EANS-Adhoc: Atrium European Real Estate Limited / First Half 2019 Results
Geschrieben am 31-07-2019 |
Disclosed inside information pursuant to article 17 Market Abuse Regulation
(MAR) transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution.
The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
St Helier Jersey / Channel Islands -
Atrium European Real Estate Limited- First Half 2019 Results
Ad hoc announcement- Jersey, 31 July 2019, Atrium European Real Estate Limited
(VSE/Euronext: ATRS), (the "Company" and together with its subsidiaries, the
"Atrium Group" or the "Group"), a leading owner, operator and redeveloper of
shopping centres and retail real estate in Central Europe, provides an update on
trading for the six months ended 30 June 2019.
A more detailed announcement providing highlights of the period under review
will be distributed and available, along with the half year 2019 Interim
Financial Report, on the Company's website, shortly after this announcement.
6M 2019 6M 2018 CHANGE
Net rental income 74.6 71.7 4.0%
excl. Russia
EPRA Like-for-Like
net rental income 40.5 39.9 1.5%
excl. Russia
Net rental income 92.4 91.8 0.6%
EPRA Like-for-Like 51.5 51.2 0.5%
net rental income
EBITDA 81.0 80.9 0.2%
Company adj. EPRA
earnings per share 15.4 15.6 (1.2%)
(in EURcents)
Cost of financing 3.1 3.4
(in %)
Average debt 4.9 4.2
maturity (in years)
Net LTV (in %) 39.3 33.5
Further information can be found on the Company's website www.aere.com or for
Molly Katz: mkatz@aere.com
Press & Shareholders:
FTI Consulting Inc.: +44 (0)20 3727 1000
Richard Sunderland/Claire Turvey: atrium@fticonsulting.com
About Atrium European Real Estate
Atrium is a leading owner, operator and redeveloper of shopping centres and
retail real estate in Central Europe. Atrium specializes in locally dominant
food, fashion and entertainment shopping centres in the best urban locations.
Atrium owns 32 properties with a total gross leasable area of over 870,000 sqm
and with a total market value of approximately EUR2.7 billion. These properties
are located in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia, and with the
exception of one, are all managed by Atrium's internal team of retail real
estate professionals.
The Company is established as a closed-end investment company incorporated and
domiciled in Jersey and regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission as
a certified Jersey listed fund, and is listed on both the Vienna Stock Exchange
and the Euronext Amsterdam Stock Exchange. Appropriate professional advice
should be sought in the case of any uncertainty as to the scope of the
regulatory requirements that apply by reason of the above regulation and
listings. All investments are subject to risk. Past performance is no guarantee
of future returns. The value of investments may fluctuate. Results achieved in
the past are no guarantee of future results.
Further inquiry note:
For further information:
FTI Consulting Inc.:
+44 (0)20 3727 1000
Richard Sunderland
Claire Turvey
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Atrium European Real Estate Limited
Seaton Place 11-15
UK-JE4 0QH St Helier Jersey / Channel Islands
phone: +44 (0)20 7831 3113
mail: richard.sunderland@fticonsulting.com
WWW: http://www.aere.com
stockmarkets: Wien, Luxembourg Stock Exchange
language: English
Original-Content von: Atrium European Real Estate Limited, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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