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Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Launches Alliance Intelligent Cloud on Microsoft Azure

Geschrieben am 20-03-2019

Paris, Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Alliance Intelligent Cloud built on Microsoft Azure to power the
Alliance's latest connected services
- World's leading automotive alliance to use Alliance Intelligent
Cloud for connected infrastructure in nearly all 200 markets served
by Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi
- Alliance Intelligent Cloud to power the connected services in the
all-new Renault Clio and the Nissan Leaf in Europe and Japan later
this year

Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi, the world's leading automotive
alliance, today announced the production release of the Alliance
Intelligent Cloud, a new platform that is enabling Renault, Nissan
and Mitsubishi Motors to deliver connected services in vehicles sold
in nearly all 200 markets served by the Alliance member companies.
Culminating joint development efforts between the Alliance and
Microsoft, the auto industry's first global and most ambitious
connected vehicle program will be deployed utilizing cloud,
artificial intelligence (AI) and IoT technologies provided by
Microsoft Azure. Azure provides the Alliance with a global data
platform to securely capture, manage and analyze vehicle data to
deliver intelligent services based on the vast volume of data created
by connected vehicles.

Kal Mos, Global Vice President of Alliance Connected Vehicles at
Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi, said: "Today we are deploying a vehicle
connectivity platform that will transform the digital experience for
customers of Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi. Through our
collaboration with Microsoft, we are introducing the most powerful
and far-reaching connected vehicle platform. Leveraging the size and
scale of the Alliance, we have built an intelligent cloud platform
that sets the pace for our industry."

"Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi is a longstanding partner and our first
strategic partner for the Microsoft connected vehicle platform," said
Jean-Phillipe Courtois, EVP and President, Microsoft Global Sales,
Marketing & Operations at Microsoft. "Today's production release of
the Alliance Intelligent Cloud enables a new generation of connected
services powered by Microsoft Azure to come to market."

The first vehicles produced with Alliance Intelligent Cloud
technology will be the all-new Renault Clio and selected Nissan Leaf
models sold in Japan and Europe. These are also the first vehicles
powered by the Microsoft connected vehicle platform available to
consumers at scale.

Vehicles utilizing the Alliance Intelligent Cloud will benefit
from seamless access to the internet, providing enhanced remote
diagnostics, continuous software deployment, firmware updates as well
as access to infotainment services.




ots Originaltext: Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi
Im Internet recherchierbar:

Nick Twork
Technology & Innovation Communications

Nadine Salem
Commercial Communications
Microsoft Corporation

Original-Content von: Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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