Arnold Mattschull says goodbye from the operational management and joins the Takko Fashion advisory board / Change of management at Takko Fashion - Alexander Mattschull becomes new CEO of Takko Fashio
Geschrieben am 31-01-2019 |
Telgte, Germany (ots) - Today Arnold Mattschull says goodbye to
the operational management as CEO of the Smart Discounter Takko
Fashion. Once the new business year begins on 1 February 2019,
Alexander Mattschull will take over executive management of the
Arnold Mattschull led the company for a total of over seven years.
First he was CEO of the fashion discounter from 2004 to 2008, and
took the helm once more during a difficult period in 2016.
Together with the other executives, the Leading Circle (the
extended management circle) and all highly motivated Takko Fashion
employees, Arnold Mattschull was able to bring the company back on
track. He successfully implemented the restructuring within the
corporate group. In addition, he was able to sustainably refinance
the company through a new bond in October 2017.
Takko Fashion is now active in 17 countries as a successful smart
discounter, now operates 1941 stores and has nearly 18,000 employees.
Arnold Mattschull is now stepping down from operative management and
is joining the Takko Fashion advisory board, where he will continue
to provide counsel to the company. He is transferring the title of
CEO to Alexander Mattschull, who has been a member of executive
management for 11 years and who is in charge of Product Management,
Sourcing, Quality Management, Planning & Allocation, Human Resources,
Corporate Communication and Logistics.
"As CPO Alexander Mattschull established the company's
international offices in India, China and Bangladesh, perfected the
strength of the Sourcing department, and grew Takko Fashion into a
completely vertical discounter," says Arnold Mattschull.
Alexander Mattschull will manage the company with executives Ulli
Eickmann (CSO) and Andreas Silbernagel (CFO). "I am looking forward
to this new role. Over the years we have laid a very good foundation
for further growing our business with our new strategic alignment as
a Smart Discounter. We have a wonderful team who will successfully
shape and determine the future of Takko Fashion," says Alexander
About Takko Fashion:
With more than 1,900 stores in 17 countries, Takko Fashion is an
internationally successful smart discounter. With a diverse range of
stylish outfits at an optimal cost-benefit ratio, the smart
discounter fully meets the needs of the modern family. With the
online shop customers can shop for the latest trends from
Takko Fashion 24/7.Neueröffnungslager
Corporate Communication:
Takko Fashion GmbH
Mario Ullrich
Tel.: +49 2504 923 407
Takko Fashion GmbH
Katharina Petermann
Tel.: +49 2504 923 564
Original-Content von: Takko Fashion, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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