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EANS-General Meeting: Rosenbauer International AG / Invitation to the General Meeting according to art. 107 para. 3 Companies Act

Geschrieben am 18-04-2018

General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a
Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this


Rosenbauer International AG
Leonding, FN 78543 f
ISIN AT0000922554
Convening of the ordinary Annual General Meeting

We hereby invite our shareholders to the 26th Annual General Meeting of
Rosenbauer International AG on Friday, May 18, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., at
OÖNachrichten Forum, Promenaden Galerien, Promenade 23, 4020 Linz, Austria.

1. Submission of the annual financial statements with the management report, the
proposal for the appropriation of profits, the corporate governance report, the
consolidated financial statements with the Group management report and the
report of the Supervisory Board for the 2017 financial year
2. Resolution for the appropriation of profits
3. Resolution for official approval of the actions of the members of the
Executive Board for the 2017 financial year
4. Resolution for official approval of the actions of the members of the
Supervisory Board for the 2017 financial year
5. Selection of the auditor and Group auditor for the 2018 financial year
6. Election of a member to the Supervisory Board

In particular, the following documents will be available on the company's
website at no later than April 27, 2018:
* Annual financial statements with the management report,
* Corporate governance report,
* Consolidated financial statements with the Group management report,
* Proposal for the appropriation of profits,
* Separate non-financial report,
* Report of the Supervisory Board,
for the 2017 financial year;
* Resolution proposals for agenda items 2 through 6,
* Candidate statement for election to the Supervisory Board regarding agenda
item 6 pursuant to § 87 (2) AktG (Austrian Stock Corporation Act), incl. resume,
* Forms for issuing proxies,
* Forms for revoking proxies,
* Complete text of this convocation.

Eligibility to attend the Annual General Meeting and exercise voting and other
shareholder rights to be asserted at the Annual General Meeting is based on
shareholding at the end of May 8, 2018 (reference date).
Only those who are shareholders on this reference date and can provide proof of
this to the company are eligible to attend the Annual General Meeting.
For proof of shareholding on the reference date, a deposit certificate pursuant
to § 10a AktG must be received by the company no later than May 15, 2018 (12:00
midnight), exclusively by one of the following communication channels and
(i) for delivery of the deposit certificate in text form, which is permitted
under § 17 (3) of the Articles of Association
By fax: + 43 (0) 1 8900 500 49
By e-mail:
(Deposit certificates as a PDF)

(ii) for delivery of the deposit certificate in written form
By mail or courier:
Rosenbauer International AG
Investor Relations
Attn. Tiemon Kiesenhofer
Paschinger Strasse 90
4060 Leonding, Austria
(Message Type MT598 or MT599, absolutely necessary to specify ISIN AT0000922554
in text)

Shareholders are asked to contact their custodian bank and arrange for the
issuance and delivery of a deposit certificate.
The reference date has no impact on the saleability of the shares and is not
relevant to dividend entitlements.

Deposit Certificate Pursuant to § 10a AktG
The deposit certificate must be issued by the custodian bank, which must be
based in a member state of the European Economic Area or in a full member state
of the OECD; it must contain the following information:

* Information on the issuer: company name and address or a code customarily used
in transactions between banks,
* Information on the shareholder: name / company name and address; if
shareholder is a natural person, date of birth; if shareholder is a legal
entity, register and number under which the legal entity is listed in its
country of origin, as necessary;
* Information on the shares: number of shares held by the shareholder; ISIN
* Deposit number or other designation,
* Time to which the deposit certificate relates.

The deposit certificate used as proof of shareholding for the purpose of
attending the Annual General Meeting must refer to the reference date of May 8,
2018 (12:00 midnight CEST, Vienna time).
The deposit certificate will be accepted in German or in English.

Proof of Identity
The shareholders and their proxies are asked to have valid, official photo
identification ready for inspection when registering.

