"Famous city in Lingnan·Beautiful Shaoguan - Photo Exhibition of Shaoguan Culture and Tourism" made a stage pose in Helsinki (FOTO)
Geschrieben am 03-07-2019 |
Helsinki (ots) -
On July 2 (local time, Finland), the "Famous city in
Lingnan-Beautiful Shaoguan - Photo Exhibition of Shaoguan Culture and
Tourism" was grandly held at Wanha Satama Exhibition Center in
Helsinki, Finland. The event was sponsored by the People's Government
of Shaoguan and jointly organized by Press and Publication Bureau of
Shaoguan Municipality, Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports
Bureau of Shaoguan Municipality, CBT China Book Trading GmbH of the
China International Publishing Group. Nearly 80 Chinese and foreign
officials, including You Yi, Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of the
People's Republic of China in Finland, Touko Kontro, Startup Business
Advisor of the Government of City of Helsinki, Leena Lassila,
director of Global Sales of Helsinki Marketing, and representatives
from the business, culture, and media circles as well as overseas
Chinese and Chinese institutions attended the event.
In his keynote speech, Liu Qiyu, member of the Standing Committee
of Shaoguan Municipality and the Director General of the Publicity
Department, said the Culture and Tourism Photo Exhibition held by
Shaoguan in Helsinki aims to introduce the overall situations of
culture and tourism of Shaoguan to the Chinese and foreign populace
in Finland in the simplest and most direct way through photos and
videos. Shaoguan is a central city in the northern part of Guangdong
Province in China. It has a history of more than 2,100 years with
profound cultural deposits. Shaoguan has since ancient time been a
transport hub and civilization tie linking the maritime and land Silk
Road. The Central Plain culture, Lingnan culture, and foreign
cultures from the maritime Silk Road integrated in the area and
developed innovatively, forming the opening, inclusive, friendly and
warming features of Shaoguan. The city also created many cultures
with local characteristics of surname migration culture, Zen culture,
Shao Le culture, Yao ethnic culture and the ancient path culture.
Such creations leave precious spiritual and cultural richness for the
mankind. The city sincerely welcomes people from all walks of life in
Finland and overseas Chinese to visit Shaoguan and conduct cultural
exchanges, travel and invest in the city.
Ms. Wenyan Huang
Tel.: 0086-751-8885733
Official website: http://m.sg.gov.cn
Original-Content von: City of Shaoguan, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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