Catching mosquitoes like a pro: Scientists' gold standard tiger mosquito trap available for home use (FOTO)
Geschrieben am 03-04-2019 |
Regensburg, Germany (ots) -
Scientists were thrilled when Biogents' BG-Sentinel came out more
than ten years ago: finally, a mosquito trap that really catches
yellow fever and tiger mosquitoes! It took not long, and the trap was
the gold standard for mosquito pros in governmental organizations,
the military, science, and mosquito control organizations worldwide.
The unique design combines optical and physical cues with an
artificial skin scent (BG-Sweetscent) to attract mosquitoes. The trap
now has a brother that is also available for home owners in the US:
The BG-Mosquitaire is a rugged and good-looking version, designed for
the continuous use in the garden and backyard. But do the two traps
perform equally? A scientific study, just published in the open
access Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, compared
the two trap types in California and Louisiana. The result: Both
traps are equally efficient.
Mosquitoes? Not in my backyard! They are annoying and can make the
outdoors miserable. But beyond that, they can also transmit diseases.
The day-active Asian tiger mosquito and its closely related cousin,
the yellow fever mosquito, are especially efficient disease vectors -
they can carry West Nile fever, dengue, chikungunya, or Zika, and
they are continuously spreading throughout the US. Biogents traps can
help to control them - but are those offered to the home owner as
good as the professional version?
The new study suggests they are. "We showed that the
BG-Mosquitaire is as good as the BG-Sentinel trap for catching yellow
fever and also house mosquitoes. This means that a professional trap
that has been recognized and used for more than a decade by mosquito
experts is now available for the home owner." says Dr. Scott W.
Gordon, medical entomologist and the study's main investigator.
But not only that. Even without CO2, and only baited with the
artificial skin scent, the BG-Mosquitaire outperformed or was at
least as good as other mosquito traps that use propane-generated CO2
as an attractant. "CO2 is present in human breath and is a powerful
attractant for mosquitoes", says Dr. Gordon. The gas can be
optionally added to the BG-Mosquitaire. By doing so, the trap's catch
rates for yellow fever and house mosquitoes increase up to 5-fold,
and a wider range of other mosquito species is attracted. In
comparison to two other trap types that use CO2, the BG-Mosquitaire
collected at least seven times more Asian tiger mosquitoes when it
was also used with CO2.
For more information on Biogents and the BG-Mosquitaire visit and
Research article: The article is available at the JAMCA website:
Please name the journal in any story you write. If you are writing
for the web, please link to the article. All JAMCA articles are
available free of charge (open access).
Biogents AG
Biogents AG is an innovative company on the forefront of mosquito
control research and focuses on the development and production of
highly efficient mosquito traps. Biogents traps are the latest
innovation in mosquito control traps and incorporate patented
Dr. Scott Gordon (Biogents USA)
Tel: +1 (484) 888 0669
Tel.: +1 (304) 209-6369
Web pages:
Original-Content von: Biogents USA, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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