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Vecima Highlights Market Leading Product Lineup at IBC2019

Geschrieben am 12-09-2019

Low Latency Streaming, Content Workflow Automation,
Hyper-converged Media Application Platforms, and Distributed Access
Architecture technology will be showcased

Victoria, British Columbia (ots/PRNewswire) - - Vecima Networks,
Inc. (TSX:VCM), the market leader in content delivery networks and
video optimized storage technologies for service and content
providers, and the industry leader in open, next-generation
distributed access solutions, today announced it will showcase low
latency streaming, content workflow automation, hyper-converged media
application platforms, and distributed access architecture
technologies at IBC2019.

Low Latency Streaming - TruLive(TM)

Vecima's TruLive solution is a suite of advanced features that
dramatically reduce the latency of live streaming IP video over
content delivery networks. With TruLive, high value content is
delivered to your customers faster than traditional digital cable.

Content Workflow Automation - ContentAgent(TM)

ContentAgent automates common tasks such as camera card ingest
into editorial and creating deliverables such as broadcast,
international masters and viewing copies. ContentAgent frees up your
creative resources to focus on storytelling.

Hyper-converged Media Application Platform - MediaScaleX(TM)

The MediaScaleX product portfolio includes Vecima's unique
hyper-converged Media Application Platform, which leverages common
infrastructure for high-end video applications including live and
on-demand content life-cycle management, Time-shifted TV streaming,
Just-in-Time Packaging, Protection, and Delivery to any IP device or
set-top box.

Distributed Access Architecture - Entra(TM)

Vecima's Entra family of products deliver on the promise of
cable's Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) by enabling the highest
possible capacity and interoperability, while continuing to support
high value, legacy services. Node form factors are available to
support a variety of regions, as are industry leading service
assurance platforms custom tailored for DAA environments.

"We're extremely excited about the product lineup we're bringing
to IBC2019. The end-to-end Vecima product portfolio spans from
content ingest to the last mile of the broadband access network,"
said Clay McCreery, Chief Revenue Officer at Vecima. "Our innovation
and solutions are powering some of the most cutting-edge deployments,
and we're proud to partner with the world's leading content and
service providers."

Vecima will showcase their end-to-end solutions portfolio at Stand
1.F40 this week. To schedule an appointment, click here. (https://c21

About Vecima

Vecima Networks Inc. is a global leader focused on developing
integrated hardware and scalable software solutions for broadband
access, content delivery and telematics. We enable the world's
leading innovators to advance, connect, entertain, and analyze. We
build technologies that transform content delivery and storage,
enable high-capacity broadband network access, and streamline data
analytics. For more information, please visit our website at

Vecima Networks
Investor Relations - 250-881-1982

Media contacts:
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry (Vecima's PR agency):
Americas & Asia Pacific: Kerry Quintiliani, +1 310 773 3763
Europe, Middle East & Africa: Philip Iacob, +44 20 7403 887

Vecima's logo and Vecima's product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Vecima Networks, Inc., and subsidiaries,
while all other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective owners.

ots Originaltext: Vecima Networks Inc.(account designation: Concurrent Computer Corporation)
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Original-Content von: Vecima Networks Inc.(account designation: Concurrent Computer Corporation), übermittelt durch news aktuell


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