
Internal Marketing: Why it is Important and how to Apply it Successfully

Geschrieben am 07-02-2019

Bonn (ots) - One question might pop into your head immediately:
Why do internal marketing at all? The answer to this question is very
easy but yet convincing. Internal marketing can serve a lot of
purposes. i.g. you can improve your internal employer branding or do
a multilevel mailing streak for on boarding new employees. With the
right implementation, this can strengthen your staff retention and
turns your employees into your own Influencers and brand ambassadors
that carry a positive image of your business for everyone to see. If
email marketing is conducted with a professional email marketing
technology, you have the advantages of a central archive, the
possibility to automatise and individualise your communication or of
controlling editors from different departments and giving them
different rights and access. A few more advantages and use cases of
internal email marketing are listed in our post: " 5 Reasons for
Professional Email Marketing in Internal Communication". To show you
the way to hit it off with internal email communication we will give
you a few tips on how to implement it easily.

It's all about the length and frequency

First the obvious: It's important for you to keep it short in your
internal messages and get right to the point so that your employees
can filter the important content quickly. This means that messages
shouldn't take longer than two minutes to read. To make it a bit more
concrete: you should stay in a range between 400 to 500 words so that
it is more likely that your colleagues read you mail completely and
actually process and keep the info provided. The more you increase
the words, the less people will read the full message.

The same applies to your subject line. Few words show the subject
at first sight. Your employees have enough workload already so you
want to communicate fast and efficiently so they can use their time
and work productively.

To gather high attention for your messages you should keep in mind
not to send too many of them. Similar to the word count the frequency
of messages should not be too high so that no one gets annoyed. A
certain regularity can be handy. A possibility is to send messages
once a week. Studies have shown that this is the frequency that gives
you the best opening, reading and reaction rates. By establishing the
regularity your employees might even be expecting your message and
they start to plan a little accordingly.

The essential is, however, to really keep your messages short and
on point so that the interest won't fade halfway through the text.
This means you can even send more than once a week if you keep it
interesting, relevant, and focused.

Find the right timing

There are several studies about finding the right time to send
marketing messages and to realize the hightes opening rates. But the
general conditions for internal email marketing are different. With
your internal campaigns you shouldn't follow the model of your
external newsletter sending time or other marketing campaigns which
focus on your customers. When it comes to optimising the sending time
of external marketing mails, the best time to send your mail is in
the evening after rush hour, or on weekends. Additionally, Mondays
should be avoided because the working week starts and people are
stressed and tend to get annoyed by marketing messages.

For your internal campaigns you can almost rely on the opposite
conditions. The beginning of the week, meaning Monday but also
Tuesday, seems to gather the highest attention on internal marketing
campaigns. Furthermore, you should consider a sending time early in
the day when people start working. This is when they are still
focused and are more attentive than by the end of a working day. On
top, most people check their mails first thing in the morning and if
the email is already in their inbox they will open it immediately.
When it comes to the end of the week the attention for internal
marketing decreases which can be linked to employees leaving early on
Fridays so they won't see the message until Monday or just in general
to decreasing focus. Another reason could be the pressure to finish
important tasks before the weekend and so things with lower priority
can easily be overlooked. At the beginning of a week, people organise
their tasks and go through all input so internal marketing will not
be overlooked that easily.

Ideally, you already know the best sending time for your cause or
can now decide on it and make it a regular time. With professional
marketing automation technology you can even find out the best
sending time for your staff mailing list, certain departments, or
even individual employees and let the sending be initiated and
conducted automatically.

Designing a Campaign

Even though it's your internal email marketing you shouldn't
neglect the segmentation. Not every information is important for
every employee. Which criteria you use to sort out recipient groups
depends on your content. For example, you could organise them
depending on the department they work in, by qualification, or even
by personal attributes like family status or a certain behavioural
pattern (often depending on workflows).

After you have segmented your recipient groups, naturally you have
to create the content for the recipients and build the email. For
this there are mainly two options:

1. You can send messages which contain mostly visual language,
meaning the content is mostly photos or images (graphics etc.).
These should consist of at least 50 percent visual images. Text
should only be used as the explanatory tool. Photos and images
in general are eye catching and can be used to guide the
attention of your readers. Matching images can also provide
instant information about the subject of your message and the
reader doesn't have to go through a lot of text to get your
point. Rather graphical mails create emotion and involve the
reader. Also, mails with mainly graphic content are most
suitable for promoting internal activities, events or for
introducing new employees.
2. Another possibility are plain text messages. The content of
such may seem more serious to the reader because it is the same
style as in usual business mails. This kind of message is
required if the occasion demands seriousness, as for example
the change of workflows, data protection guidelines, or general
guidelines, or if you introduce new internal concepts in

In general the results of email campaigns show that graphic mails
have the best opening and reading rates. If you have a complex
content to share and text is inevitable you shouldn't put pictures on
top because that can distract from your actual point.

artegic AG - We are Marketing Engineers! We enable ambitious
marketing teams permanently to achieve better results.

With over 12 years of experience and know-how in best-of-breed
marketing technology, IT integration and best-practice for digital
dialogue marketing. artegic addresses marketers who are not satisfied
with the customer experience and the results of their current
marketing and who therefore want to achieve more with modern means:
with individual use-case-based solutions, tested at leading
companies. For a faster ways to measureable contributions to business

With 65 employees at its German sites in Bonn and Munich, as well
as international branches, artegic stands for sustainable and
successful dialogue marketing with significantly better results and
less operative expenses.

82% of German internet users are in contact with companies via
artegic's multi-award winning ELAINE technology. Our customers
include RTL, PAYBACK, BMW, BURDA, Web.de, REWE, maxdome, as well as
one in three DAX companies.

Every month, approximately 2.7 billion emails, SMS and social
media messages are sent in 141 countries.

artegic is certified company-wide by TÜV Rheinland according to
the international standard for IT and data security ISO/IEC 27001 and
has received several awards for its innovative and trend-setting
implementation of data protection requirements, including the eco
Internet Award, the Cased Security Award and the International
Business award (Stevie).

artegic AG
Zanderstraße 7
53177 Bonn

Mr. Sebastian Pieper

Tel: +49(0)228 22 77 97-0
Fax: +49(0)228 22 77 97-900
Twitter: http://twitter.com/artegic_uk
GooglePlus: https://plus.google.com/111057448053888319461/posts

Original-Content von: artegic AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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