
Vodafone Institute launches the next round of F-LANE: the global social impact accelerator for ventures focusing on female empowerment

Geschrieben am 07-05-2019

Berlin (ots) -

- Fourth round for F-LANE- the first global accelerator from
Europe focusing on social tech start-ups by or for women.
- Partners are the Impact Hub Berlin and the Social
Entrepreneurship Akademie.
- Applications for the seven-week programme can be sent to
www.f-lane.com/online-application from now until 7 June 2019.

F-LANE, the first accelerator empowering women in the tech sector,
initiated by the Vodafone Institute, is entering its fourth round
this year after great international feedback. The programme mission
is to foster the participation of women in technological development
and to empower women of all ages around the world through technology.
F-LANE collaborates with the Impact Hub Berlin and the Social
Entrepreneurship Akademie to globally source innovative start-ups
that focus on women, provide an enterprising solution to a social
problem and have the potential to make a wide impact. The online
application process for the 7-week accelerator programme starting 4
October 2019 in Berlin is now open. Applications can be submitted to
www.f-lane.com/online-application until 7 June 2019.

Dupsy Abiola, start-up founder and former CEO of Intern Avenue,
one of the world's most successful platforms for the placement of
interns in companies, is a member of F-LANE's international Advisory
Board. As a member of the F-LANE advisory board, Dupsy Abiola and her
Advisory Board colleagues will be selecting the young entrepreneurs
for the F-LANE accelerator and supporting them throughout the
programme with their expertise. The advisory board consists of a
total of eight influential members of the impact investment and
(social) entrepreneurship scene, including Andy Goldstein, Co-Founder
of the LMU Entrepreneurship Center, Mariéme Jamme, CEO of Spotone
Global Solutions, and Lisa Witter, Co-Founder and CEO of apolitical.

The selection criteria for the F-LANE start-ups are proof of a
more-than-profit model, a measurable impact of the start-up idea as
well as a focus on technologies and female empowerment. Inger Paus,
Managing Director of the Vodafone Institute on the motivation to
launch a worldwide accelerator programme: "Women are still
underrepresented in the technology sector. Only 17%[1] of technology
start-ups worldwide are founded by women. In Europe the number is
even lower at 15%[2].

[1: Crunchbase (2017): http://ots.de/yNRRxc]
[2: TNW (2018): http://ots.de/etPHm1]

With F-LANE we want to change that and thus contribute to more
diversity in the development of new technologies. At the same time,
it is important for us to promote start-ups that want to solve a
social issue. Our mission is to give women the tools that they need
to realize their potential and revolutionize the sector."

F-LANE Overview F-LANE is looking for innovative tech start-ups
worldwide with a focus on women trying to solve a social issue. The
business ideas should have a broad impact and improve the situation
of girls and women through technology. Five selected founders will
participate in the intensive seven-week accelerator programme. We
will focus on these four areas:

1. Funding
- EUR 12,000 seed capital as start-up support
- Vodafone as a potential big investor
- Networking with other investors, venture capital providers and
business angels

2. Advice & Coaching
- Experienced mentors for every start-up
- Individual roadmaps for every start-up
- Advice from external experts (technology consultants, Vodafone
experts etc.)

3. Training
- Individual training sessions geared to each of the start-ups' needs

4. Networks
- Link-up with the global 'Vodafone family'
- Attendance of diverse conferences
- Access to the global Impact Hub Network (100 impact hubs around the
world) and the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie network
Workplace: Impact Hub Berlin, Friedrichstraße 246, 10969 Berlin
Duration: Seven weeks, commencing on 4 October 2019
All-day childcare service available.

The application process is now open.

Cilia Kanellopoulos,
Head of Social Innovation, Vodafone Institute,
e-mail: C-C.Kanellopoulos@vodafone.com
Further information at:

Vodafone Institute partners:
Impact Hub Berlin, https://berlin.impacthub.net/
Social Entrepreneurship Akademie, www.seakademie.de

About the Vodafone Institute for Society and Communication

The institute is Vodafone's European think-tank. We analyze the
potential of digital technologies and their responsible use for
innovation, growth and sustainable social impact. With the help of
studies and events, we offer a platform for dialogue between thought
leaders from science, business and politics. Our goal is to provide
better access to technology for all sections of society. That is why
we develop and support projects to strengthen women in the digital
economy. The Vodafone Institute sees itself as an interdisciplinary
platform and benefits from the expertise of its international
advisory board.

Press Contact:
Friedrich Pohl
+49 172 71 55 900

Original-Content von: Vodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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