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ees & IBESA Summit France 2018: Storage Industry Setting the Course for the Energy Future

Geschrieben am 09-10-2018

Strasbourg/Pforzheim/Bonn (ots) - The ees & IBESA Summit in
Strasbourg is the main meeting point for the battery and energy
storage industry in France. On October 24, 2018, European
manufacturers, service providers, project developers, systems
integrators and research institutes will come together in Alsace to
make transnational contacts. Supported by ees Europe, the continent's
largest and most visited exhibition for batteries and energy storage
systems, and the International Battery and Energy Storage Alliance
(IBESA), summit participants will discuss the latest topics and
trends. They will develop new business models and visions for the new
energy future. Because we can already see today that the storage
market is moving as fast in France as it is everywhere else in the

The ees & IBESA Summit France 2018 will bring the battery and
energy storage system industries together in Strasbourg. The one-day
conference provides an opportunity for all relevant stakeholders in
the energy storage industry to exchange knowledge and ideas about
crucial topics for the future. Just like the photovoltaics (PV)
industry of the 1990s, the market for storage systems is now also
radically changing - and it is only becoming more international. That
is why it is essential for everyone involved in the industry to
network via a common platform, so they can learn from each other,
develop visions for the future and correct undesirable developments
early. That will ensure quality and reliability for tomorrow.

The market for storage systems is booming. It has tripled in
recent years in Germany alone, where already more than 100,000 solar
storage systems have been installed, and there is no end in sight.
The annual worldwide installation rate of stationary storage devices
will increase significantly by 2030 -Bloomberg New Energy Finance
predicts a capacity of 125 GW with a storage volume of 305 GWh. The
combination of photovoltaics and storage systems is proving to be
promising, including for the French market. In France, companies
which install solar systems are now using their distribution channels
for storage systems, too. According to EuPD Research, 68 percent of
them were already offering battery storage systems in 2016. The trend
is catching on. It is accompanied by a shift from direct to indirect
purchasing, with the new target group being distributors and

Shining a light on the French storage market

The French government plans to raise the share of renewable
energies in the country's power supply - by 2025, nuclear energy
should be reduced from 75 percent to 50 percent of the energy mix.
Massive investments are necessary for this plan to work, including in
the area of smart metering as well as for efficient transmission and
distribution of electricity, and electrical energy storage is

Strasbourg serves as precisely the right meeting point. On October
24, the ees & IBESA Summit France will take on the challenges and
opportunities existing in the French and the wider European energy
storage market. It will also put current political, technological and
market-related issues in the spotlight.

Visitors can expect a high-quality program. One of many highlights
is a session about the revolution in energy storage media in Europe.
A range of relevant topics are on the docket here and speakers will
address such topics as the underlying political conditions, the
economic climate and technical advances. Another session is focused
on developments in the industry and the current status of research.
This includes blockchain and the question of whether virtual power
plants are the future of the industry. A third session will present
business models and best practices. Among other topics, it will look
at how energy storage systems have changed the energy supply in
stand-alone systems and what advantages energy management systems
offer for residential properties.

"With falling costs and rising capacity, the range of economical
applications for battery storage systems is growing. There are many
opportunities for Europe to take on a leading role in this
transitional period," says Pablo Ralon, Associate Program Officer,
Renewable Energy Cost Status & Outlook of the International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA). "The summit is taking place at exactly the
right time. Interest in renewable energies is now growing in France,
as are investment plans for storage solutions. Balancing the public
grid and connecting vehicles to the power grid are also focal
points," adds Louis-Narito Harada of Eversheds Sutherland.

Expanding the EU market and developing new business models

At the ees & IBESA Summit France, the industry will not only
sketch out joint visions of how the storage market should function in
the future, but will also consider the expansion of the EU market and
the development of new business models. Ultimately, the industry
meeting point will serve to further drive the transnational
discussion on the expansion of storage technologies.

The event's organizers are Solar Promotion International GmbH, the
International Battery & Energy Storage Alliance (IBESA) and Freiburg
Management und Marketing International GmbH (FMMI). Trion-Climate
e.V. is a co-organizer.

The ees & IBESA Summit France 2018 is made possible by a range of
high-profile sponsors. The organizers would like to thank Hager
Electro GmbH & Co. KG, SOCOMEC and Sonnen GmbH for their support.

The ees & IBESA Summit France 2018 will take place in Strasbourg
on October 24, 2018.

For more information, please visit:

Solar Promotion International GmbH
Tina Engelhard | General Manager | Tel.: +49 7231 58598-207 |

International Battery & Energy Storage Alliance (IBESA)
Daniel Fuchs | Vice President | Tel.: +49 228 971 4345 |

Original-Content von: The smarter E Europe, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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