The Second "Beijing Tourism Global Distribution Partnership Summit" held in Beijing with continuous efforts made in inbound market promotion (FOTO)
Geschrieben am 28-08-2019 |
Beijing (ots) -
The Second "Beijing Tourism Global Distribution Partnership
Summit" was held at the Olympic Tower in Beijing on August 27, 2019.
The summit is sponsored by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and
Tourism. It aims to assist the construction of the cultural centers
and international exchanges centers throughout the country and push
forward the "going abroad" of culture and "introducing in" of
tourism. It will build the "Beijing Tourism Overseas Promotion
Partnership Plan" global system through cooperation with global
mainstream channels and renowned travel business people and further
increase the inbound tourism of Beijing and promote the city's
high-quality commercial consuming mode and optimize its tourism
industry structure.
A total of 60 overseas famous tourism agencies from Beijing's
major guest source countries such as the US, Japan, Republic of
Korea, the UK and Germany, representatives from 60 travel agencies in
Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province and 30 media, and representatives
from 40 resource entities including hotels in the tourism resorts
participated the summit. Jun Wang, Deputy Secretary General of
Beijing Municipal Government, attended the meeting and delivered a
speech. Dong Chen, Party Secretary of Beijing Bureau of Culture and
Tourism, awarded the plates for the 30 candidated overseas partners
this year. Yu Song, Director General of the bureau, awarded the prize
for five enterprises winning the excellent overseas promotion plan
The implementation of "Beijing Tourism Overseas Promotion
Partnership Plan" was started in 2018. It plans to spend three years
to recruit 100 overseas famous tourism agencies as official partners
to sustainably expand Beijing's overseas publicity channels, promote
the city's culture and tourism resources to assist the construction
of Beijing International Exchange Center.
Through the implementation of the "partnership plan", Beijing
Bureau of Culture and Tourism, apart from strengthening the
exploration of major guest source market, will cooperate with tourism
enterprises in the countries along the "Belt and Road" Initiative
such as the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Malaysia and Poland to
launch "dual-way interaction" mode. Under the cooperation partnership
framework and through cooperation and exchanges, the plan will
actively push forward the promotion and sales of Beijing's tourism
products in the local market and gain effective feedback data from
the local market.
It is learned that Beijing Bureau of Culture and Tourism had
communicated with all overseas tourism enterprises and required them
to present Beijing cultural tourism promotion plans based on their
local market situations and tourists' characteristics six months
prior to the summit in order to have an in-depth understanding to
overseas tourism operator's demands and suggestions to Beijing-bound
tours. Five of all the 31 plans presented were selected as the best
overseas promotion plans. Moreover, Beijing Bureau of Culture and
Tourism is preparing a more pertinent plan based on the feedback, to
help its partners expand their China- and Beijing-bound tours, and
bolster their cooperation with China- and Beijing-based large-scale
tourist enterprises.
In an interview, Pengcheng Cao, Deputy Director General of the
bureau, said that the organizer would arrange overseas tourists to
investigate Beijing's culture-themed tourist resources and enable
them to immerse themselves in these sources, such as experiencing
China's native brand hotel CHAO and leisure resort Gubei Waterside
Town, binding traditional Chinese books in National Library,
face-to-face communicating with China Acrobatics Troupe and watching
the wonderful performance.
In the future, Beijing Bureau of Culture and Tourism will continue
to make use of the platform to make efforts in the promotion of
inbound market, bring new products of the city's culture and tourism
resources to promote the international attraction of Beijing as a
tourism destination.
Rui Wang
Tel: 0086-10-65158249
Official Website:
Original-Content von: Büros für Kultur und Tourismus Peking, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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