
Cellebrite and Relativity Partner to Deliver Data From Mobile Devices Directly into Relativity and RelativityOne

Geschrieben am 21-05-2019

Cellebrite Legalview offers seamless integration of data from
Cellebrite mobile extractions with Relativity's comprehensive
e-discovery platform

Petah Tikva, Israel (ots/PRNewswire) - Cellebrite
(https://www.cellebrite.com/en/home/) today announced the launch of
Legalview for Relativity (http://www.relativity.com/) and
(https://www.relativity.com/ediscovery-software/relativityone/) to
make it easier and faster to input and analyze data from mobile
devices relevant to litigation and digital investigations. By
seamlessly integrating data from Cellebrite's industry-leading
extraction and decoding solutions, Universal Forensic Extraction
Device (UFED) and Physical Analyzer (PA), with the cloud-based
e-discovery review platform, Relativity, organizations can now
quickly see and analyze data from mobile devices.

E-discovery professionals need access to all data sources
pertinent to a case, and recently there has been increased demand to
include the data available from mobile devices. One of the main
challenges is keeping up with the latest technology enhancements of
iOS and Android devices. Once the software versions are updated, the
previous import script becomes invalid and needs to be rewritten.
Professionals can spend hours converting data into a format that
needs to be entered into a review platform.

Customers that leverage the solution will have access to ongoing
updates to ensure compatibility with the latest iOS and Android
advancements. Legalview automatically converts this mobile data to a
format that is supported by Relativity's e-discovery platform.
Legalview is also the first available solution that supports
Relativity's new mobile data format, which can be processed directly
into RelativityOne.

With this new partnership between Cellebrite and Relativity, legal
professionals now have a first-of-its-kind tool to quickly upload
mobile data during a review, saving them time and money.

"Accessing and analyzing information from mobile devices is the
cornerstone of any modern legal investigation. Yet for many, the
process of exporting the data is very time consuming and too costly,"
said Mark Gambill, Chief Marketing Officer, Cellebrite. "This new
solution makes getting and understanding data from mobile devices for
e-discovery much easier and cost-effective."

Cellebrite Legalview is available in the Relativity App Hub, which
includes applications and integrations built by Relativity developer
partners. App Hub integrations can be deployed on-premises or in the
cloud with Relativity and users can pick and choose solutions from
partners like Cellebrite that suit their unique workflows across
different stages of the e-discovery process. UFED and PA are directly
available for purchase from Cellebrite (http://www.cellebrite.com/).

"Relativity is extremely excited to announce our partnership with
Cellebrite, the clear industry leader in mobile data solutions.
Legalview will streamline the process of importing and analyzing
mobile data," said Drew Deitch, director of strategic partnerships at
Relativity. "Cellebrite's collection and processing abilities,
coupled with RelativityOne's new native short message review
interface, will be a game-changer for the industry."

About Cellebrite

Digital data plays an increasingly important role in
investigations and operations of all kinds. Making data accessible,
collaborative and actionable is what Cellebrite does best. As the
global leader in digital intelligence deployed in 150 countries,
Cellebrite provides law enforcement, military, intelligence, and
enterprise customers with the most complete, industry-proven range of
solutions for digital forensics, triage and analytics.

By enabling access, sharing and analysis of digital data from
mobile devices, social media, cloud, computer, cellular operators and
other sources, Cellebrite products, solutions, services and training
help customers build the strongest cases quickly, even in the most
complex situations. As a result, Cellebrite is the preferred one-stop
shop for digital intelligence solutions that make a safer world more
possible every day.

About Relativity

At Relativity (http://www.relativity.com/), we make software to
help users organize data, discover the truth, and act on it. Over
180,000 users in 40+ countries rely on our platform to manage large
volumes of unstructured data and quickly identify critical issues
during legal discovery, digital investigations, and compliance
projects. RelativityOne
(https://www.relativity.com/ediscovery-software/relativityone/), the
fastest-growing product in our company's history, offers all the
functionality of Relativity in a secure and comprehensive SaaS
product. Built on Microsoft Azure, RelativityOne is now available on
five continents. Trace (https://www.relativity.com/ediscovery-softwar
e/app-hub/relativity-trace/), built on Relativity and optimized for
RelativityOne, brings e-discovery and monitoring activities together
under one platform and alerts compliance officers to suspicious or
fraudulent activity. In 2018, Relativity received the Financial Times
Intelligent Business Award that recognizes the top legal technology
companies with the greatest impact on the practice and business of
law. Please contact our team at sales@relativity.com or visit
http://www.relativity.com for more information.

ots Originaltext: Cellebrite GmbH
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Original-Content von: Cellebrite GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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