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In vitro diagnostics company Sysmex Europe announces executive leadership change

Geschrieben am 02-10-2018

Norderstedt (ots) - Sysmex Europe GmbH, which oversees Sysmex's
operations in EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa), has announced its
Chairman and long-time President & CEO Dr Jürgen Schulze decided in
early 2018 to retire effective 30 September 2018, however will
continue to benefit and support Sysmex as a member and vice-chairman
of the MedTech Europe Executive Board.

Dr Schulze began his Sysmex journey in 1995, stepping in as the
Managing Director for Sysmex Germany, the first direct affiliate of
EMEA headquarters. He was in this role until 2009 and was
instrumental in Sysmex Germany's tremendous growth, which played a
large part in Sysmex becoming a market leader in haematology. Dr
Schulze then became a member of the Senior Management Team EMEA, and
eventually became an Executive Officer of Sysmex Corporation (Japan).
His active role in relevant industry associations helped augment his
expertise and knowledge of current market trends and directions.

After a dynamic and successful career, Dr Schulze has decided it
is time to start a new chapter of his life. Sysmex is grateful for
his many years of hard work and dedication that resulted in the
strong continuous growth the company has experienced in EMEA.

Dr Schulze has passed the baton onto Alain Baverel, who has been
transitioning into his role as President & Chief Executive Officer
Sysmex EMEA since April 2018, with his fully-fledged role officially
beginning on 1 October 2018. Mr Baverel joined Sysmex in 2007 as
Managing Director of the newly established affiliate Sysmex France
S.A.S. During his 10 years' experience as the president of Sysmex
France, they also saw extraordinary growth and developed a strong
foundation and reputation in the local market.

In alignment with the 2025 vision for advancement from Sysmex
Corporation - the global headquarters in Kobe, Japan - to become a
global top-five company in in vitro diagnostics, Mr Baverel plans to
fully support Sysmex Europe in achieving this goal. He believes this
goal can be reached by addressing the crucial element of optimising
patient treatment and personalised medicine as well as
differentiating from others by means of innovative business models.
He also acknowledges that taking risks is vital, as well as
recognising that the true value of a business is the commitment of
its people.

With 25 years' experience in the diagnostic technology industry,
Mr Baverel has a strong understanding of this field. With the state
of the business world constantly evolving, Mr Baverel's experience
both before and during his time at Sysmex will help advance the
company even further.

About Sysmex Europe

Sysmex aims to shape the advancement of healthcare by providing
healthcare professionals around the world with a broad range of
medical diagnostics products and solutions. Our total solutions
combine highly dependable, multi-functional and easy-to-operate
instruments, a variety of reagents, software that can consolidate
testing data and reliable service and support. We provide solutions
for the fields of haematology, urinalysis, haemostasis, oncology,
flow cytometry and essential healthcare. Sysmex Europe GmbH, located
near Hamburg, Germany, is a subsidiary of the Sysmex Corporation from
Kobe, Japan. From our Hamburg offices, we serve our affiliates,
distributors and customers throughout Europe, the Middle East, and
Africa (EMEA). For more information on how we are lighting the way
with diagnostics, visit

Press contact:

Jens Behrens

Original-Content von: Sysmex Europe GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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