
Jennewein Biotechnologie to build new R&D centre for synthetic organisms and microbiome research in Bonn, Germany

Geschrieben am 05-07-2018

Rheinbreitbach (ots) - Jennewein Biotechnologie announces that on
June 15, 2018, it signed a long-term lease for a 1000-m2 plot of land
on Mildred-Scheel-Straße, Bonn Bad Godesberg, which will be the site
of a new R&D centre for microbiome research and designer
microorganisms. "The relocation of part of our research department,
from its home of many years in Rheinbreitbach, to Bonn Bad Godesberg,
was necessary because of the strong growth our company has enjoyed
over the past few years, and the lack of space now available for
additional research activities," explains Dr. Katja Parschat, Deputy
Head of R&D at Jennewein Biotechnologie. The company plans to invest
around 3.6 million euros in a new laboratory facility, and the
employees of the Metabolic Engineering Division are set to move to
Bonn in October this year. In the medium term, the new R&D centre
will accommodate 30-40 research scientists.

The new R&D centre will continue to develop the company's
successful research on metabolic engineering, focusing on designer
microorganisms and particularly on new technologies for the creation
of organisms with synthetic genomes. Jennewein Biotechnologie has
been a leader in metabolic engineering and genome modification for
many years. "Extending the genome engineering work we began in 2005
to embrace synthetic and rationally designed genomes is a logical
step on the way to designer organisms, which will enable us to
increase the yields of our products and save on costs," says Dr.
Stefan Jennewein, CEO of Jennewein Biotechnologie. "This is
especially important in order to remain competitive in the long term
and to maintain our leading position on the international stage." The
new R&D centre will also expand the company's microbiome research
activities and strengthen its expertise. Jennewein Biotechnologie
recently launched the world's first clinical study to investigate the
development of the infant microbiome and the impact of breastfeeding
and human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). This study is still ongoing,
and currently involves 300 babies in Germany, Austria, Italy and

"Microbiomes are everywhere and we're constantly interacting with
them," says Dr. Jennewein. "Although not much is yet known about the
relationship between microbiomes and allergies, autism, obesity and
other diseases, the microbiome definitely plays an important role in
infant development. And this isn't just limited to the intestinal
microbiome. We see great potential in products which promote what we
call the healthy microbiome, especially in the area of infant and
toddler nutrition."

About HMOs:

Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are complex sugar molecules
that are only present in breast milk. Excluding water, they are the
third most abundant constituent of human milk after fats and lactose.
More than 200 structurally different HMOs have been identified.

The most abundant HMO is 2?-fucosyllactose, which is produced by
about 80% of all lactating mothers at concentrations of up to 2 g/L.
Scientific studies have shown that HMOs, and 2?-fucosyllactose in
particular, have a positive impact on infant development. HMOs are
prebiotic, i.e. they specifically promote the growth of beneficial
microorganisms, and at the same time they inhibit the growth of
pathogens by directly and indirectly preventing colonisation.
Jennewein Biotechnologie launched 2?-fucosyllactose onto the global
baby food market in 2015, and several infant milk formulas around the
world now contain 2?-fucosyllactose (e.g. Abbott Similac).

About the microbiome:

The microbiome is the entirety of all microorganisms that colonise
humans. Although most of these microorganisms live in the gut, others
live on the skin or inhabit other parts of the body, such as the
mouth and nose. The microbiome is a complex ecosystem consisting of
about 100 different microbial species. Some extremely important
functions are attributed to the gut microbiome, such as programming
the immune system and defending against pathogens.

About synthetic biology:

Synthetic biology is the creation of biological systems that do
not occur naturally. The goal is to manufacture artificial systems
that nevertheless fulfil useful functions such as the production of
beneficial proteins and metabolites. The techniques used in synthetic
biology are similar to genetic engineering, but involve not only the
transfer of natural genes between species but also completely new
genetic sequences designed with the help of computers. Synthetic
biology is an interdisciplinary field requiring collaboration between
biologists, chemists and engineers.

About Jennewein Biotechnologie:

Jennewein Biotechnologie is a leading international industrial
biotechnology company with a range of products in the field of
complex oligosaccharides (HMOs) and rare monosaccharides. The company
manufactures an extensive portfolio of innovative HMO products, such
as 2?-fucosyllactose, 3?-fucosyllactose and lacto-N-tetraose. These
rare sugars are used in the food industry (particularly infant milk
formulas), the pharmaceutical industry, and the cosmetic industry.
The manufacturing process involves state-of-the-art fermentation
techniques. In 2015, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
granted Jennewein Biotechnologie a license to market
2?-fucosyllactose in the USA. This was followed in 2017 by European
Union marketing authorisation under the Novel Food Regulation.

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Bettina Gutierrez
Tel. +49 (0)2224/9197346

Original-Content von: Jennewein Biotechnologie GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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