Each shareholder who is eligible to attend the Annual General Meeting, and has
proven this to the company in accordance with the specifications in Item III of
this convocation, has the right to appoint a proxy who may attend the Annual
General Meeting on behalf of the shareholder and has the same rights as the
shareholder he or she represents.
The proxy must be granted to a specific person (natural person or legal entity)
in text form (§ 13(2) AktG); it is also possible to authorize several persons.
It is possible to grant a proxy both before and during the Annual General
We offer the following channels and addresses for the delivery of proxies:
By mail or courier:
Rosenbauer International AG
Investor Relations
Attn. Tiemon Kiesenhofer
Paschinger Strasse 90
4060 Leonding, Austria
By fax: + 43 (0) 1 8900 500 49
(Proxies can be considered in PDF format)

Proxies must be received at one of the above addresses by May 17, 2018, 4:00
p.m. at the latest, if they are not to be turned in at the entry and exit
control of the Annual General Meeting on the day of the Annual General Meeting.

Proxy forms and forms for revoking the proxy are available from the company's
website at In the interest of ensuring that these are
processed smoothly, we ask that you please always use the forms provided.
Details on the authorization of proxies, particularly on the text form and on
the content of the proxy, are set out in the proxy form provided to the
If a shareholder has issued a proxy to his custodian bank (§ 10a AktG), it shall
be sufficient for it to submit the declaration that a proxy has been granted to
it in addition to the deposit certificate via the route provided for its
delivery to the company.
Shareholders can personally exercise their rights in the Annual General Meeting
even after issuing a proxy. Appearance in person is considered a revocation of
any previously issued proxy.
The above provisions on the granting of proxies shall apply analogously for
revoking proxies.

Independent Voting Proxy
As a special service, Claudia Zehetner is available to stockholders as an
independent voting proxy bound by shareholders' instructions for exercising
their voting right at the Annual General Meeting. A special proxy form is
available on the company's website at to authorize Claudia
Zehetner. This special proxy form must be submitted to the company only to one
of the addresses above (fax, e-mail, or mail) for sending proxies. Claudia
Zehetner can also be directly contacted by telephone at +43 (732) 6794-3939 or
by e-mail at
The shareholder must issue Claudia Zehetner instructions about how the proxy
(or, if necessary, a sub-representative authorized by Claudia Zehetner) must
exercise the right to vote. Claudia Zehetner will exercise the right to vote
only based on the instructions that the shareholder issues. The proxy is invalid
without explicit instructions. Please note that the voting proxy does not accept
any instructions for requests to speak, raising objections to resolutions of the
Annual General Meeting, for asking questions or for motions.

The Annual General Meeting is the primary body of a stock corporation, since it
is the forum for the owners of the company - the shareholders. For this reason,
we ask for your understanding of the fact that we cannot make the Annual General
Meeting into an event for guests, as much as we appreciate such interest. The
participation of guests is thus only possible after prior registration. Please
contact the Investor Relations Team with any inquiries (tel.: 0043 732 6794
2354, e-mail:
We ask for your understanding that it is generally only possible for a maximum
of two persons (one shareholder and one proxy, or two proxies instead of the
shareholder) to be admitted due to the historically large number of participants
at our Annual General Meeting, for organizational reasons in connection with the
preparation of the buffet per deposit certificate.


1. Additions to the Agenda by Shareholders Under § 109 AktG
Shareholders whose combined shares total 5% of the share capital and who have
held these shares for at least three months prior to filing the motion can
submit a written request for items to be added to the agenda of this Annual
General Meeting and an-nounced, provided that such written request is received
in written form by the company via mail or courier no later than April 27, 2018
(12:00 midnight), at the following address only: Tiemon Kiesenhofer, Investor
Relations Department, Paschinger Strasse 90, 4060 Leonding, Austria. Each agenda
item thus requested must be accompanied by a proposed resolution and a statement
of grounds. Proof of share ownership must be presented in the form of a deposit
certificate pursuant to § 10a AktG, which confirms that the shareholders filing
the motion have held the shares for at least three months prior to filing the
motion and which is no more than seven days old at the time of its presentation
to the company. Please refer to the information on eligibility to attend (Item
III) regarding the other requirements of the deposit certificate.

