Mallinckrodt Announces 2019 Investigator Award for Pioneering Efforts in ECP Immunomodulation
Geschrieben am 26-03-2019 |
EUR50,000 award goes to Newcastle University, in collaboration
with Medical University, Graz and Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation
Staines-Upon-Thames, England (ots/PRNewswire) - Mallinckrodt plc
(NYSE: MNK), a leading specialty pharmaceutical company, today
announced the recipient of 2019's Advancing Extracorporeal
Photopheresis (ECP) Immunomodulation Investigator Award. The winning
entry was submitted by co-investigator Dr. Rachel Crossland of
Newcastle University in the United Kingdom.
Collaborators on the winning project include Professor Anne
Dickinson, Professor of Marrow Transplant Biology, Newcastle
University, Professor Hildegard Greinix, Director of Haematology,
Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria; and Dr. Aisling Flinn,
Clinical Research Associate in Paediatric Immunology, Newcastle
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Their 12-month study will investigate the impact of ECP
Immunomodulation on extracellular vesicles and their profiles in
response to therapy in patients with graft-versus-host disease
(GvHD). A major complication affecting between 40-70% of
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT) patients, severe GvHD
carries a high mortality rate.1
Along with the 2019 Investigator Award, Dr. Crossland's team will
receive an educational grant of EUR50,000 to support their research.
The winner was first revealed at the THERAKOS ECP
Immunomodulation(TM) symposium at the 45th Annual Meeting of the
European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) in
Frankfurt, Germany.
On receiving the award, Dr. Crossland said: "We are honoured to
receive the Investigator Award and thrilled that it allows us to look
at a potential new pathway into how ECP impacts or modulates immune
responses in patients."
Mallinckrodt developed the Investigator Award to mark 30 years of
its pioneering THERAKOS ECP Immunomodulation(TM). The Investigator
Award reflects the company's ongoing commitment to the science of
immunomodulation through ECP and its therapeutic applications. Now in
its second year, the award recognises individuals and institutions
whose research contributes to the advancement of knowledge in this
area of medicine.
"As a pioneer in ECP immunomodulation, Mallinckrodt is proud to
support the work of those who continue to investigate this exciting
field of medicine. I congratulate Dr. Crossland and her team, and
look forward to seeing the results of their work," said Steven
Romano, M.D., Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer
of Mallinckrodt.
Entries were invited from clinicians and scientists working on
translational or outcomes-based research, as well as collaborative
projects. Submissions were assessed on a range of criteria,
specifically scientific merit, originality and feasibility. The 2020
Advancing ECP Immunomodulation Investigator Award will be open for
entries in September 2019. Full details on how to enter can be found
Mallinckrodt is the world's only provider of approved,
fully-integrated systems for administering immunomodulatory therapy
through ECP. Its Therakos therapeutic platforms, including the latest
generation THERAKOS(TM) CELLEX(TM) Photopheresis System, are used by
academic medical centres, hospitals, and treatment centres in nearly
40 countries and have delivered more than 1 million treatments
globally. For more information, please visit
For important safety information related to the THERAKOS(TM)
CELLEX(TM) Photopheresis System, please visit
Mallinckrodt is a global business consisting of multiple wholly
owned subsidiaries that develops, manufactures, markets and
distributes specialty pharmaceutical products and therapies. The
company's Specialty Brands reportable segment's areas of focus
include autoimmune and rare diseases in specialty areas like
neurology, rheumatology, nephrology, pulmonology and ophthalmology;
immunotherapy and neonatal respiratory critical care therapies; and
analgesics. Its Specialty Generics and Amitiza reportable segment
includes specialty generic drugs, active pharmaceutical ingredients
and AMITIZA® (lubiprostone). To learn more about Mallinckrodt, visit
Mallinckrodt uses its website as a channel of distribution of
important company information, such as press releases, investor
presentations and other financial information. It also uses its
website to expedite public access to time-critical information
regarding the company in advance of or in lieu of distributing a
press release or a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) disclosing the same information. Therefore,
investors should look to the Investor Relations page of the website
for important and time-critical information. Visitors to the website
can also register to receive automatic e-mail and other notifications
alerting them when new information is made available on the Investor
Relations page of the website.
1. Jagasia M, Arora M, Flowers ME, et al. Risk factors for acute
GVHD and survival after hematopoietic cell transplantation, Blood.
2012 Jan 5;119(1):296-307. doi: 10.1182/blood-2011-06-364265. Epub
2011 Oct 18.
Mallinckrodt, the "M" brand mark and the Mallinckrodt
Pharmaceuticals logo are trademarks of a Mallinckrodt company. © 2019
Mallinckrodt. 3/19
ots Originaltext: Mallinckrodt
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