LuxFLAG Environment Label for ThomasLloyd SICAV - Sustainable Infrastructure Income Fund (SIIF)
Geschrieben am 11-07-2019 |
London/Zurich (ots) - The ThomasLloyd SICAV - Sustainable
Infrastructure Income Fund (SIIF) announced today that it has been
granted the Environment Label by LuxFLAG, the independent Luxembourg
Finance Labelling Agency. The open-ended Alternative Investment Fund
(AIF) is domiciled in Luxembourg, structured as a SICAV SA (UCI Part
II) and subject to the UCITS V Directive depositary regime. The SIIF
represents the world's first fully regulated, open-ended public
infrastructure fund and is available in 26 dedicated share classes
for both retail and institutional investors. Options include a choice
of nine currencies available as accumulating or distributing share
ThomasLloyd's pure-play impact investment strategy is based on an
international award-winning process, and is aimed at an increasing
number of global investors who are seeking a capital investment that
is guaranteed to make a positive ecological and social impact, in
addition to its economic objective. The Fund offers first-time access
for private and professional investors to an asset class previously
only available to few institutional investors globally with extensive
in-house experience in the sector. Since the launch of the portfolio
in January 2011, the investment strategy has enjoyed double-digit
annual rates of return whilst simultaneously offering low volatility.
LuxFLAG, which aims to promote the raising of capital for the
sustainable finance sector was created in 2006 and now has a number
of prestigious Charter Members including the Luxembourg Government,
The Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI), The
Luxembourg Bankers' Association (ABBL), Appui au Développement
Autonome (ADA), the European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg for
Finance (LFF) and the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LSE). To qualify for
the LuxFLAG Environment Label investment funds must hold a portfolio
of investments of which at least 75% are focussed in
environment-related sectors.
Michael Sieg, Chairman and CEO of the ThomasLloyd Group,
commented: "We are delighted to be awarded the LuxFLAG Environment
Label, as further validation of our commitment to responsible
investment in sustainable infrastructure. Private and professional
investors can now benefit from our investment expertise in the
evolving asset class of infrastructure and add substantially to their
ESG quotas in their investment portfolios, with the support and
endorsement of LuxFlag."
Sachin Vankalas, Director General of LuxFLAG said: "We are pleased
to announce that, the ThomasLloyd SICAV - Sustainable Infrastructure
Income Fund has been granted the use of the LuxFLAG Environment
Label. The LuxFLAG Environment Label is recognized for its high
standards and rigorous assessment of applicant investment funds'
investment strategy, ESG integration into the investment process as
well as an affirmation of their transparency to investors, which are
all key components of the eligibility criteria of the LuxFLAG
Environment Label."
About LuxFLAG
The Luxembourg Finance Labelling Agency (LuxFLAG) is a non-profit
association created in Luxembourg in July 2006 by seven private and
public founding partners (Charter members). As an international and
independent labelling agency, LuxFLAG supports the financing of
sustainable development by providing clarity to investors. LuxFLAG is
an integral part of the Luxembourg fund industry, which is the
largest in Europe and the second-largest worldwide after the US. HRH
the Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg is Honorary President of
LuxFLAG's Board of Directors. For more information, visit:
About ThomasLloyd Group
ThomasLloyd Group is a leading global investment and advisory
firm, solely dedicated to the infrastructure sector in Asia. The
Company is based in London and Zurich, as well as 15 other locations
in 12 countries in North America, Europe and Asia. The services it
provides encompass capital raising, M&A and corporate finance for
private and stock-market-listed companies, project financing and
management for project developments, and investment consulting,
wealth management and funds for private and institutional investors.
The ThomasLloyd Group has more than 250 employees and currently
manages assets worth around 3.5 billion US dollars. For more
information, visit:
For further information, contact:
ThomasLloyd Group
Phone +49 (0)89 599 890 313
Fax +49 (0)89 599 890 323
Original-Content von: ThomasLloyd Global Asset Management GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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