. The Stars Group directly or indirectly, including through
its Stars Interactive Group division, owns gaming and related
consumer businesses and brands, such as PokerStars, PokerStars
Casino, BetStars, Full Tilt, and the PokerStars Players No Limit
Hold'em Championship, European Poker Tour, PokerStars Caribbean
Adventure, Latin American Poker Tour, Asia Pacific Poker Tour,
PokerStars Festival and PokerStars MEGASTACK live poker tour and
event brands. These brands together have millions of registered
customers globally and collectively form the largest poker business
in the world, comprising online poker games and tournaments,
sponsored live poker competitions, marketing arrangements for branded
poker rooms in popular casinos in major cities around the world, and
poker programming and content created for television and online
audiences. The Stars Group, through certain of these and other
brands, also offers non-poker gaming products, including casino and
sportsbook. The Stars Group, through certain of its subsidiaries, is
licensed or approved to offer, or offers under third party licenses
or approvals, its products and services in various jurisdictions
throughout the world, including in Europe, both within and outside of
the European Union, Australia, the Americas and elsewhere. In
particular, PokerStars is the world's most licensed online gaming
brand, holding licenses or related operating approvals in 17

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements and Other

This news release may contain forward-looking statements and
information within the meaning of applicable securities laws.
Forward-looking statements can, but may not always, be identified by
the use of words such as "anticipate", "plan", "continue",
"estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "intend", "could", "might",
"would", "should", "believe", and similar references to future
periods or the negatives of these words and expressions. These
statements are based on management's current expectations and are
subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. There
can be no assurance that actual results will not differ materially
from those expressed or implied in forward-looking statements. Undue
reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements. Please
refer to The Stars Group's most recent annual information form and
annual and interim financial statements and management's discussion
and analysis for more information about the factors, assumptions and
risks that may apply to The Star's Group's forward-looking
statements. Each forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date
hereof, and The Stars Group undertakes no obligation to correct or
update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise, except as required by
applicable law.

For media inquiries, please contact: Eric Hollreiser:

ots Originaltext: The Stars Group
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


Original-Content von: The Stars Group, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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