
Cashback and mobile payment system "wee" poised for market launch in China / Boomtown Shenzhen swears by "Made in Germany" with m-business from Schwabing (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 26-06-2019

Munich/Kreuzlingen/Shenzhen (ots) -

The ratification of a preliminary contract for the extended
digitalisation of Shenzhen, one of the most rapidly growing cities
worldwide, can be seen as a seal of approval for the Munich high-tech
enterprise "wee" on more than just an emotional level. Wang Weizhong,
the highest-ranking politician of the government of Shenzhen
(Secretary of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of
China), the pulsing metropolis with 13 million inhabitants, and
Cengiz Ehliz, visionary and founder of "wee", have now taken a
visible step in the economic and technological collaboration between
China and Germany, with the market entry of "wee" in this special
economic zone of Guangdong Province, planned as a public-private
partnership! The innovative loyalty programme is unparalleled
anywhere in the world - with its weeApp, which uses its integrated
search machine to give visibility to stationary retail trade just as
much as online shops, in expert circles it is considered Bavaria's
answer to the global blue chip Amazon.

The majority of the contracts that were concluded this past
Wednesday by representatives of German companies such as Siemens,
Lufthansa or Occhio with the municipal government of Shenzhen involve
investments of billions of euros made by Germany in the Chinese
epicentre of smart cities and Fintec. With the company's own
agreement, based on the business plan of wee Marketplace AG,
investments from China will flow into the successful implementation
of the "wee" business model on location. This strategy is designed to
ensure an exemplary market entry in Shenzhen - as a milestone for
future market activities in China.

"I look forward to this huge project and to the rollout of our
company and product strategy in China, where mobile payment is met
with the highest acceptance worldwide", m-commerce multi-entrepreneur
Ehliz smiled, highly motivated following the successful ratification
and binding handshake with Andrew Huyan, Deputy Secretary General of
the Shenzhen International Investment & Promotion Association. The
incumbent Munich Entrepreneur of the Year with Turkish roots has
every reason to get excited: a group of Chinese investors is already
interested in the further digitalisation of the region of Shenzhen, a
new pilot region for "wee". The aim is for the project, developed by
the division weeSports & Entertainment AG, to be financed with a
considerable sum of several millions and implemented as the first
arena project with an open payment system in China. As the holding
company of the group, Swiss Fintec Invest AG is also pleased with
this plan. And what is motivating the municipal decision-makers of
Shenzhen to promote these investors for "wee" to jointly take on such
a mega-project - potentially with additional millions in state

For starters, it is the globally unique position of the innovative
loyalty programme where retailers profit from their biggest
competitor, e-commerce. This can be seen throughout Europe, for
example in Munich just as much as in the Allgäu region, in the
Central German region of Lusatia or in the cities of Swiss Romandy,
where the retail trade is currently being tapped into for "wee". In
contrast to the competition, when shopping online in over 1,400
renowned online shops at wee.com, discounts collected in the form of
"wee" (in Europe, one "wee" is one euro) can only be consumed in
stationary retail shops. Alternative option: the customer has the
collected "wee" transferred to his own current account. This mobile
payment is in conformity with the prudential requirements.

In the tranquil town of Bad Tölz, the comprehensive stress tests
for the synergetic networking of the first "open" stadium payment
system worldwide - the completely digitalised weeArena - with the
local retail trade, which has been integrated into the "wee"
infrastructure, and the e-commerce, have been concluded successfully.
Specifically, this means: anyone who makes a purchase with local
retailers who have joined "wee", thus collecting up to 10% discounts
per purchase, can then use their "wee" credit to pay for the entry to
DEL2 games of the Tölzer Löwen, eat and drink in the Ice Temple or
buy souvenirs at the fan shop without the need for cash thanks to the
weeCard or weeApp, in turn collecting discounts in the form of "wee".
The unique position of the pilot project in Bad Tölz and the know-how
built up here during the development and implementation of the
technology and throughout the project management serves as a
blueprint for the Europe-wide multiplication that has already taken
place, and for the accompanying systematic integration of 25
metropolis and rural regions by 2024.

And why is one of the most technologically innovative cities in
the world relying on "wee" and on the unique stadium concept of
weeSports & Entertainment? On the one hand, the goal is to motivate
the heavily under-represented retail trade and to improve the quality
of life of people by providing them with a growing range of offers.
On the other, on its way to becoming a major player in professional
sports, China and in particular Shenzhen wants to invest billions in
the construction of sports facilities in order to be able to meet the
needs of the increasing number of professional sports fans. Here, the
plan is for the implementation of the Bad Tölz model to play a
crucial role when it comes to networked mobile payment with a
cashback guarantee.

Oliver Kaiser, chairman of the advisory board of the weeSports
division, is convinced the project in the "Middle Kingdom" will be a
hit: "Following the successful implementation with our own
technological infrastructure, beyond Shenzhen, we plan on opening up
the entire province of Guangdong for "wee", which with over 100
million inhabitants is the province with the highest population
density in China." The credo of the sports business pro with proven
loyalty expertise: "In the future, we want consumers in China to make
their daily purchases using the weeApp without the need for cash, and
to do more than just collect cashback in the process. Beyond the
monetary advantage, at the same time, we also offer the growing
number of sports fans unique experiences with their idols, linking
this with merchandise offers, stadium experiences and digital
marketing. If, of these almost 1.4 billion Chinese citizens, just
half of them are interested in sports, our business case here is
looking at a prospective customer potential of over 500 million

The high-ranking Chinese delegation, which was warmly welcomed by
Roland Weigert, state secretary in the Bavarian State Ministry of
Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology, included a good 20 top
managers from Shenzhen with a total turnover of approx. 500 billion
euros from all the relevant industries, such as automotive, venture
capital, aerospace, IT, energy, banking, project development and so

With the Kempinski Four Seasons hotel, the organising Shenzhen
International Investment & Promotion Association (SZIIPA) had chosen
a befitting setting for the Chinese-German conference on economic and
technical cooperation. In order to get an idea of the business
environment and the economic developments on location and to
contractually finalise the projects, the return visit of the German
delegation in Shenzhen will take place with the eagerly anticipated
participation of the "wee" management in late summer 2019.

Mewdia contact:
weeMarketplace AG/weeSports & Entertainment AG/weeBusiness GmbH
Head of Corporate Communications
Media spokesman
Tilmann Meuser
c/o CP/CONSULT Consulting Services GmbH
Tel.: +49 (0) 201/890699-15; mobile: +49 (0) 177/8095117

P.S.: As a service we also offer you photo material with the right to
free use (photos, moving images) available for download at
http://blog.wee.com/presse/ We would be very happy if you wish to
publish these images and send us the corresponding evidence thereof.

Information about wee: http://wee.com and https://weesports.com
About visionary and wee founder Mr. Cengiz Ehliz:

Original-Content von: weeCONOMY AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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