Wirecard expands its offering with Unified Commerce solution for small and medium-sized merchants
Geschrieben am 28-05-2019 |
Aschheim (Munich) (ots) -
- SUPR by Wirecard is aimed at merchants who want to offer their
goods in e-commerce and social media channels and thus rely on
Unified Commerce
- Merchants using SUPR by Wirecard report sales increases of up to
77% since the rollout of their online shop
- Every month, 800 new customers choose the solution
Wirecard, the global innovation leader for digital financial
technology, supports small and medium-sized merchants throughout
Europe in their digital transformation by providing an expanded
version of its SUPR online shop system. The system enables every
retailer to set up and operate a web shop inexpensively and without
the need for programming know-how. With just a few clicks, users can
create an attractive shopping environment for their physical and
digital products. With a wealth of design templates and hundreds of
customization options, even complex e-commerce offerings can be
effortlessly implemented.
"Every retailer needs to digitize its business model in order to
deliver the best possible customer experience. With the current
version of SUPR by Wirecard, we are setting new standards for
retailers seeking Unified Commerce (https://youtu.be/HySer7UKVEo).
Our simple, attractive and professional solution removes all
technical hurdles for retailers, enabling them to operate an online
shop where they can fully focus on selling their products and
services. Functions and design are tailored to the exact needs of
merchants," said Philipp Walter, Vice President of SUPR by Wirecard.
SUPR by Wirecard is aimed primarily at merchants who are strongly
positioned in social commerce and successfully sell their products
via a mix of modern online channels that are integrated into social
media platforms and the shop solution designed by Wirecard.
The shop system, which was launched in 2012 and currently has
around 60,000 registered merchants, is regularly growing with over
800 new online shop sign ups per month. As a result, the range of
services offered by SUPR users is widening and becoming more diverse
every day. SUPR customers include, for example, Schneider Weisse
brewery, the leading manufacturer for sweet mustard Händlmaier, and
the fashion shop Lucky Me. Retailers who use SUPR report sales
increases of up to 77% since the roll-out of their online shop.
Klaus Lorenz, owner of the online shop of Händlmaier, the world's
leading sweet mustard manufacturer that has been successfully selling
its products via SUPR since 2016, said, "As a long-standing customer,
we have already been able to test the beta version of the new shop
extensively over the past few months and are very enthusiastic about
it. The improved functions and the new management options allow us to
operate our online shop with more expertise. This has additionally
been confirmed by the positive feedback we already received from our
SUPR, which was acquired by Wirecard in 2016, is supported by its
own development team. The announced update has many advantages not
only in terms of speed, security, design and functionality. Payment
processing, too, is even more seamlessly integrated into the offering
of the Wirecard platform. This makes convenient and secure payment by
credit card, PayPal, SEPA, pre-payment, SOFORT by Klarna and purchase
on account possible.
The SUPR shop system can be tested free of charge for 30 days. For
more information, visit https://uk.supr.com/
About Wirecard:
Wirecard (GER:WDI) is one of the world's fastest growing digital
platforms in the area of financial commerce. We provide both business
customers and consumers with a constantly expanding ecosystem of
real-time value-added services built around innovative digital
payments by using an integrated B2B2C approach. This ecosystem
concentrates on the areas payment & risk, retail & transaction
banking, loyalty & couponing, data analytics & conversion rate
enhancement in all sales channels (online, mobile, ePOS). Wirecard
operates regulated financial institutions in several key markets and
holds issuing and acquiring licenses from all major payment and card
networks. Wirecard AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (DAX
and TecDAX, ISIN DE0007472060). Visit us on www.wirecard.com, follow
us on Twitter @wirecard and on Facebook @wirecardgroup.
Wirecard media contact:
Wirecard AG
Jana Tilz
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 4424 1363
Email: jana.tilz@wirecard.com
Original-Content von: Wirecard AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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