Debiopharm awarded $2.1 million from CARB-X in the fight against a highly resistant nosocomial-pneumonia causing superbug
Geschrieben am 14-05-2019 |
Lausanne, Switzerland (ots) - The grant will support development
of the Debio 1454 program to treat hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP)
caused by Acinetobacter baumannii
Debiopharm ( announced today that it has been
awarded funding from the Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
Biopharmaceutical Accelerator (CARB-X) to advance the development of
its antibiotic program Debio 1454, targeting the multidrug resistant
superbug A. baumannii. Debio 1454 compounds inhibit bacterial fatty
acid biosynthesis, an essential pathway in many bacterial species
including gram negative, drug-resistant strains.
Debiopharm will receive a total of up to $2.1 million in
non-dilutive funding with the possibility of an additional $1.6
million if certain project milestones are met. The objective of the
program is to develop an IV antibiotic with a novel
mechanism-of-action to treat infections caused by
carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii (CRAB).
"CARB-X's grant will help support the development of Debio 1454, a
new class of antibiotics targeting A. baumannii, one of the priority
1 critical pathogens identified by the WHO. We are really excited to
continue developing innovative antibiotics that not only target
specific priority pathogens but also spare the natural microbiome,
reducing the potential for dysbiosis and development of resistance."
- Gregoire Vuagniaux, Director of Translational Science,
Debiopharm International SA
"The world urgently needs new approaches, new classes of
antibiotics and rapid diagnostics to treat infections caused by
drug-resistant bacteria. Debiopharm's Debio 1454 project represents
an exciting new class of antibiotics that if successful and approved
for use in patients, could save lives and be huge step forward in the
global fight against drug resistance. We are making solid progress in
supporting antibacterial innovation, but we know that much more is
needed. It will take increased investment and concerted global
leadership to deliver the antibiotics and other life-saving products
we need to address the superbug crisis."
- Kevin Outterson Executive Director of CARB-X and professor of
law at Boston University
About CARB-X
CARB-X is a global non-profit partnership dedicated to
accelerating early development antibacterial R&D to address the
rising global threat of drug-resistant bacteria.
Follow us on Twitter @CARB_X.
About Debiopharm
Debiopharm aims to develop innovative therapies that target high
unmet medical needs in oncology and bacterial infections by bridging
the gap between disruptive discovery products and real-world patient
For more information, please visit
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Debiopharm Contact
Dawn Haughton
Communication Manager
Tel: +41 (0)21 321 01 11
Wellcome Trust Contact
Maggie Stratton
Media Manager
Tel. : +44 (0)20 7611 8609
M. : +44 (0)7872112656
Jennifer Robinson
Tel. : +1 514 914 8974
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