
On the Occasion of its 30th Anniversary, Microland Unveiled a Visionary Plan for Enabling Technology to do More and Intrude Less

Geschrieben am 26-08-2019

Bangalore, India (ots/PRNewswire) - During a press event today,
Pradeep Kar, Founder and Chairman, Microland, noted his company's
30th anniversary by announcing a visionary plan for the years to
come. By providing infrastructure that is secure, reliable, and
predictable, Microland enables businesses to optimize internal
processes, interact with clients in innovative ways, and increase the
productivity of their employees. Microland's suite of services is
designed to make humans' relationship with technology more
harmonious: Technology does more and intrudes less.

The new suite of services meets Microland clients' rising demand
for advanced Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), IIoT, Cloud,
and Cybersecurity. Many of these clients are members of the global
Fortune 500 and perceive the application of technology as a key
competitive advantage. As the premier infrastructure technology
provider for enterprises across the world, Microland has been
investing steadily over the last half decade to secure the talent,
skills, tools, and frameworks necessary to re-invent itself - staying
ahead of the curve even as the rate of technological change increases
exponentially. Thanks to this investment, Microland is regularly
sought out and recognized by its clients for expertise in IT
(Information Technology)-OT (Operations Technology) convergence,
embedding automation at the heart of delivery and providing
best-in-class end-user experiences.

"We have laid the groundwork for the next stage of our journey,"
Kar explained to an audience of media, clients, partners, and
employees. "We've made significant leadership additions and
doubled-down on our partnerships, innovation labs, and global
delivery hubs in India, Middle East, UK, and US. As infrastructure
moves from the back office to the edge to being the hub of
Automation, AI, and Machine Learning, Microland's extreme focus on
delivering infrastructure that is 100% reliable 24/7/365 is directly
connected to how our clients show up in a digitally engaged world.
I'm pleased to say that as the premier technology solutions provider
making digital happen for enterprises around the world, Microland is
well-positioned for the future."

Ashish Mahadwar, Microland's President, Global Sales & Marketing,
explained, "Today, as infrastructure blends with Automation and IIoT,
Microland has the agility and innovation to ensure our clients'
embrace of AI, Automation and IIoT is predictable, reliable, stable,
and industry-leading."

Underscoring its commitment to supporting modern digital needs,
Microland's Chief Technology Officer, Robert Wysocki, noted that,
"Microland has observed the steady trend of infrastructure becoming a
commodity and the growth of Cloud. We are now innovating and
partnering around AI, Automation, IIoT, Machine Learning, and Cloud
as well as setting new benchmarks in Cybersecurity that allow us to
support complex windfarms and intelligent factories for leading

"A System Integrator for today's IIoT ecosystem requires a team
with strong IT-OT skills to securely deliver business outcomes and
ROI. We believe that with the investments and alliances that
Microland has made in the recent years, it is uniquely positioned to
be the preferred IIoT services partner for global enterprises," said
Manjanath Nayak, Senior Vice President and IIoT Leader of Microland.

With a 30-year legacy in infrastructure management and its proven
global expertise, Microland is betting on its Indian heritage and
fanatical client-centric culture to deliver a new breed of
predictable, reliable and stable services. It is making digital

About Microland

Microland's delivery of digital is all about making technology do
more and intrude less. As we help enterprises move to nextgen
technologies, we make sure this embrace of brilliance is predictable,
reliable, and stable.

Incorporated in 1989 and headquartered in Bangalore, India,
Microland is comprised of more than 4,500 digital specialists across
offices and delivery centers in Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East
and North America.

For more information, contact madhumita.rishnan@genesis-bcw.com,
or visit the company website at www.microland.com.


Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/965328/Microland.jpg

ots Originaltext: Microland
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