Out of sight, out of mind? Quadrupled deaths in the Mediterranean: "LIFEBOAT - the Experiment" represents the tortuous journey that refugees endure
Geschrieben am 25-04-2019 |
Berlin (ots) - Days on end, an inflatable boat journeys through
large waves. Many of the passengers are seasick. They are unaware how
long it will take to reach land, or if they ever will, and what might
be awaiting them there if they do. Though it is practically invisible
in terms of press coverage, this scenario remains an even deadlier
reality in the Mediterranean. Over the course of the past year, while
Europe prioritized immigration prevention over safeguarding human
rights, refugee deaths quadrupled. In 2018 alone, 2,277 people died
while attempting to flee. If that were not horrifying enough:
According to the Sea-Watch requested YouGov survey*, 85% of the
respondents were unaware of this fact. One of the main reasons for
the lack of awareness regarding this issue is that the EU - a
purportedly neutral observer in the Mediterranean - has been making
it increasingly difficult to report about it.
In an attempt to increase awareness of the rising death toll at
sea and the turn of events leading to them, Sea-Watch conducted an
"experiment". Forty volunteers took part in a simulation of a voyage
at sea, spending hours in an over-filled boat to really capture the
reality of the physical discomfort and mental torment involved. The
experiment was created in collaboration with real people who had
survived this journey. The outcome: The film "Lifeboat - The
Experiment" by Oscar-nominated director Skye Fitzgerald. [
www.lifeboatexperiment.org ]
LIFEBOAT - The Experiment
People are dying daily in the Mediterranean attempting to flee. As
thousands lose their lives, European politicians watch callously
while actively preventing civil sea rescue organizations from
conducting rescue efforts.
"The duty to carry out sea rescue is not only part of the law of
the sea but is a basic human right and should simply be
non-negotiable," exclaimed Michael Schwickart from Sea-Watch. He
continued, "We are using 'LIFEBOAT - The Experiment' to raise
awareness of the refugees' circumstances while attempting to flee, as
well as posing the question if governments would still act in the
same manner, refusing to help, if the passengers were privileged
Europeans in need of sea rescue."
Sea-Watch developed the simulation in close collaboration with
survivors based on their personal experiences and feelings during
rescue missions - while still balancing the difference between a
simulation and the actual reality. Khandra (18) remembers and
describes the voyage from Libya to Italy as: "There were about 300
people on a really small boat. We were on the boat for around 23
hours. The weather was not particularly good, it was very windy with
high waves. And as far as the eye could see, only water."
Unlike those actually fleeing - who have no other options - 40
volunteers squeezed themselves inside an overfilled inflatable boat.
The boat was held inside a training facility and they participants
remained inside the boat for an undetermined period of time in order
to gain a mere glimpse of what the real experience must be like.
Lights, sounds, sea movements were all simulated to be as realistic
as possible. The volunteers had the option to jump overboard and swim
to the nearby shore, where divers and medical personnel were waiting.
Saher (30), one of the refugees involved, explained his
motivation: "By participating in "LIFEBOAT - THE EXPERIMENT" I want
to give refugees who can not speak for themselves a voice to be
heard. My journey was the worst time of my life but I also know that
there are even more worse stories out there. It is very smart to let
the Germans experience a little bit of the suffering that I went
through because people don't listen to the refugees any more."
The result of the experiment: Seven of the participants left the
boat early and the remaining volunteers held out until the end - the
majority of them extremely nauseous. All of the participants
unanimously agreed that only something like extreme despair and
hopelessness could persuade someone to endure something like this. "I
have a better understanding of what a dire situation one must be
facing in order to take such a big risk like this," said one
participant after the experiment.
The experiment in images
The experiment, the refugees' testimonies and the participants'
reactions were filmed and edited into a documentary. Oscar-nominated
director Skye Fitzgerald was the creative director and
post-production producer. "This experiment is going to spark a
dialogue that turns the tide. We need to start thinking about how to
deal with this crisis in a more significant and meaningful way. If
this helps change one person's opinion and perspective, then it was a
success," explains Fitzgerald.
More information regarding "Lifeboat - The Experiment" can be
found at www.lifeboateperiment.org
* YouGov survey was commissioned by Sea-Watch. The data used are
based on an online survey conducted by YouGuv Deutschland GmbH, in
which 2027 people participated between 20.03.2019 and 22.03.2019. The
results were weighted and are representative for the German
population aged 18 and over.
About Sea-Watch
Sea-Watch is a non-profit initiative of volunteers who could and
can no longer stand by idly and watch those dying in the
Mediterranean Sea. The volunteer activists from all over Europe have
been involved in the rescue of more than 37,000 people to date.
Through "LIFEBOAT - The Experiment", the organization wants to shift
the focus on to the fate of refugees and to encourage a change in
Sea-Watch is financed exclusively by donations and is politically
independent. "LIFEBOAT - The Experiment" was carried out pro bono by
all participating service providers. No donation funds were spent in
the production.
The rescue missions of the organization at sea and in the air are
extremely costly, even though the majority of activities are carried
out by volunteers.
Further information and material for editorial use can be found
at: http://www.lifeboatexperiment.org
- Interviews with refugees
- Interview with filmmaker Skye Fitzgerald
- Interview with psychologist Michael Thiel
Sea-Watch e.V.
+49 163 7293 763
achtung! GmbH
Straßenbahnring 3
20251 Hamburg
Katharina Bittner
+49 40 450 210 680
Katharina Schoelzel
+49 40 450 210 280
Original-Content von: Sea-Watch, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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