2. Resolutions Proposed for the Agenda by Shareholders Under § 110 AktG
Shareholders whose combined shares total 1% of the share capital may submit
written proposals for resolutions plus grounds for each item on the agenda of
this Annual General Meeting and request that such proposals be made available on
the company's website listed in the company register along with the names of the
shareholders concerned, the accompanying statement of grounds and any opinion of
the Executive Board or the Supervisory Board, provided this request is received
by the company in text form by May 8, 2018 (12:00 midnight) at the latest,
either by fax to +43 (0)732 6794 - 89 or to Tiemon Kiesenhofer, Investor
Relations Department, Paschinger Strasse 90, 4060 Leonding, Austria, or by e-
mail to, whereby the request in text form must be attached to
the e-mail, e.g. as a PDF.
In the case of a nomination for the election of a Supervisory Board member, the
statement of the nominated person pursuant to § 87 (2) AktG must be submitted
instead of the statement of grounds.
Proof of share ownership must be presented in the form of a deposit certificate
pursu-ant to § 10a AktG, which is no more than seven days old at the time of its
presentation to the company. Please refer to the information on eligibility to
attend (Item III) regarding the other requirements of the deposit certificate.

3. Shareholders' Right to Information Under § 118 AktG
At the Annual General Meeting, each shareholder is entitled to receive, upon
request, information on company matters to the extent that it is required for
proper assessment of an agenda item. The obligation to provide information also
extends to the legal rela-tionships of the company to an affiliated company, as
well as to the position of the Group and of the companies included in the
consolidated financial statements.
Such information may be refused if, according to sound business judgment, it has
the potential to cause a considerable disadvantage to the company or an
affiliated company or if its disclosure would cause liability to prosecution.
The Chairman of the Annual General Meeting can appropriately restrict the
shareholders' rights to speak and ask questions in terms of time pursuant to §
19 (2) of the Arti-cles of Association. He can order general and individual
restrictions on speaking and questioning times, particularly at the beginning
of, but also during, the Annual General Meeting.
Requests for information at the Annual General Meeting are generally to be made
ver-bally, but are also acceptable in writing.
Questions for which answers require longer preparation may be submitted in
writing to the Executive Board in good time prior to the Annual General Meeting
in order to ensure that the meeting runs efficiently. Questions may be submitted
to the company by fax to +43 (0)732 6794 - 89 or by e-mail to

4. Motions by Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting Under § 119 AktG
Each shareholder - irrespective of the size of their shareholding - is entitled
to file motions on each item of the agenda at the Annual General Meeting. If
multiple motions are submitted for one item on the agenda, the Chairman shall
specify the sequence of vot-ing pursuant to § 119 (3) AktG. However, the prompt
submission of a proposed resolu-tion pursuant to § 110 AktG is a mandatory
requirement in the case of a shareholder nomination for the election of a
Supervisory Board member: persons may only be nominated for election to the
Supervisory Board (agenda item 6) by shareholders who together hold at least 1%
of the share capital. Such nominations must be received by the company in the
manner described above (Item V (2) by May 8, 2018, at the latest. Each
nomination must be accompanied by a statement from the nominated person pursuant
to § 87 (2) AktG regarding their professional qualifications, their professional
or comparable positions and any circumstances that could give rise to concerns
regarding impartiality. Otherwise, the shareholder nomination for the election
of a Supervisory Board member may not be taken into consideration in the vote.

5. Information on the Website
More detailed information on these shareholder rights under §§ 109, 110, 118 and
119 AktG is available on the company's website at


Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights
At the time of convening the Annual General Meeting, the share capital of the
company amounts to EUR 13,600,000 and is divided into 6,800,000 no-par value
shares. Each share confers one vote. The total number of voting rights as of the
time of convening the An-nual General Meeting thus amounts to 6,800,000 voting
rights. At the time of convening the Annual General Meeting, the company does
not directly or indirectly hold any treas-ury shares.

Leonding, April 2018
The Executive Board

Further inquiry note:
Rosenbauer International AG
Tiemon Kiesenhofer
Tel.: 0043-732-6794-2354

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Rosenbauer International AG
Paschingerstrasse 90
A-4060 Leonding
phone: +43(0)732 6794 568
FAX: +43(0)732 6794 89
ISIN: AT0000922554
indexes: WBI
stockmarkets: Stuttgart, Wien, Berlin
language: English

Original-Content von: Rosenbauer International AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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