
Debiopharm and BIOASTER join forces to expand research to combat infectious diseases

Geschrieben am 09-07-2019

Lausanne, Switzerland and Lyon, France (ots) - Debiopharm
(www.debiopharm.com), a Swiss biopharmaceutical company, and BIOASTER
(www.bioaster.org), the French Technology Research Institute in
infectiology and microbiology, announced today having officialized a
broad research agreement for the development of diagnostic and
management innovation for infectious diseases. This relationship will
harness BIOASTER's scientific and technical expertise, including
technology platforms, to support Debiopharm's breakthrough research
programs. Their development efforts are expected to accelerate
projects towards industrial product readiness.

The initial planned project is aimed at exploring further
developments of FibroTrap (http://ots.ch/NUJWsx), an easy-to-use
sample preparation method for the rapid diagnosis of hard to detect
bacteria. Debiopharm's unique sample preparation technology has
already demonstrated excellent sensitivity in the detection of
bacteria and yeasts in blood stream infections with the potential to
shorten the turn-around-time between sample collection to results
from 1-3 days, seen with standard blood culture methods to about 3
hours, including pathogen identification.

"We are very enthusiastic and proud to work with Debiopharm to
advance innovation for patients. This collaboration will bring
together complementary expertise of both parties for accelerating
this innovation towards industrial product development in the field
of Infectious diseases and Microbiology." Nathalie Garçon, CEO & CSO

"This agreement with BIOASTER was initiated in light of our
shared, patient-focused ambitions such as improving the speed of
quality bedside diagnosis and developing innovation solutions to
fight anti-microbial resistance." Bertrand Ducrey, CEO, Debiopharm
International S.A.


Created in 2012, following the French initiative of Technological
Research Institutes, BIOASTER is a non-for-profit foundation
developing a unique technological and innovative model to support the
latest challenges in microbiology. In particular, BIOASTER uses and
develops high value technological innovations that accelerate
development of medical solutions for populations and personalized

The aim of BIOASTER is to bring together academic, industry and
its capacities and specific knowledge to develop and execute high
impact collaborative projects requiring industry compatible
innovative technologies.

Key figures:
- 4 fields of expertise: antimicrobials, diagnostics, microbiota,
- 2,450 m2 of BSL2 & BSL3 laboratories in Lyon and Paris
- 100+ employees, including 80% of scientific experts and
representing 17 nationalities
- 57 collaborative projects, involving 27 private partners and 29
public partners www.bioaster.org

About Debiopharm

Debiopharm develops innovative therapies that target high unmet
medical needs in oncology and bacterial infections. Bridging the gap
between disruptive discovery products and real-world patient reach,
we identify high-potential compounds and technologies for
in-licensing, clinically demonstrate their safety and efficacy and
then select large pharmaceutical commercialization partners to
maximize patient access globally.

Visit us www.debiopharm.com/

Follow us @DebiopharmNews at http://twitter.com/DebiopharmNews

Debiopharm Contact
Dawn Haughton - Communication Manager
Tel: +41 (0)21 321 01 11

Olivier Charzat, - Head of Communications olivier.charzat@bioaster.org
Tel: +33 (0)4 69 84 26 00

Original-Content von: Debiopharm International SA, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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