
iPoint Welcomes Dr. Bing Xu as Director of Market Engagement

Geschrieben am 08-08-2019

Xu brings to iPoint 25 years of management experience at Ford

Reutlingen, Germany (ots/PRNewswire) -

iPoint is proud to welcome Dr. Bing Xu as Director of Market

In this newly-created function, Dr. Xu will be responsible for
helping customers leverage iPoint's applications for product and
process compliance, and sustainability. Based in Ann Arbor at the
North America main office, he will focus on the benefits of bringing
compliance further into the product design phase and on the selection
of alternative materials. These concepts allow companies to produce
more technically-advanced products while reducing compliance-related

IMDS Pioneer with Strategic Foresight in Material Compliance

Dr. Xu brings with him over 25 years of experience as Program
Manager at Ford Motor Company. Spearheading Ford's Global Materials
Management (GMM) program in 1997, he was one of the original OEM
members who developed the VDA/EDS system in 1998, which later became
the International Material Data System (IMDS) successfully launched
in 2000. Furthermore, he was Ford's Corporate Global Attribute Leader
for Materials and Substances of Concerns and owner of Ford's GMM
processes/tools - a program which oversaw and managed Ford global
materials approvals, material compliance, material management
processes, and IT tools for all Ford brands and regions worldwide,
covering regulations like ELV, REACH, OSHA, TSCA, CLP, RoHS,
California Proposition 65, or the US Conflict Minerals law. He also
led Ford's team to develop long-term strategies to anticipate and
embrace the upcoming challenges OEMs would be facing in terms of
utilizing material compliance tools to reduce costly non-compliance
risks in early design phases and allow alternative selections of
greener materials.

Influential Industry Association and Committee Experience

Dr. Xu has served in several industry committees, e.g., as
chair/co-chair for the US Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)
IMDS/REACH Advisory Group, the USCAR Vehicle Recyclability Program
and Substance of Concerns committee, and the Global Automotive
Declarable Substance List (GADSL) Steering Group. He was also a
member of the Automotive REACH Task Force and European ACEA work
groups and steering committee member representing the automotive
industry conducting alternative assessments for several substances
led by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Continuing iPoint's Success Story

"Having worked with iPoint's software since 2013, I was attracted
by the company's mission to develop cutting-edge solutions that
support not only compliance with the law, but also the sustainability
of products, value chains, and brands," says Dr. Xu. "I'm excited to
start a new challenge at iPoint and to be part of this established
market leader for product compliance, sustainability, and digital
circular economy solutions. I look forward to contributing to
iPoint's growth and success story."

"We're thrilled to have Bing on board," iPoint CEO Joerg Walden
emphasizes. "His depth of experience, industry knowledge, contacts,
and management capabilities will complement our team in North America
and benefit our ever-expanding customer base from the automotive and
other industries."

- Picture: (http://www.apimages.com) -

About iPoint

iPoint is a leading provider of software and services for product
compliance, process compliance, and sustainability with a customer
base of more than 55,000. Since its founding in 2001, iPoint has been
constantly expanding its portfolio to realize its vision of building
an integrated digital platform for the Circular Economy. Further
information: www.ipoint-systems.com.

Press Contact
Dr. Katie Boehme
Head of Corporate Communications

ots Originaltext: iPoint-systems gmbh
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