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Beijing: Creation of Artprice and Artron Teams to Conquer the Chinese Art Market, Multiply Artprice's Turnover and Promote Chinese Art in the West

Geschrieben am 28-11-2018

Beijing (ots/PRNewswire) -

Artprice's Chairman, thierry Ehrmann, and its senior executives
have just returned from several days of intense work at Artron's
headquarters in Beijing where discussions focused on accelerating and
implementing, as quickly as possible, all the agreed strategic and
commercial initiatives that will inevitably generate very positive
results in terms of turnover and the expansion of Artprice's client
base... not to mention shareholder value.

(Logo: )

nd_thierry_Ehrmann.jpg )

Artron and its Chairman Mr. Wan Jie gave the Artprice team an
exceptionally respectful, warm and loyal welcome and introduced
Artprice to China's top-level institutional leaders, the country's
principal Art Market players and all of Artron's 3,500 employees.

These face-to-face introductions are an essential step in
Artprice's bid to fructify the enormous potential of the Chinese
market in a fast and optimal manner.

In 2018, China accounted for 45% of global online transactions,
generating 12 times more online transactions than the United States.
China has a huge advantage over the West because it is building its
market economy directly on the Internet (Source GEAB / LEAP 2020).

Speaking in front of his senior executives and top management, Mr.
Wan Jie - at the head of his Artron empire and probably the most
powerful player in China's Art Market - reiterated his unfailing
personal friendship and loyalty vis-à-vis Artprice's
founder-Chairman, thierry Ehrmann.

This fact deserves emphasis as Chinese custom usually prohibits
such 'departures' from accepted business protocol.

As China has become the global Art Market's leading marketplace
over the past decade - Artprice had been the first to report it in
2009 -, it naturally represents a fascinating new market for

China has grand ambitions:

As the French language business weekly Challenges headlined last
week: "China, the giant that wants to dominate the World". China is
still accelerating with its "Made in China 2025" plan and its "New
Silk Roads".

As a global company, Artprice made a point to successfully enter
the Chinese market, now the last great 'eldorado' for any group whose
market is global.

According to Artprice's founding Chairman, thierry Ehrmann, "I
appreciated the emergence of China's global power, its insatiable
appetite and its desire for leadership a long time ago! Over the past
nine years, Artprice has translated hundreds of millions of data from
its proprietary databases into Mandarin. However, observant visitors
to our famous head offices (L'Organe Museum of Contemporary Art at
the "Abode of Chaos" [dixit The New York Times]) over the past 30
years will have noticed thousands of artworks - including my own
sculptures and paintings - directly or indirectly referring to the
ancient culture and history of China."

"Unlike many, I am not surprised to see China gradually becoming
the world's leading economic power. Artprice has decided to enter the
Chinese market through the front door with a humility that has
clearly been lacking in many Western listed companies. Any other
strategy would have been a fatal mistake. I therefore wish to
reiterate my thanks to Wan Jie, Artron's Chairman, and all his
colleagues for making this open and proper strategy possible after 9
years of close collaboration!"

Since Monday, Artprice is one of the very few Western companies to
possess a WeChat profile reserved for companies operating under
Chinese law. WeChat is used by more than 1.8 billion Chinese Internet
users around the world.

Artron.Net is the most respected brand in the Chinese art world.
It has more than 3 million professional members in the arts sector
and an average of 15 million daily visits, making it the world's
leading art website. It is the first choice for art professionals,
investors / collectors and art lovers. Founded in 1993, the Artron
Art Group is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.

The involvement of Artron and its Chairman Mr. Wan Jie in Art in
China is completely uncontested. He is also Vice-Chairman and Founder
of the Institute of the famous Forbidden City, where he and thierry
Ehrmann visited government offices that are closed to the public
during the recent trip to Beijing.

Artprice subscriptions sold exclusively by Artron in China will
therefore reach directly into the heart of the need identified by
Artron within China's domestic market. Similarly, Artprice will be
accessible via Artron.Net's home page and all the Chinese social
networks where Artron is omnipresent.

Artprice's press agency, ArtMarketInsight, together with Artron's
editors, have decided to post around thirty daily dispatches in both
Chinese and English aimed at combining information about the Chinese
art market with information about the Western art market.

Numerous synergies have already been identified from our joint
working sessions and the merging of Artprice/Artron teams with the
similar functions. Given the extent of strategic, financial and
economic involvement with Artron, Artprice has decided to appoint a
Chief Executive responsible for its Chinese and Greater Asia
operations, who will reside in Beijing and work closely with Artron's

With this major breakthrough, Artprice will further strengthen its
position as World Leader in Art Market Information.

In the context of this extraordinary alliance with Artron and the
massive potential for new customers in China, Artprice is
anticipating a major boost to its 2019 sales and profits.

About the Artron Group:

"Artron Art Group (Artron), a comprehensive cultural industrial
group founded in 1993, is committed to inheriting, enhancing and
spreading art value. Based on abundant art data, Artron provides art
industry and art fans with professional service and experience of
quality products by integrated application of IT, advanced digital
science and innovative crafts and materials. Having produced more
than 60,000 books and auction catalogues, Artron is the world's
largest art book printer with a total print volume of 300 million a
year. It has more than 3 million professional members in the arts
sector and an average of 15 million daily visits, making it the
world's leading art website. Founded in 1993, the Artron Art Group is
celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. It is the first choice
for art professionals, investors, collectors and art fans in general
wishing to discover and/or participate in the art world or the art
market. Founded in 1993, Artron Art Group is celebrating its 25th
anniversary this year."

According to the Artron Group and its founder-Chairman Mr. Wan Jie
"After 7 years of cooperation, Artron and Artprice have optimised
their cooperation regarding the Chinese and Western art markets. The
founders and Chairmen of both companies, Mr. Wan Jie and Mr. Thierry
Ehrmann, with their enthusiasm for art, will create a Silk Road
linking the Chinese and Western art markets on the principle of
respect and mutual cooperation. The two groups will build a global,
diversified and professional exchange platform in the Art Market,
which will ultimately promote the sustainable development of the
Global Art Market.

Artron's Web:; .

Contact: 400-6690-999

About Artprice:

Founded by thierry Ehrmann (see Who's who certified Biography )

Artprice is listed on the Eurolist by Euronext Paris, SRD long
only and Euroclear: 7478 - Bloomberg: PRC - Reuters: ARTF.

Dicover Artprice in video:

Artprice is the global leader in art price and art index
databanks. It has over 30 million indices and auction results
covering more than 700,000 artists. Artprice Images(R) gives
unlimited access to the largest Art Market resource in the world: a
library of 126 million images or prints of artworks from the year
1700 to the present day, along with comments by Artprice's art

12 Oct. 2018: Artprice and Artron have just created an "Art Media


Artprice permanently enriches its databanks with information from
6,300 auctioneers and it publishes a constant flow of art market
trends for the world's principal news agencies and approximately
7,200 international press publications. For its 4,500,000 members,
Artprice gives access to the world's leading Standardised Marketplace
for buying and selling art. Artprice is preparing its blockchain for
the Art Market. It is BPI-labelled (scientific national French
label)Artprice's Global Art Market Annual Report for 2017 published
last March 2018:

Artprice's Contemporary Art Market Annual Report for 2017 - free

Artprice's press releases:

Artmarket News: &

Discover the Alchemy and the universe of Artprice, which headquarters are the famous
Museum of Contemporary Art, the Abode of Chaos:

The Contemporary Art Museum The Abode of Chaos on Facebook:

Contact: thierry Ehrmann,

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