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NTT Group Brings Award-Winning Teams, Advanced Technology and Customer Focus to SAP SAPPHIRE NOW®

Geschrieben am 01-05-2019

New York City (ots) -

Two Prestigious Awards and 27 Sessions Underscore SAP Expertise and

Meet NTT Group's family of integrated brands - NTT Communications,
Dimension Data, NTT DATA, NTT Advanced Technology, everis, Secure-24
and itelligence - at Booth #421

NTT Group, represented by NTT Communications, Dimension Data, NTT
Security, NTT DATA, NTT Advanced Technology, everis, Secure-24 and
itelligence, today announced its companies will receive recognition
for two awards at the SAP Global Partner Summit on May 6 and the SAP
SAPPHIRE NOW® conference, May 7-9, in Orlando, Florida, held in
conjunction with the Americas' SAP Users' Group (ASUG) Annual
Conference. In addition, NTT companies will make four official
theatre presentations, two ASUG presentations, and 21 booth
presentations at booth #421 during SAP SAPPHIRE NOW®.

The SAP Innovation Awards team selected itelligence, NTT DATA's
SAP specialist, as one of its 2019 Process Innovator Award winners
for an application of SAP technology that automated the detection of
invasive species using drone images. By exploiting new technologies
such as drones, image recognition, detection using neural networks,
and deep learning, the itelligence team was able to detect the highly
toxic and invasive species, Giant Hogweed, at rates better and much
faster than those possible with human resources. The team's flexible
data processing platform used the Hadoop stack to process
unstructured data with machine learning algorithms, and SAP HANA as
the database and application platform. The itelligence solution not
only speeds up detection of the toxic plant, but also streamlines the
obligatory removal process.

SAP also named itelligence the winner of a 2019 SAP Pinnacle
Award: SAP Global Platinum Reseller of the Year. These awards honor a
highly select group of SAP partners worldwide for their commitment to
value creation, exponential growth and simplification. Of SAP's
18,000 partners, NTT's itelligence was one of only 30 partners
worldwide to achieve winner status this year. SAP will formally
recognize the Pinnacle Award winners at the Global Partner Summit on
May 6.

NTT companies will share their SAP domain knowledge and expertise
across four different sessions held throughout this event. Leaders
from four NTT companies will address the following topics in SAPPHIRE
NOW® theatre presentations:

- NTT DATA & itelligence: Enhance Your Customer Experience and Speed
Innovations with the NTT Family (Tues., May 7, 11:00 am - 11:20 am,
Theater 2)

- NTT DATA & itelligence: Digital Transformation: Accelerating the
Value of Your SAP S/4HANA Journey (Wed., May 8, 2:00 pm - 2:20 pm,
Network and Spend Management NE512)

- NTT Advanced Technology: Enhance User Experience for SAP
SuccessFactors Solutions with NTT WinActor (Wed., May 8, 11:00 am -
11:20 am, Services and Support SE734)

- Secure-24: Migrating SAP Software Landscapes to Microsoft Azure
(Thurs., May 9, 12:30 pm - 12:50 pm, Services and Support SE734)

Leaders from NTT's itelligence will address the following topics in
ASUG presentations:

- itelligence: Transforming to an Intelligent Enterprise with SAP
S/4HANA (Wed., May 8, 11:00 am - 11:40 am, S330E)

- itelligence: Securing SAP Software Systems from Cyberattacks (Wed.,
May 8, 2:00 pm - 2:40 pm, S330G)

About NTT Group

As an SAP global service partner, NTT Group and its integrated
family of global brands, is uniquely positioned to support
enterprises of all sizes seeking to gain deeper insights and better
outcomes through SAP services and solutions spanning applications,
infrastructure, security and communications.

A leader in innovation serving 85 percent of the Fortune Global
100 companies, NTT Group and its more than 15,000 SAP professionals
partner with clients to navigate and simplify the modern complexities
of business and technology. NTT Group offers a comprehensive
portfolio of world-class consulting, implementation and managed
services for SAP applications, infrastructure and business processes,
including an SAP-optimized infrastructure for private cloud and
network access. Visit the NTT Group's family of integrated brands at
booth #421.

NTT and the NTT logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of
other referenced product names are trademarks of their respective

SAP, SAPPHIRE NOW, and other SAP products and services mentioned
herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered
trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and
other countries. See for
additional trademark information and notices. All other product and
service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective


NTT Communications Contact:
Christopher Davis
Senior Director Marketing Americas
NTT Communications

Media Contact:
Andrea MacLean
Wireside Communications®
For NTT Communications

Original-Content von: itelligence AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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