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UCB Joins with ILAE and IBE to Encourage World Health Assembly Members to Continue Recognition of Epilepsy as Global Health Priority

Geschrieben am 22-05-2018

Brussels and Geneva (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Significant gaps in epilepsy management, awareness, and effective
treatment access continue around the world
- Groups are launching a call to action for public and private
engagement to join the fight against Epilepsy through a sustained
commitment towards the Resolution on Epilepsy
- Call to action builds on 2015 WHO Resolution on Epilepsy, which
aims to improve knowledge, services, and treatment of epilepsy

Representatives from the International League against Epilepsy
(ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE), alongside
prominent members of the Global epilepsy community, are meeting this
week to encourage World Health Assembly (WHA) members and the World
Health Organization (WHO) to continue to recognize epilepsy as a
global health priority in countries around the world.

Coinciding with the 71st World Health Assembly, advocates will
focus on progressing the milestone 2015 WHO Resolution on epilepsy to
encourage countries to prioritise epilepsy at national levels,
including promoting awareness, eliminating stigma of the disease,
expanding research capacity, improving monitoring and surveillance,
and expanding access to care.

One of the particular areas of focus will be how to better develop
and shape public health policy to better support people living with
epilepsy achieve a better quality of life.

Epilepsy is the most common serious disease of the brain,[1]
affecting 65 million people around the world.[2] In developing
countries, 60% to 90% of people with epilepsy receive no treatment
due to inadequacies in healthcare resources and delivery and due to
social stigma.[1]

"This World Health Assembly can be a turning point for the
epilepsy community. Our organizations are fully committed to seeking
international support to the 2015 Resolution on epilepsy" said
Martin Brodie and Samuel Wiebe, respectively IBE President and ILAE
President, in a joint statement. "We hope that this renewed momentum
will inspire the creation of a broad-ranging coalition carrying on
further innovative programs and activities consistent with the
objectives of the Resolution" they added.

Supporting these efforts, ILAE and IBE have convened a
distinguished expert panel to highlight recent progress and global
achievements made to improve awareness and management of epilepsy by
WHA countries, and to identify some of the outstanding challenges
which unfortunately still remain. These include significant gaps and
disparities in epilepsy management, awareness and access to effective
treatment around the world, which contribute to inequality and

"As Global leaders in epilepsy, UCB is proud to support the ILAE
and the IBE in their continued efforts to improve the lives of people
with epilepsy throughout the world" explained Bruce Lavin, Head of
Neurology External Engagement and Policy at UCB. "We share a joint
commitment to provide additional value to people living with epilepsy
around the world. Whether by improving epilepsy care by creating
tools, engaging with stakeholders to raise awareness about the
complex spectrum of epilepsy, or facilitating the exchange of
information and developing standards and guidelines which support
people at each stage of their epilepsy journey".

In convening this meeting, the group hopes to inspire the creation
of a broader public-private coalition and develop an action plan for
further innovative programs and activities consistent with the
objectives of the WHO Resolution.

The ILAE and IBE have a long standing formal collaboration with
the WHO, which was renewed by the WHO's Executive Board at the their
140th Annual session in 2017. This collaboration provides a continued
platform to help ensure epilepsy is recognized as a health priority
worldwide, and that the human and civil rights of people with
epilepsy are enhanced and protected wherever they might live.

About Epilepsy[2],[3]

Epilepsy is a disease of the brain affecting approximately 65
million people worldwide.[2] It is defined as either the occurrence
of two or more unprovoked seizures >24 hours apart or one unprovoked
(or reflex) seizure and a probability of further seizures occurring
over the next 10 years that is similar to the general recurrence risk
(at least 60%) after two unprovoked seizures or diagnosis of an
epilepsy syndrome.[3] Although epilepsy may be linked to factors such
as health conditions, race and age, it can develop in anyone at any
age, and approximately 1 in 26 people will develop epilepsy in their

About UCB in Epilepsy

UCB has a longstanding commitment to improving the lives of people
with epilepsy around the world. With over 20 years of experience in
the research and development of antiepileptic drugs, our goal is to
become a preferred partner for the global epilepsy community,
improving knowledge about and access to effective solutions to help
patients better manage their individual epilepsy journeys. We strive
to partner and create super-networks with world-leading scientists
and clinicians in academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies and
other organizations who share our goals. At UCB, we are inspired by
patients, and driven by science in our commitment to support people
with epilepsy.

About UCB

UCB, Brussels, Belgium ( ) is a global
biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of
innovative medicines and solutions to transform the lives of people
living with severe diseases in immunology and neurology. With
approximately 7500 people operating in 40 countries, the company
generated revenue of EUR4.5 billion in 2017. UCB is listed on
Euronext Brussels (symbol: UCB). Follow us on Twitter: @UCB_news

Forward looking statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements based on
current plans, estimates and beliefs of management. All statements,
other than statements of historical fact, are statements that could
be deemed forward-looking statements, including estimates of
revenues, operating margins, capital expenditures, cash, other
financial information, expected legal, political, regulatory or
clinical results and other such estimates and results. By their
nature, such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future
performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions
which could cause actual results to differ materially from those that
may be implied by such forward-looking statements contained in this
press release. Important factors that could result in such
differences include: changes in general economic, business and
competitive conditions, the inability to obtain necessary regulatory
approvals or to obtain them on acceptable terms, costs associated
with research and development, changes in the prospects for products
in the pipeline or under development by UCB, effects of future
judicial decisions or governmental investigations, product liability
claims, challenges to patent protection for products or product
candidates, changes in laws or regulations, exchange rate
fluctuations, changes or uncertainties in tax laws or the
administration of such laws and hiring and retention of its
employees. UCB is providing this information as of the date of this
press release and expressly disclaims any duty to update any
information contained in this press release, either to confirm the
actual results or to report a change in its expectations.

There is no guarantee that new product candidates in the pipeline
will progress to product approval or that new indications for
existing products will be developed and approved. Products or
potential products which are the subject of partnerships, joint
ventures or licensing collaborations may be subject to differences
between the partners. Also, UCB or others could discover safety, side
effects or manufacturing problems with its products after they are

Moreover, sales may be impacted by international and domestic
trends toward managed care and health care cost containment and the
reimbursement policies imposed by third-party payers as well as
legislation affecting biopharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement.


1. date
accessed 18 May 2018
epsy date accessed 18 May 2018
3. ILAE official report: a practical clinical definition of epilepsy.
Epilepsia. ( 2014
Apr;55(4):475-82. doi: 10.1111/epi.12550. Epub 2014 Apr 14. ( date accessed 18 May

ots Originaltext: UCB Pharma
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