
BCI Emergency Communications Report 2019: More organizations than ever use Emergency Notification and Crisis Management Systems (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 25-02-2019

Munich (ots) -

- Use of emergency notification systems has increased by 10 percent:
6 out of 10 organizations have implemented such a solution.

- Emergency notification systems and employment of IoT devices
significantly fasten communication processes in case of an emergency.

- 650 respondents from all over the world took part into the survey
conducted by the Business Continuity Institute, which has been
supported by F24 for the first time.

More organizations than ever before are using an emergency
notification system (ENS). This share increased significantly from 49
percent in the previous year to 59 percent. Companies and
organizations, who adopt ENS are able to initiate their emergency
communications plans and escalate information to their top management
more quickly than those who don't (see graphic). While only about
half of organizations without an ENS are able to initiate their plans
within an hour, three out of four organizations using and ENS are
able to achieve this target.

These are key findings from the BCI Emergency Communications
Report 2019, which marks the 4th edition of this research and where
650 industry experts from all over the world participated. This
report by the Business Continuity institute (BCI) has for the first
time been supported by F24, the leading software-as-a-service (SaaS)
provider for emergency notification and crisis management and for
sensitive and critical communications in Europe.

"Saving time has become even more crucial as our world is highly
interconnected and globalized today. The results of this report show
clearly that more and more organizations benefit from implementing an
emergency notification system. This is great news as it enables
professionals to focus on relevant activities that really need to be
handled by people," says Christian Goetz, co-founder of F24, member
of the Board of Directors and responsible for the areas of Sales,
Marketing & PR, HR and Customer Service.

IoT devices enable faster communications

Besides emergency communications systems the figures also point
out that the use of IoT devices also is able to fasten the
communications processes significantly. The organizations, who employ
IoT devices, 88 percent can activate their emergency communications
within one hour, while only 76 percent of organizations, who don't
use IoT devices, are able to do so. The same is true for the time
needed to inform the top management (see table 4, page 22).

"Of course, technology cannot take over the responsibility of
these complex situations as typically they can only be handled by
humans. But this does not mean that technology cannot be used to add
value, in order to improve our processes and quality." Christian
Goetz adds, "Additionally, the report also offers valuable insights
into topics like main challenges within emergency communications,
training and exercising, success factors and communication channels
for specific scenarios."

To access the full report for free please visit

About F24

F24 is the leading software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider for
emergency notification and crisis management (FACT24) and for
sensitive and critical communications (eCall) in Europe. With FACT24,
the company is able to offer a highly innovative solution and help
customers around the world to successfully and efficiently manage
incidents, emergencies and critical situations. In addition, the
eCall platform offers solutions for high-volume communications of
critical to confidential content in the business environment.

Founded in 2000, F24 AG has its headquarters in Munich, Germany.
Along with its subsidiaries, it supports more than 1,700 companies
and organisations in more than 80 countries around the globe as part
of the daily communication of critical and confidential information
or in the event of a crisis. This makes the F24 Group one of the
world's leading SaaS providers for alerting and crisis management as
well as critical communications for business customers.

F24 is the first company in the world to be certified by 'The
British Standards Institution' (BSI) for its integrated information
security (ISMS) and business continuity (BCMS) management systems.
F24 is the first and only European company listed in the Gartner
Report for emergency/mass notification services.

About the Business Continuity Institute

Founded in 1994 with the aim of promoting a more resilient world,
the Business Continuity Institute (BCI) has established itself as the
world's leading Institute for business continuity and resilience. The
BCI has become the membership and certifying organization of choice
for business continuity and resilience professionals globally with
over 8,000 members in more than 100 countries, working in an
estimated 3,000 organizations in the private, public and third

The vast experience of the Institute's broad membership and
partner network is built into its world class education, continuing
professional development and networking activities. Every year, more
than 1,500 people choose BCI training, with options ranging from
short awareness raising tools to a full academic qualification,
available online and in a classroom. The Institute stands for
excellence in the business continuity and resilience profession and
its globally recognised certified grades provide assurance of
technical and professional competency. The BCI offers a wide range of
resources for professionals seeking to raise their organization's
level of resilience, and its extensive thought leadership and
research programme helps drive the industry forward. With
approximately 120 Partners worldwide, the BCI Partnership offers
organizations the opportunity to work with the BCI in promoting best
practice in business continuity and resilience.

The BCI welcomes everyone with an interest in building resilient
organizations from newcomers, experienced professionals and
organizations. Further information about the BCI is available at

Press contact:
Dr. Stefanie Hauer
Corporate Communications
F24 AG
+49 89 2323 638-0

Original-Content von: F24 AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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