Wirecard supports the largest home improvement retailer in Brazil Leroy Merlin with online marketplace solution
Geschrieben am 30-07-2019 |
Aschheim (München) (ots) - Wirecard cooperates with Leroy Merlin
in Brazil to support them in the expansion of their B2C marketplace
Leroy Merlin is part of the ADEO Group, the third largest player
worldwide in the home improvement market Leroy Merlin recently
recorded annual revenues in Brazil of almost USD 1.4 billion
Aschheim (Munich)/São Paulo. Wirecard, the global innovation
leader for digital financial technology, and Leroy Merlin have signed
an MOU to expand the e-commerce business of the construction and home
improvement specialist. Leroy Merlin, which is headquartered in
France and is present in 13 countries, is part of the ADEO Group. The
group is the third largest player worldwide in the home improvement
As part of the cooperation, Wirecard will support the marketplace
of Leroy Merlin in Brazil. The B2C marketplace provides a platform
where both in-house Leroy Merlin brands and partner suppliers can
reach shoppers. Present in Brazil with 41 stores and boasting a
portfolio of 100,000 items, the recent overall revenue of Leroy
Merlin in Brazil totaled almost USD 1.4 billion.
"We are excited to continue growing our marketplace solution,
which has already been well-received in Brazil. We have chosen
Wirecard to support our marketplace expansion due to their extensive
know-how in digital marketplaces, both in Brazil and worldwide,"
commented Cristiano Ceravolo Athayde, Head of Marketplace at Leroy
Merlin. "Having invested heavily in our digital expansion, we have
high ambitions for our online solutions. In 2018, we welcomed 10
million visitors to our website each month, and we expect that number
to continue increasing as we improve our product and service
"As e-commerce in Brazil continues to boom, we are proud to be at
the forefront of digital innovation for merchants," added Gabriel
Liotti, Sales & Customer Director at Wirecard in Brazil. "With our
marketplace offering, which can be tailored to the needs of any
business, we are confident that Leroy Merlin suppliers will enjoy a
streamlined and convenient management solution. We look forward to
cooperating further with Leroy Merlin on a global scale."
Wirecard offers its unique marketplace solution to Leroy Merlin,
which includes a split payment solution to manage payments and
commissions for suppliers. In addition, sellers have their own
digital account where they can track orders and payments, all from a
single platform. Through a digital wallet, sellers can also pay bills
and carry out P2P money transfers. Customer payments are protected
thanks to the comprehensive risk management solution, which allows
only authorized transactions to go through, thus increasing the
conversion rate.
About Wirecard:
Wirecard (GER:WDI) is one of the world's fastest growing digital
platforms in the area of financial commerce. We provide both business
customers and consumers with a constantly expanding ecosystem of
real-time value-added services built around innovative digital
payments by using an integrated B2B2C approach. This ecosystem
concentrates on the areas payment & risk, retail & transaction
banking, loyalty & couponing, data analytics & conversion rate
enhancement in all sales channels (online, mobile, ePOS). Wirecard
operates regulated financial institutions in several key markets and
holds issuing and acquiring licenses from all major payment and card
networks. Wirecard AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (DAX
and TecDAX, ISIN DE0007472060). Visit us on www.wirecard.com, follow
us on Twitter @wirecard and on Facebook @wirecardgroup.
About Leroy Merlin:
Consolidated in Brazil since 1998, Leroy Merlin specializes in
construction, finishing, DIY, decoration and gardening. Excellence in
service and product variety make the company a great reference in the
market. According to data from the National Association of Building
Material Traders (ANAMACO) Leroy Merlin is the Home Center retail
market leader. There are more than 100,000 items divided into 15
sectors: building materials, wood, electrical, tools, rugs, ceramics,
toilets, plumbing, gardening, hardware, organization, painting,
decoration, lighting and kitchen. There are 41 Leroy Merlin stores
spread across ten Brazilian states and the Federal District, as well
as e-commerce, which serves the entire country. The stores are
equipped with special services such as DIY table, color factory,
design space, wood and glass cutting, selective collection and
drive-thru. Concern for sustainability is reflected in internal
processes. Effort that is beginning to be recognized internationally.
23 stores have already received AQUA - High Environmental Quality
certification. AQUA-HQE Certification is considered one of the most
important environmental certifications in the world. Created in 2008
by the Qualitel Group, a French enterprise certification body, and
developed and adapted to the Brazilian reality by the Vanzolini
Foundation, it aims not only to rationalize the use of water and
electricity in buildings, but also to promote comfort and well-being
for the surrounding community. For all this, Leroy Merlin stands out
as one of the best employers in the Brazilian retail market, ranking
in the annual Great Place to Work Brazil ranking, published in
partnership with Época Magazine, from 2013 to 2018. It ranked 17th in
the list of the best in 2018.
Wirecard media contact:
Wirecard AG
Jana Tilz
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 4424 1363
Email: jana.tilz@wirecard.com
Leroy Merlin media contact:
Dazz Comunicação
Mauro Rocha
Tel.: +55 (11) 996 850 729
Email: mauro.rocha@daazcom.com.br
Original-Content von: Wirecard AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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