
Mindtree Celebrates 20 Years of Continuous Innovation and Client Service

Geschrieben am 14-08-2019

Key anniversary marked by global office expansions, strengthening
culture and award recognitions

Warren, New Jersey and Bangalore, India (ots/PRNewswire) -
Mindtree (http://www.mindtree.com/) this week celebrates 20 years of
providing agile and collaborative technology consulting and services
for enterprises looking to improve business operations and embrace
digital transformation. From its humble beginnings on August 18,
1999, the company has steadily grown into an organization
relentlessly committed to client service driven by forward-looking

Mindtree now has 346 active clients and 37 office locations around
the world, where its more than 21,000 strong workforce of Mindtree
Minds regularly co-create powerful solutions to complex business and
IT challenges.

This year, Mindtree has continued to grow its global footprint,
including the recently opened On-Shore Delivery Center in Alpharetta,
GA, its Silicon Valley Reimagination Center and a larger office in
Minneapolis to support its growing Salesforce practice, Magnet360.
Mindtree plans to open two additional major offices this fall in
strategic locations across the US and Europe.

Over the past 20 years, Mindtree Minds have developed solutions
and partnered with innovative companies to provide the roadmap,
architecture and tools to run their businesses more efficiently and
accelerate revenue growth. Solutions such as QuikDeploy, a
cloud-first accelerator for SAP S/4HANA® deployment, enhanced
relationships with communities like Hyperledger and strengthened
partnerships with Microsoft, SAP, Adobe, Salesforce and Databricks
are the driving force behind Mindtree's success. Mindtree's
leadership in bringing innovative approaches to solving client
challenges have been recently recognized by several leading
organizations, including ISG, Avasant and Zinnov. Earlier this year,
Mindtree was recognized by Lufthansa, the world's largest airline
group, as IT Services Partner of the Year.

"20 years ago this week, an exceptional group of ten people
founded a company with new ideas about how to help large enterprises
use technology for competitive advantage. They were among the first
to harness the power of Digital, while creating a unique culture that
placed a premium on deep expertise and collaborative spirit," said
Debashis Chatterjee, CEO and Managing Director of Mindtree. "As
enterprises worldwide grapple with understanding how they can use
complex technologies like artificial intelligence and machine
learning to run their business better and engage with their
customers, Mindtree is poised to be a strategic partner, to help
guide the way. It's been an incredible journey to this point, yet
we're even more excited by what the next 20 years will bring."

Mindtree has also recently expanded its efforts to give back to
the community through Mindtree.org (http://www.mindtree.org/) - a
social inclusion platform. The five digital platforms cater to
India's informal economic sector, representing millions of workers
such as farmers, artisans and waste pickers striving to increase
incomes and reach end consumers, and who represent the vast majority
of India's workforce. Mindtree's growth has made it possible to
invest in the Mindtree Foundation, which partners with
Non-Governmental Organizations in India, the US and Europe to help
underprivileged communities achieve the education and job
opportunities available to them.

Mindtree has also accelerated its investments in reskilling its
employees through their internal platform, Yorbit. Through the
platform, the company ensures Mindtree Minds stay on the leading-edge
of skill development across a long-term career, with the most
in-demand skills that require human cognition and creative
interactions with people.

About Mindtree

Mindtree [NSE: MINDTREE] is a global technology consulting and
services company, helping Global 2000 corporations marry scale with
agility to achieve competitive advantage. "Born digital" in 1999,
more than 340 enterprise clients rely on our deep domain knowledge to
break down silos, make sense of digital complexity and bring new
initiatives to market faster. We enable IT to move at the speed of
business, leveraging emerging technologies and the efficiencies of
Continuous Delivery to spur business innovation. Operating across 17
countries, we're consistently regarded as one of the best places to
work, embodied every day by our winning culture made up of 21,000
entrepreneurial, collaborative and dedicated 'Mindtree Minds'.

All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their
registered owners.

For more information, contact:

Rahul Nag
Mindtree Ltd

Erik Arvidson

Susie Wyeth

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/633364/Mindtree_Logo.jpg

ots Originaltext: Mindtree
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Original-Content von: Mindtree, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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